Урок "A Very Special Day"

Про матеріал

Конспект уроку для учнів 3 класу. Даний конспект ставить на меті видати допомогу вчителеві в підготовці до уроку. Адресовано вчителям англійської мови, які викладають в початкових класах. Різноманітні методи та прийоми роботи, запропоновані в конспекті, спрямовані на збагачення словникового запасу учнів, закріплення та систематизацію набутих знань, розвиток уяви, уваги та мислення.

Перегляд файлу

 Lesson in the 3-d form

Subject: A very special day.

Object:  - to improve knowledge about holidays, using Present Continuous Tense;

  • to teach  to make dialogues, work in pairs and groups;
  • to develop communicative skills;
  • to educate good rules at a birthday party.


І. Introduction

- Good morning!

-How are you?

Pupils gives different answers ( Fine! Great! Perfect! Not too bad! Nothing new! Etc.)

-What day is it today?

-What date is it today?

- What holiday is celebrated today?

-Whose holiday is it?

-What do people usually do  this day?

ІІ Warming- up

T: Now, choose a card where a holiday is written, find the date of  it and in the blackboard make a sentence  about this holiday, but think what season this is.

For example :

St. Valentine’s Day is ____(on the 14 of February).

Pupils work at the blackboard one by one.

Holidays in Ukraine

New Year’s Day

Orthodox Christmas Day

Catholic Christmas Day

St. Valentine’s Day

April Fool’s Day


May Day

Women’s Day

Independents Day

Day of the Defender of Ukraine

Saint Nicolas Day

Children’s Day

Knowledge Day


1 January

7 January

25 December

14 February

1 April

31 October


8 March

24 August

14 October

19 December

1 June

1 September


  • What are winter holidays?
  • What are spring holidays?
  •  What are summer holidays?
  •  What are autumn holidays?
  • What is a special day for you? ( It’s my birthday)

III  Phonetic drills .( Welcome 2, p.b. p.28, ex. 6,trek 51)


His fifth birthday is on

Thursday the thirty-first.

  • When is your birthday? Write the date of it on a shit of paper.

IV. Listening

T:  And now listen to the dialogue.( Welcome 2, p.b. p.27, ex. 7, trek 48)

Complete the dialogue.

A: When’s your ____________________? (birthday)

B: It’s on _______ __________. ( the ninth of August)

      When __________? (yours)

A: On  the 23d of _________________. (September)

 Now talk with your friends.

Ask each other when his or her birthday is.

(work in pairs)

V. Grammar skills.

T:  Today is Oscar’s birthday. His mum and his friends prepare him a surprise party. Look! What are they doing?

Make sentences

Cindy/ write an invitation

Eddy and Wendy/ decorate house

Mom/ make a cake

Lin and Masid / prepare presents

( pupils are working at the blackboard and in the exercise books)

T:  -What  do you like to get at your birthday as a present?

- What do you usually do at the birthday party?

VI.  Rest Pause.

And now let’s sing a song  “ Happy birthday”

Happy Birthday

It’s my birthday!

Hip hip hurray! Happy birthday!

Jump, jump, jump! It’s my birthday!

Hip hip hurray! Happy birthday!

Clap, clap, clap!

I’m six today!


It’s my birthday!

Hip hip hurray! Happy birthday!

Stamp, stamp, stamp!

I’m seven today!


It’s my birthday!

Hip hip hurray! Happy birthday!

Jump, jump, jump!

I’m eight  today


VII. Speaking

T:  Now, guests are coming to the party. But they don’t know each other. Make acquaintance. Interest them about their names, age, when their birthdays are, and then introduce them.

Work in groups.

Pupils take cards. Fill in them, asking each other questions.

Name _______________

From _________________

Age _______________

School ______________





Then, they tell about their partners.


VIII. Summing –Up. Home Assigment.

T: At the end of the party all guests have some cake. All of you take a piece of cake  too. But it’s not only a cake, there is your own home task inside it.

The home task is differentiate by levels:

  • A: to write an invitation to a surprise birthday party;
  • B: to complete a dialogue like in ex.7, p.27;
  • C: to learn a twister ex.6, p. 28.

T: Our lesson is coming to the end.  Goodbye.


24 травня 2020
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