Розробка уроку Doing chores.

Про матеріал
Активізуємо ЛО теми “Doing Chores” за допомогою ігр ; Вчимося ставити питання (How long) та давати відповіді у Present Perfect Continuous за допомогою ЛО теми; Розвиваємо комунікативні вміння учнів; Вчимо учнів працювати у групах.
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                                 THEME: DOING  CHORES


Мета :  -  Активізувати  ЛО   теми “Doing Chores” за допомогою ігр ;


-  Навчити ставити питання (How long) та давати відповіді у    

    Present Perfect Continuous за допомогою ЛО теми;                                 

-  Розвивати комунікативні вміння учнів;

-  Вчити учнів працювати у групах;

-  Виховувати інтерес до навчання.

1) Introduction: Hello! Nice to see you! How are you?

Everyone has chores at home that you need to be done and you

are essential in helping with householding chores, so today we

will continue to speak about them.

 2) Warming – up: - Brainstorm with pupils’ ideas associated with the following words:

English, untidy, notes, show, chores, person, use, tidy up, prefer, clean, buy, school, take care, busy.


- English 7 (2015). (Oksana Karpiuk) page 51, exercise № 8 (a song).

             DO IT NOW

When you have a job that’s not much fun,

And you wonder when you will get it done,

Don’t wait till later – time may not allow!

Don’t wait till later – do it now!

When you have some work that’s not much fun,

A job to do before the day is gone,

Don’t wait till tomorrow –

                        better not delay.

Don’t wait till tomorrow –

                        do it today!

3) Language focus. Absorbing the vocabulary through the matching: (HO1) Match the words in column A with the words in column B. Use your vocabulary if you need. (The words were introduced on the previous lesson).



1) Walk

a)  the laundry

2) Paint

b)  the house

3) Rake

c)  the furniture

4) Hang up

d)  the dog

5)  Do

e)  the laundry

6)  Clean/tidy up

f)  the leaves

7)  Set/Lay (out)

g)  the floor

8)  Mop

j)  the house

9)  Take out

k)  the grass

10) Vacuum

l)  the clothes

11) Dust

m)  the floor

12)  Cut

o)  things

13)  Fold

p)  the floor

14)  Iron

q)  the cooking

15)  Sweep

r)  the trash

16)  Wash

s)  the dishes

17)  Fix

t)  the table

18)  Do

u)  the clothes


(Answers:1-d, 2-j,3-f, 4-l, 5-a,6-b, 7-t, 8- p, 9- r, 10- g, 11-c, 12- k,13-e, 14-u, 15- m, 16- s, 17- o, 18-q).

4) Grammar Present Perfect Continuous . (Game) A pupil comes up the blackboard, takes a card with a phrase out of the box and expresses the action mutely by gestures/actions. The rest of the pupils try to guess the action, asking the question beginning with the question “HOW LONG”.

HOW LONG       HAVE      YOU   BEEN      Ving       ?


If anyone guesses the action, the performer answers I have been V+ing for ....  If pupils do not guess, the performer answers I have not been V+ing   

5) The Verb Game (All the pupils are given the cards with the words


A fox / a  wolf



 Then the pupils go around the class asking each other


the questions Who are you  ……?


In this way they are divided into two teams. The teacher sets the timer for two minutes, each group writes down as many phrases (DOING CHORES) they know, when the time is up, each group reads out the phrases, crossing out anyone that has been already named by the opposite group. The winner is the group with the most phrases!)                                                                                

6) Speaking (team work) - English 7 (2015). (Oksana Karpiuk) page 62, exercise № 7 

(Work in a group of 3-4. Read, then use your imagination to describe your typical day).

● Would you like to have a robot who helps with householding?

● What does it look like? Haw many hands has it got? What about his       

    eyes and belly?

● What is special about your robot? How does it help you?

● Describe your typical day with the robot?

7) Summing-up What activity did you like most at the lesson?

                            Thank you for the work.

                            We have done enough.

                            Your marks today are:…… Open your dairies!














До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
19 вересня 2021
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