Розробка уроку "Great Britain"

Про матеріал
Конспект уроку з англійської мови у 8-му класі з теми:" Great Britain". Може бути використаним вчителями при вивченні даної теми у 8 класі за підручником А.Несвіт, а також в позакласній роботі.
Перегляд файлу

  Клас 8



  Мета:  практична - ввести нові ЛО (географічні назви), вчити вживати у усному мовленні; розвивати лексико-граматичні навички (використовувати артикль the з географічними назвами, будувати вислови про погоду); розвивати уміння читати, cприймати мову на слух з метою вилучення необхідної інформації; тренувати в усному діалогічному та монологічному мовленні ( з опорою, без опори);

          розвиваюча - розвивати здатність учнів до порівняння, висновку, уміння висловлювати своє ставлення до теми;

          освітня – розширювати кругозір учнів про країну, якої вивчаємо;

          виховна – виховувати прагнення пізнавати світ, культуру спілкування.


  Обладнання: карта Великої Британії, символи структури уроку, слова для пошукової роботи, девіз уроку, граматична пам’ятка використання означеного артикля the з географічними назвами.

  Тип уроку: Розвиток умінь усного мовлення                                                                      (з опорою на лексико-граматичні навички).

Хід уроку

 І. Вступ

1. Привітання

Glad to meet you. Today is a nice day, isn’t it? How are you? – I am fine.

2. Введення в іншомовне середовище.

You are at school now and ready to work hard. But what do you like doing in free time?

  • I like taking pictures. There are a lot of photos in my album.
  • I love chatting online where I can meet friends from all over the world.
  • I love drawing. I draw portraits and landscapes.
  • I am fond of music. I’m learning to play the piano.
  • I’m crazy about reading. To my mind the habit of reading is great.
  • I prefer doing sports and attend the wrestling club every day.
  • I love playing computer games. I think it’s the most favourite activity among teenagers.
  • I enjoy travelling. I always can discover the mysteries of the surrounding world.

Do you like travelling? I like travelling very much.

So we are going to speak about a very interesting country.

  • This country is a part of another country.
  • This country is situated on big island.
  • This country is washed by the ocean.

You are right. This is Great Britain.

But when we think about any country we think about some certain things. What are they? Give your associations to the word “country”.(blackboard)

3. Now my dear friends, let’s make some task. I’ll read you the riddles and your task is to guess the word and to write the first letter of it on the blackboard.

The riddles

  1. It is green and everywhere on the ground seen. (Grass)
  2. It is a very beautiful sweet smelling flower, a flower of love, but with thorns. (Rose)
  3. This is the biggest animal in the world that doesn’t live in water. (Elephant)
  4. This fruit grows on an apple-tree. (Apple)
  5. A hot drink that is made of leaves and is very popular with British and all over the world. (Tea)
  6. The animals that can fly. (Birds)
  7. In Ukraine it’s the Dnipro, in Britain it’s the Thames. What’s this? (River)
  8. It is cold and very tasty. It can be vanilla, chocolate and with jam. (Ice cream)
  9. A person who teaches you at school. (Teacher)
  10. They also live on the earth but they are not people. (Animals)
  11. The international computer net. (Internet)
  12. 1,2,3,4,5… They are … (Numbers)

Now you know the topic we are going to speak about. It is Great Britain.

4. Пошукова робота

Look at the words on the blackboard

          has   ‘body’   country   own   “soul”.   and    Every   got    its

Use the prompts to make the saying.

         Every country has got its own “body” and “soul”.

The body of the country is its geographical names.

 I hope, you remember when you should use the definite article the  with geographical names (oceans, seas, rivers, mountain ranges, island groups). Remember to use the article where necessary. If the name of the state consists of several words, it is used with the article “the”: The United Kingdom.  Great Britain is the name of an island, that’s why it is used without an article.

So, we use the article ‘the’ with:

  • the chains of mountains;
  • the channels, rivers, seas, oceans;

We do not use the article with:

  • the names of the mountains;
  • the names of the lakes;
  • the names of the islands.


5. Now when you know the name of the state, look at the screen. Listen to the information of this country and then be ready to correct the mistakes in the sentences.

Now look at the sentences and correct them if necessary.

  1. There are five different countries in the United Kingdom.
  2. Altogether more than 56 million people live in Britain.
  3. Northern Ireland is situated in the northern part of Britain.
  4. The territory of the United Kingdom is about 422 square kilometers.
  5. The capital of the country is London.


  1. OK. Let’s move on and add some facts about the geographical position of the state. Please read the texts and get ready to tell the class what you have learned.

Good job! And now after intensive work I am sure you need some rest. Let’s play “Bingo!”.  Draw a model for the game. As you remember it is a table of nine cells. Then put down some nine geographical names in them. (5 min)


the Wye

Ben Nevis 


the Atlantic Ocean


the English Channel

Loch Ness

the Pennines

the Irish Sea

Now I read you the names and if you hear one from your table, cross it. If you have horizontal, diagonal, or vertical crossings, rise your hand and say “Bingo!”. The first is the gold winner and the second and the third are silver and bronze winners. (1 min)

The English Channel, the Lake District, the North West Mountains, the Atlantic Ocean, the Irish Sea, the Thames, Loch Ness, the Strait of Dover, Snowdon, British Isles…

Now tell me, what geographical names are the most difficult for you to read and remember? Let’s all together pronounce them again. (1 min)

  1. Well, I think that you were really working hard at the lesson. We have learned many facts about this country. And if you were attentive, it would be easy for you to pass the test. Open your exercise-books and write down the word ‘Test’. It will be a multiple choice test. Choose ‘a’, ‘b’, or ‘c’. (5 min) presentation test.




До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
10 серпня 2019
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