"Креативність – одна з головних освітніх компетенцій. Міфи про креативність. Революція в навчанні."
Цілі уроку:
Завдання уроку:
О.: Ladies and gentlemen! We are glad to see you at our lesson! Today we’re talking on school problems of teenagers. As this question is actual and popular. I’d like you to know your opinion.
O.: And what does the word «School» mean for you?
Today we’ll talk about school and teaching of 21 century. You must learn the main skills for people in 21 century.
First lets work with word cloud.
ok. Your task is to watch the video and talk on infographic.
According to this lets talk about 21 century skills.
Робота з буклетом.
So watch the video about 21 century education.
What is 21st century education
So, lets read the article about creativity and facts about it. Ex.2 p.137
Ok. Next we remember present tenses and do some exercises.
1. Controlled Practice Complete the phrases with the correct tense of the verb in bracket.
major reorganization and we _____(be) all happy now.
2.Think of your own day. Describe 4 actions by making sentences in which your use all the Present Tenses (eg. I work in the Sales. I have finished to work just 2 hours ago. Today I have been dealing with a great challenge and I’m tired. I’m going home at 11 pm tonight….)
Read the text ex.2 once more and do ex.3 p.139
Ok. Today we talk a lot about 21 century skills. But not only this is important. Watch next video
Now lets read about A Revolution in Knowledge Sharing. Ex.4 p.140
5. Підведення підсумків уроку
What have we done?
P. We have listened…, read…, do… .
I hope you have got to know useful information, which you will need.
6. Домашнє завдання
7. Оцінювання
Your marks for today’s lesson are…. The lesson is over. Goodbye!