Розробка уроку на тему: "Свята в Україні та в США"

Про матеріал

Тема:Національні свята в США та в Україні

Мета: практикувати учнів в аудіюванні та читанні текстів з метою отримання загального уявлення та максимально повного й точного розуміння усієї інформації, що в них міститься.

Підготувати учнів до самостійного усного висловлювання на основі прослуханого й прочитаного текстів.

Виховувати в учнів почуття поваги до традицій та звичаїв країни, мова якої вивчається.

Перегляд файлу

Тема: Національні свята в США та в Україні

Мета: практикувати учнів в аудіюванні та читанні текстів з метою отримання загального уявлення та максимально повного й точного розуміння усієї інформації, що в них міститься.

Підготувати учнів  до самостійного усного висловлювання на основі прослуханого й прочитаного текстів.

Виховувати в учнів почуття поваги до традицій та звичаїв країни, мова якої вивчається.

Хід уроку.

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

The topic of our lesson is "National Holidays in Ukraine and in the USA". Holidays are special days of celebration that form an important part of every country's culture. American and Ukrainian holidays come throughout the year and in all varieties. Today you will learn about the different types of holidays that Ukrainians and Americans celebrate.
Answer the questions:

Do you celebrate your birthday?

When is yours?

Do you celebrate a Mother's Day?

Do we have holidays especially for men?

When is it?

II. «Улюблені свята в Україні»

Основна частина уроку.

1.  Пред'явлення тексту для аудіювання "National Holidays in Ukraine".

Holidays are very pleasant days, because people don't have to work and they have opportunity to relax, meet friends, give presents to one another, and everybody is in cheerful mood. The major holidays оf Ukraine are: New Year's Day, Christmas Day on the 7th of January, Women's Day, Easter, Victory day, the Day of Independence and the Day of Knowledge.

We begin celebrate New Year's Day on the 31st of December. People decorate their fir-trees, lay festive tables and at 12 o'clock everybody raises a glass of champagne to see the New Year in.

On the 7th of January it is Christmas Day. It is a religious holiday. The "holy supper" on Christmas Eve is a meal of 12 meatless dishes on the festive table.

March 8 is Women's Day. It is a nice spring holiday when men give presents and flowers to their wives, sisters, mothers and girl friends.

Another great national and religious holiday is Easter. It is on Sunday between April 4 and May 8. It is the feast of Christ's resurrection. The symbols of Easter are pasky (traditional Easter bread) and pysanky (decorated or coloured Easter eggs). They are blessed in churches.

Every year on May 9th the Ukrainian people celebrate Victory Day, the holiday of victory over fascist invaders in Great Patriotic war. People Jay flowers to the tombs of the people who died in the war. War veterans are greeted and there is a salute and fireworks in the evening in main city squares and parks.

The Day of Independence is celebrated on the 24th of August. On that day our country was declared independent.

On June, 28 we celebrate the Constitution Day. On that day in 1996 Verhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Constitution - the Fundamental Law of the country.

2.   Роздатковий матеріал

Listen to the text and match the pairs



January, 1


The day of Constitution


January, 7




March, 8


Victory Day


between April, 4 and May, 8


The Independence Day


May, 9


Christmas Day


June, 28


Women's Day


August, 24


New Year's Day

3. Контроль  тексту.
What are the major holidays in Ukraine?(Speaking, Dialogues)

Is New Year's Day a Family Day?

When do the Ukrainian people celebrate Christmas?

How many meals does the traditional "holy supper" consist of?

When do we celebrate Women's Day?

On what holiday pasky and pysanky are blessed in churches?

When are war veterans greeted?

What nation-wide holiday is the most important?

  1. Tell your pen-friend in America about National holidays in Ukraine.  Use these questions as a plan.
  2.   Now we shall speak about American holidays.

Complete the diagram about types of American holidays. Fill in the names of the holidays.










Earth Day Independence Day New Year's Day

Easter Memorial Day Presidents' Day


Federal Holidays

Patriotic (Events)

Thanksgiving, Veterans Day

Patriotic (People)

Columbus Day Martin Luther



Special Days

Labour Day




Hanukka, Passaver


St. Patrick's Day

Special Days

April Fools'

Father's Day



 Halloween Mother's Day Valentine's Day

6. Answer the questions:

What are federal holidays in the USA?

Name Religious Holidays (Patriotic events, Patriotic people, and special days).

What are celebration days?

7. Reading. Work in pairs. Practice prepositions of time by asking and answering questions about the American holiday calendar. Listen to the question your partner asks. Circle the letter of the best answer, fill in the correct preposition and answer with a full sentence.

Follow the example:

Student A asks:  When is Independence Day?

Student В responds:     It is on July fourth, (circles b, filling in on)

Student A asks: When is Thanksgiving?

Student В responds:   It is on the fourth Thursday of November.

III. Заключна частина уроку.

  1. Hometask: ex.47, page 53 translate into English, using the text 44, page 53.or find information about holidays in the USA or prepare a presentation on the topic.
  2. Summarizing.

Підбиття підсумків уроку.

What have you learnt about holidays in two countries?

What are they?

Are they the same or different?