Розробка уроку "Різдво в світі та Україні"

Про матеріал
Розробка уроку з методикою перевернутого уроку, де діти передивляються відеоматеріал вдома, а на уроці закріплюють матеріал інтерактивні вправами для змішаного та дистанційного уроків.
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 Lesson plan template

Use these headings to plan and design your lesson.

• Class: 7

• Level: A2, Pre-Intermediate, 12-13

• Topic: Christmas Traditions

 • Overview:

       Before the lesson students will learn new words on the topic;

watch the video about Christmas traditions in different countries;

do research about Christmas traditions in Ukraine (surf the Internet and interview relatives and friends).

       During the lesson will practice new vocabulary on the topic;

          develop their listening and speaking skills;

       After the lesson will be able to analyze information about Christmas traditions in different countries and present information about Ukrainian traditions


 - to develop students’ critical thinking skills of comparing and contrasting traditions in different countries;

- to develop students’ tolerance to different Christmas traditions and their attitude to this holiday;

- to develop students’ listening and speaking skills using Christmas vocabulary.


Students will be able to present final results on the research concerning Christmas traditions in the world and in Ukraine having surfed the Internet materials, watched the video to the topic and interviewed relatives and friends.

Digital literacy: meaningful usage of phones and computers, students will be able to define key-words for searching specific information and evaluate the credibility of sources. 

Autonomy: students will do individual research before the lesson and then compare and analyze the information during the lesson.

Time: 45 minutes

 Resources: video for flipped task YouTube (https://youtu.be/yYCFCjoiozA?si=idovgqGI2OKbaJbC)

 video for warming-up (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kHH6LJpEbQ)

online flashcards Flashcards - Quizlet (https://quizlet.com/862068486/flashcards/embed?i=5k5uzs&x=1jj1) ,                                                  vocabulary     practice



Pre-lesson task:

-         students will learn the words on the topic (The flipped task is given to students as flashcards in Quizlet)


-         students will practice vocabulary in Flippity


-         students will watch the video about Christmas traditions in different countries on YouTube (https://youtu.be/yYCFCjoiozA?si=idovgqGI2OKbaJbC)

-         students will do research on Christmas traditions in different countries and in Ukraine on the Internet


  1. Warming-up. The students are watching the video and tell about their feelings and emotions (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kHH6LJpEbQ)
  2. Lead-in. The students are watching the pictures and telling how these items are connected with Christmas. (https://view.genial.ly/657765fca944160014bad66a/interactive-image-interactive-image)
  3. Developing listening skills

Checking listening comprehension. Matching the names of the countries with Christmas traditions. https://wordwall.net/uk/resource/65359697

  1. Developing speaking skills.

The students exchange the results of their research about Ukrainian Christmas traditions in groups and present them in Canva. (Students are working in break-out rooms)

(https://www.canva.com/design/DAF24Vdfv9o/cl5v4HflEdn43XOpKCYN6w/edit?utm_content=DAF24Vdfv9o&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton )

  1. Reflection and feedback

Questionnaire in https://www.menti.com/alwtodi4ygc1

Post lesson task: Students go on working on the topic at home. They write invitations to their Christmas celebration. (Students are free to choose digital tools to create their invitation cards).



До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
3 січня 2024
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