Розробка уроку з англійської мови дя 10 класу на тему : "Мистецтво "

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Розробка уроку з англійської мови для 10 класу на тему : " Мистецтво" за підручником Англійська мова О. Карпюк. Розробка містить лексичний та граматичний матеріал , ігри
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 10 Form

Art. Paintings. Art Museums.


Aims : to revise and to enrich students` vocabulary  on the topic;

-to develop reading , listening , speaking ,writing skills;

- to provide students with additional information about our Ukrainian contemporary  compatriots , painters;

- to stimulate students` creative thinking;

- to encourage group and pair work

Learning outcomes : By the end of the lesson students will be able to distinguish

genres of paintings , to get acquainted with a new style of painting ,to know more

about art museums , about local museums and local painter , about museum etique-

tte , to describe paintings , to be  a museum guide , to create their own work of art.

Equipment: interactive board , handouts , video, Power Point presentation,

paintings of different genres , portraits of painters , pencils , paints , brushes, can-

vas ,on-line interactive  game KAHOOT(Art)



  1.               Greeting

Warm up

-T: Good morning . glad to see you.

How are you today ?

-S1- I am fine . S2- I am nervous . S3 – I am excited…

-T. – I am excited too. So , let`s relax . Let`s do  a massage , drawing ma-


Students are standing in two lines , looking at the blackboard .The last in

line student draw some drawings (tree, flower, sun, furtree ,cloud)on the back of a  student standing before him. The first in line has to draw this picture on the blackboard.

  •                   So ,we have got a picture .

II. The main part of the lesson

1.Introducing the topic

-T; The topic of our lesson is “Art”. “Paintings  And Art Museums”

-T; Do you know what does the word “Art “ mean?

Slide 1 The Oxford  Dictionary of Current English by Horby  gives us the

following definition: “ Art is the creation or an expression of what is beautiful , especially in visual form. Really , when something is extremely

beautiful or has a great cultural value , we say: “ It`s art”.

-T.: We live in a time of  endless wars , economical and political crises , in

a time of ignorance and intolerance cruelty and violence. We are sick and tired of  it and we want to escape from our daily monotonous routine , to wash away the dust from our souls and hearts and art will help to do this .

-So , the motto of our lesson is : “ Beauty will save the world” 

  1.               Check up homework . Project work.

T.: Your homework was to find out  :Why do people like art?  And find some quotations about art . So , let`s listen to them. Two groups make presentations

of their projects. Here are some of them:

--As I work at my drawings, day after day, what seemed unattainable before is now gradually becoming possible. Slowly, I'm learning to observe and measure. I don't stand quite so helpless before nature any longer.
― Vincent van Gogh in "Lust for Life"

A work of art which did not begin in emotion is not art.
― Paul Cezanne

Art is never finished, only abandoned.
― Leonardo da Vinci

There is no must in art because art is free.
― Wassily Kandinsky

To my mind a picture should be something pleasant, cheerful and pretty. There are too many unpleasant things in life as it is without creating still more of them.
― Pierre-Auguste Renoir

Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth.”
 Pablo Picasso

“A painter should begin every canvas with a wash of black, because all things in nature are dark except where exposed by the light.”
 Leonardo da Vinci

“I dream my painting and I paint my dream.”
 Vincent Willem van Gogh

“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”
 Pablo Picasso

“A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul.”
 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Art is the only serious thing in the world. And the artist is the only person who is never serious.”
 Oscar Wilde

“ Art is long and life is short”  - H. Longfellow

T.: Do you agree with these words?

S1: I agree with this saying. No doubt  man`s life is too short but the creations are powerful. Centuries will pass but the masterpieces of these brilliant artists will live forever.

3.Speaking  . The role of art in our life

    Group 1

- S1.All kinds of art can affect our mood in a positive way, making us feel happier, calmer, or even inspired to do something.

- S2.All kinds of art enrich our inner world and give us new knowledge about surrounding world.

- S3.In my opinion, art is an imaginative reflection of reality,

- S4.Art plays a great role in our life  it makes us think about significant problems and things, happening around us, till art excites human mind and does not leave us indifferent

-S5.Art can make us smile or cry, love or hate, be glad or be worried. It can inspire or make us pluck up our courage when we are spiritually and morally broken.

-S6.Through art, we gain a better understanding of cultures, history and traditions;

-S.7Art makes us think of the sense of life, how people must live, what is ideal of beauty, what is love the eternal questions. Art helps us to understand people who lived hundred years ago and to learn the history of the humankind. Art creates our notion about beauty and harmony. Art helps people to understand outside world and each other. Art develops our good qualities. Art has a great educational significance. Art brings people up - makes them more humane and kind.

-S.8Some art is very dark and can cause disturbing emotions, anger or even depression but we can choose what kind of art we want to be surrounded by in our own environment at home to make you feel good. All kinds of art can affect our mood in a positive way, making us feel happier, calmer, or even inspired to do something.

Group 2

1.- Art is used as a tool for beautification

2. - Art gives us joy


4. - Art gives us confidence

5. - Art improves our creativity

6. - Art is very important to kids.

7.- Art allows kids to express themselves freely compared to mathematics or science. Art requires no formula therefore it allows kids to express themselves authentically without fear of being criticized. Kids who study art are very creative, and they are very fast at solving problems.  8.-Arts relieves stress.

9. - Arts gives us the opportunity to showcase our talent.

10.-  Arts helps us do well academically.

11 .-Trust me, just a few hours of art will help you relieve stress and give you happiness. With that your mind will be clear, and that would help you focus on your studies, and that would help you get good grades. If you don't do art for few hours, your mind would be stressed and you wouldn't be able to focus and do well.

11.- Arts helps us to communicate with other people.

12.- Arts helps us learn visually . Art helps us to express our emotions

13.- Art is a different language

14.-Art says things that even words cannot say. You don't need a language to understand Art. Just a small painting, can express a lot of things without words.

15.-Arts is not a waste of time. It is not useless. Arts are very essential to our lives. Yes, I may not get a wonderful job, but as long as it gives me happiness, and gives the best out of me, and at least getting some payment, what's the problem?

4. Vocabulary  revision

T. : Our  lesson is devoted to painting - the most understandable way of art ,

because it gives us the most full and vivid impressions.

-So , let`s revise the vocabulary. How can we call  a work of art ?

S1- A painting , S2 – a masterpiece , S3;- a picture, S4:- a piece of art S5:- a work

S6: - a canvas .

T.:- What are main genres of painting?

Two teams have to write down on the blackboard as many genres as they can ( for 2 minutes)

5. Introducing  a new style of painting.

T.:-And now I would like to draw your attention to one more style of painting.

        Ivan Marchuk , a renowned and brilliant Ukrainian artist , a founder of his own art style “ Pliontanism” ( from Ukrainian “ pliontaty”- to weave, knit).He had not recognition in Ukraine. But Marchuk continued his  artistic experiments despite being rejected by the Soviet system. In 1988 , he decided to seek peace in Australia , America and Canada. Only there he realized that he could devote all his time to his work and stop “fighting windmills”.

          The author works tirelessly to create his own art technique , which he names “Pliontanism”. Instead of painting with the usual strokes , he traces and weaves amasing lace networks on his canvas .

6. Matching a picture and its genre .( both teams have definitions of genres and paintings)

T.; But who created all these masterpieces ? Name the painters you know.

7. Game “ Hot potato”. ( Students pass the ball and name painters)

8. Speaking  . Dialogues

T.Where  can we see the works of these prominent artists ?

S-s.: - At the art museums, at the art galleries and art centres , in private collections.

       T. :- So , we are going to visit art museum or art gallery. But before going to the museum we need some information: the information  about  exhibitions , working hours , the admission.

Students make up dialogues (They  find some information in the internet)

- Hello, is it the art museum( picture gallery) ?

-  Yes, it is Metropolitan museum.

-  I`d like to visit your museum ( your gallery).

-  You are welcome.

- What exhibitions are on now?

- The exhibition of modern American painters .” Art Of Native America “

- Is the museum open every day?

- Yes, we work every day except Monday , from 9 a.m till 6 p.m.

-  How much is the admission ?

- Do you want a guided tour ?

-  No, thanks.

- The admission is 25 $ for adults ,12 $ for students and for children under 12 the

admission is free .

- Thank you .

- We are waiting for you.

9.Reading .T: And one more thing. It is very important to know the museum etiquette (How to behave in a museum) Revision.


  •                 Please leave your backpacks and water bottles in one of the group bins in the museum lobby.
  •                 Stay with your group at all times.
  •                 Please do not bring food or drinks into the galleries. Don’t chew a gum or candy.
  •                 Please silence your smartphones, refrain from texting, and refrain from having conversations during a guided tour.
  •                 Always walk (never run) in a museum.
  •                 Please do not lean on exhibit displays.
  •                 Be quiet.
  •                 Please do not touch objects or press buttons in the galleries.
  •                 Photographs are OK, but do not take photographs during  guided program. In general, visitors may take photographs in the galleries as long as no flash, lights, or tripod are used. Videotaping is not permitted. Photographs may not be reproduced, distributed, or sold without permission .Please enjoy yourselves and remember to ask questions!

10.  Listening .T: Let`s go to the art museum. We are going on a virtual tour. Video” Top ten Masterpieces in the world”.

  1.               Pre listening activity. Teacher is giving instructions. Students are given handouts.

T: While watching and listening you are to match a masterpiece, a painter and museum in which this painting is displayed.

2. Listening and matching.

3. Post listening activity.

Check up the task students have done. Students one by one come up to the interactive whiteboard and do the matching, the rest of the students check themselves and correct mistakes.

 11. On-line interactive educational game KAHOOT (Art)

12. Developing speaking skills . T.: And now let`s try to be a guide at the museum and describe some paintings. Students one by one speak about their favourite paintings.

13. Grammar . Revision . The Conditionals II

        If+ Past Simple , Would/Could + Infinitive

 Remember: “were “is used instead of “was”

    Students are sitting forming a circle, teacher gives them the first sentence

    If I were a painter , I would paint a landscape. Students have to continue in a logical order .

S2: -If I painted a painting , it could be a masterpiece. S3:- If it were a masterpiece , I would sell it. S4:- If I sold it , I would have some money. S5: If I had some money, I would travel around the world. S6:- If I travelled around the world, I could see a lot of picturesque places. S7: -If I saw a lot of picturesque places, I would paint new masterpieces. S8:- If painted new masterpieces, I would be famous.S9: If I were famous, I could sell my painting. S10:- If I sold my painting , I would earn a lot of money. S11: If I earned a lot of money, I would be rich. S12:- If I were rich, I would buy a villa in Maldives. S13:- If I bought a villa in Maldives, I would bathe in the ocean every day . S14: -If I bather in the ocean every day, I would be happy. S15:- If I were happy, my dreams would come true.

14. Art Therapy.” Picasso dictation”.

  T: What do we need to create a painting?

S-s:- brushes ,a pallete, a canvas, paper,  an easel, paints, pencils, crayons ,charcoal, chalk, pastels,  a wish and a talent.

T.- Now we will try to create a portrait

Students take sheets of paper and  pencils. Teacher dictates what to draw and students draw.

After finishing drawing , students compare their pictures with the original and then place them on the blackboard and arrange the exhibition.

III .Conclusion

Summing up

T. All of you worked hard today . You were active and I wish you with the help of art and your intelligence transform a yellow spot into a sun , a green spot into a tree , or grass , a blue spot into a sky , ocean , sea or a river.

Homework : to tell about impressions of visiting museum.

Feedback: Leaving the classroom students stick the images of smiles , expressing

different emotions.








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