Розробка уроку з англійської мови за темою "Favourite and the most honourable traditions of your coevals – English teenagers " 8 клас

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Тема: « Favourite and the most honourable traditions of your coevals – English teenagers » Мета і задачі: 1) познайомити учнів з найбільш улюбленими традиціями англійських підлітків; 2) удосконалювати мовленнєві вміння учнів, сприяти розвиткові комунікативних умінь учнів за темою та формуванню соціокультурної компетенції, розширювати лексичний запас учнів; 3) збагачувати емоційну сферу учнів, розширювати світогляд, стимулювати інтерес учнів до вивчення предмета.
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з теми «Favourite and the most honourable traditions of your coevals – English teenagers»

8 клас






Автор: вчитель англійської мови

КЗО «СЗШ №97 імені П.І. Шкідченка» ДМР

Щерба Ірина Олександрівна











Тема: « Favourite and the most honourable traditions of your coevals – English teenagers »



Мета і задачі:    1) познайомити учнів з найбільш улюбленими традиціями англійських підлітків;


2) удосконалювати мовленнєві вміння учнів, сприяти розвиткові комунікативних умінь учнів за темою та формуванню соціокультурної компетенції, розширювати лексичний запас учнів;


3) збагачувати емоційну сферу учнів, розширювати світогляд, стимулювати інтерес учнів до вивчення предмета.



Обладнання:  ілюстрації та повідомлення учнів за темою; телевізор; DVD-програвач; відеозапис виконання шотландського танцю; запис пісні «Yesterday» («The Beatles») (караоке).




Хід заходу


Presenter 1: Dear friends! Today we are glad to see you at our meeting. We are having a thematic party “ Favourite and the most honourable traditions of your coevals – English teenagers”. We are going to get you acquainted with some holidays, traditions and customs of English children. You’ll learn how they celebrate them and maybe you’ll participate in some of their games.


Presenter 2:  As you know every country has its own traditions and customs. In Britain traditions play a very important role in the life of people mostly because the British people are very conservative. They are proud of their traditions and keep them carefully for hundreds of years.

                      So we are going to present you some of the most popular English traditions. And you will learn some interesting facts from the history of English customs.


Presenter 1:  A group of English pupils have just arrived to Ukraine on the invitation of the Ukrainian- British Youth Association and now they will share their knowledge about English holidays and traditions with us.

(Учні по черзі виходять і розповідають про те, як в Англії проводять свята та які звичаї зберігають)


Pupil 1:  On Sundays theatres and shops are closed, people do not get letters and newspapers. Very few trams and buses run in the streets of London on Sundays.


Pupil 2:  Seven times a year the offices and banks in England are closed on Monday and no one works in them on these days. These public holidays are known as Bank Holidays. No business houses and factories are open on these days.


Pupil 3:  On Bank Holidays Londoners like to go out of the city into the open air. They go to the seaside or to one of the big parks. Many families take a basket and put their lunch or tea in it. They will sit on the grass under a tree and have their meal in the open air.


Presenter 1:  I know that the English people  as many people in other countries like to collect different things: pictures, toys, coins and banknotes, pipes, badges, stamps, plates and dishes, etc.


Presenter 2:  By the way, do you know that the first stamp in the world was an English stamp? And why do children all over the world like to collect stamps?



Pupil 4:  Really, the first stamp in the world was made in  England in 1840 to pay the postage on letters going to different parts of the country. Since that time the collecting stamps has become one of children’s hobbies. Stamps have pictures on them of the countries they came from; pictures of animals and birds; and pictures showing the peoples of different countries, dressed in their national costumes.

A stamp-collecting is not only a good textbook of history and geography. It is also a source of information on many other subjects.


Presenter 1:  Well, and if a person wants to learn better English way of life, what should he do?


Pupil 5:  If you want to learn English way of life, you must do some things. Firstly, you must come to England. Secondly, you must study English. Thirdly, you must have some hobby to get acquainted with somebody else.


Pupil 6:   Indeed, a lot of foreign students come to England every year. They want to improve their English. That’s why there are summer schools all over the country. Such kind of schools are very popular among teenagers because the students have many opportunities there to practice the language they want to learn.

Pupil 7:  Contacting with the students from different countries the English teenagers learn foreign language too. In England secondary and summer schools also suppose for students many different sports: soccer, cricket, hockey, tennis, volleyball, basketball, rugby and handball.


Presenter 1:  As far as I understood the English teenagers are interested in   different spheres of life. They are fond of music, too.


Presenter 2:  But early in the 20th century, Britain was described by foreigners as “the land without music”. Isn’t strange?


Pupil 8:   You are right. It is difficult to believe this now. First-class concerts are given in London and other big cities of Great Britain; big provincial towns have their own orchestras; several music festivals are held every summer; concerts of serious music can be heard on the radio.


Pupil 9:   Choral singing is very popular in Britain and especially in the north of England and in Wales. Dancing is as popular as singing.

            (Відеозапис шотландського танцю)


But music is liked very much by young people is “pop” (popular), rock, hard-rock, rock-n-roll, rap, R-N-B, etc.


Presenter 1:  Of course, we can’t mention the most popular group in rock music history. It’s “The Beatles”.


Presenter 2:  Beatlemania is again sweeping the country…


         (Учні співають під караоке пісню групи «Бітлз», «Yesterday»)


Presenter 1:  But British music is performed by many other well-known groups which  enjoy great popularity among young people.


Presenter 2:  You know such groups as “ Depeche Mode”, “ The Prodigy”, “ The Spice Girls”, “ Rolling Stones”, “ Metallica”, “ Black Sabbath”, etc.

                      And now we suggest you a music quiz.


  1. When and where was “The Beatles” born? ( In 1962; in Liverpool )
  2. Who wrote most of the Beatle’s songs? ( J. Lennon and P. McCartney )
  3. Which one of the Beatles was murdered by a fan? ( J. Lennon in 1980 )
  4. Modern popular music of a simple kind with a strong beat. (Pop)
  5. A type of pop music in which the words of a song are spoken in time with music that has a steady beat. It is performed by black people. (Rap)
  6. A British rock group who first gained popularity in 1963. Their leade singer is Mick  Jagger. (“Rolling Stones”)
  7. This style of popular modern music is based on rock-n-roll, usually played on electrical instruments. (Rock)
  8. A style of music that was popular especially in the 1950s. It was first made popular by Bill Haley and Elvis Presley. (Rock-n-roll)



Presenter 1:  So, we see that you know a lot about musicians and styles of music. And now I would like to listen to your story about one tasty custom – celebration of Pancake Day.


Pupil 10:  Pancake Day is celebrated on Shrove Tuesday in spring at the beginning of Lent. Lent is a period of 40 days before Easter.


Pupil 11:  On this day in England families usually have pancakes for dinner. At school the children and teachers have pancakes for dinner, and in restaurants customers ask for pancakes, too.


Presenter 2:  Do you know that in England people not only eat them but race with them?

A cook tosses a pancake high into the air. The boys fight for the pancake. The winner is the boy who gets the biggest piece of the pancake.


Presenter 1:  But this list of English traditions isn’t complete.


Presenter 2:  Maybe you know some interesting customs in Great Britain else. What are they?


Pupil 12:  May Day is celebrated in spring. On this day the girls wear their best summer dresses and put flowers in their hair. The most beautiful girl is crowned as the May Queen.

In many village schools a maypole ( a tall pole decorated with flowers, long and bright ribbons) is put up and children dance around it.


Pupil 13:  Every year a large number of veteran cars drive from London to Brighton. Veteran cars are those which were made before 1904. The run takes place on the first  Sunday in November. The drivers are dressed in the clothes of those times. The oldest cars move in front. The run is not a competition but a demonstration.


Pupil 14:  The English celebrate Halloween on the 31st of October. In the evening boys and girls put on different old and funny clothes or costumes of a witch or a ghost and wear masks. They take with them a lantern made of a pumpkin. In an empty pumpkin they cut out slits for two eyes, a nose and a mouth and put a lighted candle inside. So the pumpkin looks like a face. People call it jack-o’-lantern. Children go from house to house, knock at the doors and call, “Trick or treat?” People ask them to come into their houses and give them candies, fruit, cakes and other tasty things. Halloween is a nice holiday.


Presenter 1:  So, these are some of the numerous customs and traditions of t              he English people; some glimpses of their rich spiritual life.


Presenter 2:  Thank you for your participation in our meeting.

                     And now we wish you all the best!




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