Розробка уроку з англійської мови за темою "Music Styles " 8 клас

Про матеріал
Мета і задачі: 1) надати інформацію про вже відомі учням музичні стилі та познайомити їх з новими музичними стилями; повторити алгоритми утворення речень в Passive Voice та закріпити ці знання через тренувальні вправи; 2) продовжити формувати навички усного мовлення; удосконалювати техніку читання та тренувати учнів в аудіюванні; 3) виховувати культуру спілкування, повагу до поглядів та смаків інших людей, естетичний смак.
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Розробка уроку

з теми «Music styles»

8 клас






Автор: вчитель англійської мови

КЗО «СЗШ №97 імені П.І. Шкідченка» ДМР

Щерба Ірина Олександрівна













Тема: «Слухаючи музику»


Підтема: «Музичні стилі»


Мета і задачі:    1) надати інформацію про вже відомі учням музичні стилі та познайомити їх з новими музичними стилями; повторити алгоритми утворення речень в Passive Voice та закріпити ці знання через тренувальні вправи;


2) продовжити формувати навички усного мовлення; удосконалювати техніку читання та тренувати учнів в аудіюванні;


3) виховувати культуру спілкування, повагу до поглядів та смаків інших людей, естетичний смак.



Обладнання:  підручник А. Несвіт «English» (8 кл)

наочний матеріал (ілюстрації та плакати із зображеннями представників різних музичних напрямків);

граматичний матеріал довідника в підручнику;

індивідуальні картки;

комп’ютер, записи музичних зразків різних стилів.


Тип уроку:  комбінований



Хід уроку




  1. Greeting (Привітання)
    • Good morning, the eighth form! How are you today?
    • We are fine, thank you!
  2. Aim. (Мета)
    • Today we are going to discuss your attitude to music of different styles. We’ll discuss different styles. We’ll discuss different styles of music and describe pictures which are associated with styles of music. And we’ll revise grammar material in Passive Voice. But now we are going to check up on your Home Task   1. Open your textbooks on page 92. Your home task was to do ex.1.
  1. – A lot of people listen to music while doing other things. Do you? Let’s check it. You can see five situations. We need two pupils for every situation: the questioner and the answerer. So,…. , you are the questioner  and , …. , you are the answerer for the first situation.
  1. – Do you listen to music while you are studying?

- As for me, I don’t like to listen to music while I am studying because it

exasperates me.




  1. --Do  you listen to music while you are exercising?

      – In my opinion, it’s a pleasure to do exercises to music.



  1. -- Do you listen to music while you are eating?
    • No, I don’t like to listen to music while I am eating because it’s uncomfortable and impossible to eat normally.


  1. -- Do you listen to music while you are having a break at school?


  • As for me, I like listening to music while I am having a break at school, because      music gives me positive emotions.


  1. -- Do you listen to music while you are having a shower?
    • No, I don’t. As for me, music prevents me to have a shower. I like to do it in   silence.





1)   – And now let’s talk about the styles of music using the words from the box of   ex.2 , p.92. Who wishes to tell us your own dialogue?


                                                 № 1

A: -- I think listening to classical music creates good mood while we are eating. Do you agree with me?

B: --  I don’t think so. I like to eat in quiet because music prevents me from conversation with my companions.



                                                  № 2


A: -- I like to listen to music at the breaks at school. Especially  I like to listen to rap.                        My favourite  group is ….  What about you?

B : -- Oh, I don’t like to listen to rap. I prefer to listen to rock music, but sometimes I can listen to blues. It depends on my mood.


                                                    № 3


A: --  You know, I like to listen to pop music while  I am having a shower. It creates a very relax atmosphere after working day. Do you think so?

B: --  I agree with you. Although I like to sing while  I am having a shower. But my neighbours can’t appreciate my music talent…



  1. Listening Comprehension


                       --- Imagine that some English teenagers arrived to our city. They were invited to visit our school. Now they are at our English lesson and they are going to tell us about different music styles. Nevertheless their interpreters came with them, your task is to try to understand the content of their reports.



                                                  POP STYLES


  • THE BLUES: traditional Black American music. “Blue” means “sad”, and many blues songs are about how hard life is.
  • GOSPEL: originally sung by African slaves. The happy, emotional songs are still heard in churches in the southern USA.
  • RHYTHM AND BLUES:  black workers in the USA moved from farms to cities. They mixed the Blues with Gospel  and played it with electric guitars – this became “rhythm and blues”.
  • ROCK AND ROLL: white teenagers in the 1950s discovered rhythm and blues, but many radio stations would not play “black” music. Elvis Presley was one  of the first singers to mix rhythm and blues and country and western. The result was “rock and roll”.
  • BRITISH BEAT: the Beatles  in the 1960s mixed rhythm and blues, rock and roll, and soul music. The new style was “beat” music. Groups used drums, bass and two guitars with vocal lead and harmony.
  • HEAVY METAL: a style based on blues and rhythm and blues , but with the electric instruments amplified so they are very loud.
  • REGGAE: this started in Jamaica and is a mixture of music from African roots and rhythm and blues. Bob Marley made it popular.
  • RAP: in the 1980s DJs in American clubs began half singing and half talking over instrumental records. This is called “rap”. West African speech rhythm survive in rap.
  • JAZZ: an American musical art form which originated around the beginning of the 20th century in African American communities in the southern United States from a confluence of African and European music traditions.



  1. Vocabulary Practice


--- Look at the photos of ex.5, p.94 and say what styles of music they are associated with.



* To my mind picture B is associated with the traditional Black American music – the Blues.


  • As for me, I think the singer on photo C is Elvis Presley. And he sang rock’n’roll.
  • As far as I know the inscription above the stage on photo D applies to Black Metal.
  • In my opinion picture E is associated with country and western.
  • As for me, picture F is associated with rap.


  1. Grammar Revision

--- Let’s come back to checking up on your Home Task № 2.


  1. – The task was to put the verbs in the brackets into the correct tense form and voice. It is ex.9, p.95. (Учні зачитують речення вправи.)
  2. – Let’s sum up the construction of the Passive Voice reading the rules in Grammar Reference on p.211. (Вчитель коментує матеріал, який подано в граматичному довіднику підручника.)
  3. --- And now let’s play the game “Change the Voice”. You can see the cards with the task before you. There are two variants in these cards. The pupils of the first variant have to change the sentences using the Active Voice. And the pupils of the second variant must change their sentences using the  Passive Voice. Every variant has to  change four sentences.







  1. Change the following sentences using the



  1.                    The book was read by all our pupils.


  1.                    The letter was written by my old friend.


  1.                    Which article was translated by your



  1.                    This article will be read by every student at    the


lesson on Tuesday.




  1.                    John wrote the letter.


  1.                    Fire destroyed the house.


  1.                    The teacher corrected our exercises at home.


  1.                      The teacher will tell us an interesting story.








  1. Homework


   -- Your homework will be ex.2, p.96. You’ll have to make up your own dialogue according to the questions in the table. You will work in pairs.



E.g.:  A: When do you listen to music?

          B: I listen to music in my free time, but not every day. What about you?

          A: I listen to music every day.

          B:  What is your favourite kind of music?

          A:  I like pop and classical music. And you?

          B:  My favourite kind of music is classical music.

          A:  Who is your favourite  musician (singer; composer)?

          B:  My favourite composer is Alex Rybnikov.

          A:  Do you usually listen to music on the radio, on TV, on CDs or at concerts?

          B: etc.




2)  Summarizing


a) ---  Today we have revised the grammar material “The Passive Voice”. We also knew a lot of interesting information about music styles.  What music styles have we learnt?


 ---  Let’s play the game “Guess the  Music Style”. You’ll listen to different music patterns and try to guess what music styles they are. (Звучать записи зразків різних музичних стилів. Учні повинні назвати, який це музичний напрямок)


b) Pupils’ marks and their comments.






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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
10 січня 2021
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