Розробка уроку з англійської мови за темою "Їжа" (А. Несвіт, 7 клас)

Про матеріал
Узагальнення лексико-граматичного матеріалу за темою «Їжа» Мета і задачі: 1) узагальнити лексико-граматичний матеріал за темою «Їжа» шляхом розвитку навичків усного і писемного мовлення; 2) розвивати навички аналізу, логічного мислення, уваги; 3) виховувати усвідомлене ставлення до здорового способу життя, виховувати культуру спілкування.
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Розробка уроку

з теми «Їжа»

за підручником А. Несвіт, 7клас






Автор: вчитель англійської мови

КЗО «СЗШ №97 імені П.І. Шкідченка» ДМР

Щерба Ірина Олександрівна









7 th Form


Тема: «Їжа»


Підтема: Узагальнення лексико-граматичного матеріалу за темою «Їжа»


Мета і задачі:    1) узагальнити лексико-граматичний матеріал за темою «Їжа» шляхом розвитку навичків усного і писемного мовлення;


2) розвивати навички аналізу, логічного мислення, уваги;


3) виховувати усвідомлене ставлення до здорового способу життя, виховувати культуру спілкування.



Обладнання:  конспект уроку; наочний матеріал

( ілюстрації за темою «Їжа»), картки із завданням.


Тип уроку:  узагальнення та систематизація знань, умінь, навичок.



Хід уроку




  1. Greeting (Привітання)
    • Good morning, everyone! How are you today?
    • Good morning! We are fine, thank you!
  2. Aim. (Мета)
  • Today we are going to speak about food, eating habits and practice some grammar. But our lesson will be unusual. It will be a lesson – contest between two teams.


  1. Warming up. (Фонетична розминка)
  1. – Let’s read the words following the rules of reading.

  [  ] : jam, salad, carrot, cabbage.

  [  ] : cup, butter, lunch, supper, hungry.

  [ I ] : drink, dinner, fish, milk.

  [ i:] : meat, bean, meal, cream, ice-cream.

  [ou]: road, boat, coat, coach, toast.

  [d ]: Jane, January, jacket, jam, juice.


  1. Listening Comprehension


  • Do you know how many times a day the English people eat? What do they eat for breakfast, dinner or supper? Is their food healthy? If you want to know the answers these questions listen to some interesting information about the English meals.




     There are four meals a day in an English home: breakfast, lunch, tea, and dinner.

      Breakfast is the first meal of the day. It is at about 8 o’clock in the morning, and consists of porridge with milk and salt or sugar, eggs – boiled or fried, bread and butter with marmalade or jam. Some people like to drink tea, but others prefer coffee. Instead of porridge they may have fruit juice, or they may prefer biscuits.

      The usual time for lunch is 1 o’clock. This meal starts with soup or fruit juice. Then follows some meat or poultry with potatoes – boiled or fried, carrots and beans. Then a pudding comes. Instead of the pudding they may prefer cheese and biscuits. Last of all coffee – black or white. Englishmen often drink something at lunch. Water is usually on the table. Some prefer juice or lemonade.

      Tea is the third meal of the day. It is between 4 or 5 o’clock, the so-called 5 o’clock tea. On the table there is tea, milk or cream, sugar, bread and butter, cakes and jam. Friends and visitors are often present at tea.

      Dinner is the fourth meal of the day. The usual time is about 7 o’clock, and all the members of the family sit down together.

      Dinner usually consists of soup, fish or meat with vegetables – potatoes, green beans, carrot and cabbage, sweet pudding, fruit salad, ice-cream or cheese and biscuits. Then after a talk they have black or white coffee.

      This is the order of meals among English families. But the greater part of the people in the towns, and nearly all country-people, have dinner in the middle of the day instead of lunch. They have tea a little later – between 5 and 6 o’clock, and then in the evening, befor going to bed, they have supper.

      So the four meals of the day are either breakfast, dinner, tea, supper; or breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner.










1) - Thank you  for such an interesting and useful information.

      And now I would like to introduce the first team. Its members are the pupils of the first variant. It’s called “Dream Team”.

      The members of the second team are the pupils of the second variant. It’s called “Good Mood”.

      And dear judges will announce the results of our rounds.

      Open your exercise-books and write the date of our today’s lesson.

     As you see, the teams are ready!


  1. – So, the first task is to look at the pictures and say what products or dishes you can see on them.


 DREAM TEAM: cabbage, potatoes, butter, eggs, fish, sugar, milk, coffee, salad, pasta.

 GOOD MOOD: carrot, bread, ice-cream, juice, meat, salt, cheese, tea, soup, pizza.


  • Well done!


  1. – The  second task of our competition is answering the questions. Every team must answer the questions of the team-rival.


     GOOD MOOD :


  1. What can we drink?
  2. What is sweet?
  3. What do we make from fruit?
  4. What  do you often eat or drink?
  5. What do villagers not buy?
  6. What does your family buy and  what it doesn’t buy?
  7. What do you not buy every day?
  8. What are you going to buy after school on the way home?
  9. What do you need to eat fish?
  10. What do you need to put salad or some other food on?



        DREAM TEAM:


  1. What can we eat?
  2. What do we usually cook at home?
  3. What do we make from vegetables?
  4. What must people eat every day?
  5. What do people who live in towns buy?
  6. What do you buy every day?
  7. What did you buy yesterday?
  8. What do you need to eat meat?
  9. What do you need to eat soup?
  10. What do you need to drink milk, coffee or tea?


  1. – Our next round is called “Choose the Necessary Word”. Every team will get 5 sentences and choose the necessary word in brackets.  One participant from every team comes to the blackboard and write down the necessary word on it. The rest pupils write down them in their exercise-books.

              Start working!


      GOOD MOOD:


  1. Mother gave me a cup of (carrot;  milk).
  2. Nelly brought a pail of (cheese;  potatoes).
  3. Do you like much (sugar; salt) in your tea?
  4. We usually have fish with (jam; potatoes).
  5. Don’t forget to put (butter; pudding) into the poultry.





  1. Vadym Petrovych bought a box of (meat; sweets) for his wife.
  2. She put (sugar; salt) into the cabbage soup.
  3. Father always drinks coffee with (butter; milk) in the morning.
  4. Will you bring me a plate of (juice; soup)?
  5. Mother often fries (potatoes; oranges) for dinner.


  • Time is up! Check your answers.



  1. – And now, dear friends, listen to the task for the next round. You have to complete the sentences using  prepositions “in”, “on”, “with”, “from”, “for”, “of”. Every team has to complete 4 sentences.

                Start working!


        GOOD MOOD:


  1. We ate soup … these spoons.
  2. The child always drank milk … that cup.
  3. I shall buy some marmalade… my grandmother.
  4. Pete brought a pail … cold water to the travelers.



           DREAM TEAM:


  1. I put some salad … his plate.
  2. Father doesn’t like milk … his coffee.
  3. There is no salt … the cabbage, you forgot to put it.
  4. We started our breakfast … porridge.


      –Time is up! Check your answers.


  1. – It’s time to begin our fifth round. I propose you to make up  the dialogues and reproduce them in groups. Every team has to make up two dialogues. Let’s see who the best actors are.


                                                 № 1

A: – What shall we have for breakfast?

B: – Let’s have two eggs, bread and butter, jam and a cup of tea.

A: – And what about you?

C: – I think I’d like a cup of milk.


                                                  № 2

A: – What shall we have for lunch?

B: – Let’s have soup, fried potatoes and some juice.

A: – And what about you?

C: – I think I’d like a cup of coffee.


                                                    № 3

 A: – What shall we have for dinner?

 B: – Let’s have soup, fried potatoes and a cup of coffee.

 A: – And what about you?

 C: – I think I’d like some cheese.


                                                  № 4

 A: – What shall we have for supper?

 B: –  Let’s have some bread, jam and a cup of milk.

 A: – And what about you?

 C: – I think I’d like some juice.








  1. – In the sixth round I would like to check your attention and memory.    You’ll have the opportunity to show your erudition. You  have to give the best Ukrainian equivalents to English proverbs about food.



  1. Eat at pleasure, drink with measure. (Їж досхочу, (а) пий вміру.)
  2. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.  ( Їж по яблуку в день, і лікар не знадобиться.)
  3. Hunger is the best sause.  ( Голод – найкраща приправа //найкращий кухар.)
  4. Neither fish nor flesh.  (Ні риба, ні м’ясо.)
  5. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.  ( Щоб дізнатись, який це пудинг, треба його скуштувати. // Все перевіряється практикою.)
  6. To make an omelet without breaking eggs.  ( Готувати яєшню, не розбиваючи яєць.// Добитись чогось, не витрачаючи сил та коштів.)



  • So, let’s score.

The score being … : …  The team “…..” won. I would like to present all the participants and the judges with small presents (sweets and apples).

       Thank you for your participation in our contest. Thank our dear judges and the fans for their fruitful work and support.

        The most active pupils will get good marks. They are ……





1)  Summarizing.

  • Today we spoke about food, our eating habits and practiced some grammar. I hope our lesson was interesting and useful for you.


  1.             Hometask.
  • Open your day-books. Your hometask is to repeat lexical material on the topics “Our Family And Friends”, “ Food”.

           Is your hometask clear for you?


         The lesson is over. Good bye!







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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
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