Розробка уроку з використанням ІКТ на тему « Засоби масової інформації у нашому житті. Телебачення: за і проти»

Про матеріал

Урок проводиться із використанням інтерактивних технологій та комп'ютерної підтримки .У формі рольової гри учні знайомляться із меседжем від популярного телеведучого , який пропонує їм провести дискусію на тему « Чи згодні ви з тим , що рівень розвитку суспільства демонструється завдяки ЗМІ?» На плідну роботу учнів налаштовує пропозиція від ведучого для найактивніших учасників дискусії. Учні пропонують свої ідеї для розв'язання певних проблем, проводяться дискусії щодо найпопулярніших ЗМІ у нашому житті та про їх вплив на життя людей.

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Криворізька загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів № 68




Розробка уроку з використанням ІКТ на тему

   « Засоби масової інформації у нашому житті. Телебачення: за і проти»






вчитель англійської мови

               вищої категорії

 Савченко Вікторія Григорівна




Кривий Ріг


Mass Media  In Our Life

Television: pros and cons

Suggested level – B1

Form 9

Viktoria Savchenko,

a teacher of English,

school # 68,

Kryvyi Rih


  • Вчити учнів вживати лексичні одиниці з теми в усному та писемному мовленні, розпізнавати на слух, одержувати основну інформацію з   прослуханого, прочитаного, обмінюватись інформацією; розширити уявлення учнів про засоби масової інформації ,  їх роль  у нашому житті ,про позитивний та негативний  вплив телебачення .
  • Розвивати й вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення, кмітливість, здібності до порівняння, логічного викладу думок.
  • Сприяти розвитку толерантності при спілкуванні , заохочувати учнів до  вивчення англійської мови ,розширення власного світогляду.


Обладнання: комп’ютер,мультимедійний проектор, презентація до уроку, відеозаписи, аудіозапис, картки , схеми та презентаційні слайди.

Завдання уроку:

  •  Перевірити рівень опанування учнями лексичного матеріалу з теми «Засоби масової інформації. Телебачення» , їхнє вміння розуміти прослухану інформацію, читати тематичні тексти, висловлювати власні думки і припущення , підводити підсумки на основі прочитаного  та прослуханого через рольову гру та за допомогою використання комп’ютерної підтримки.



І. INTRODUCTION. ( 3 minutes)

T: Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you! 

Look at the board, let’s watch the video!

(Watching flash video about mass media   )                            ( Додаток 1) .

T: What do you think, children, why have I chosen this video?

S: This video is very suitable for the topic of our lesson!

T:  Welcome to our unusual lesson that is connected with Mass Media in Our

life !

II. Warm-Up (1 min)

Do you agree with the words

“ Knowledge is life. The more informed you are, the better you are in making the best decision” Lailah Gifty Akita,   African writer( Slide 2)


Today you will:

  • Revise your vocabulary on the topic
  • Listen and read the texts and do the tasks
  • Speak about the role of mass media and television
  • Discuss on their role in our life

Hold your hands to send a message” Good luck”

Exercise “Sending a Message( 1 minute)

( Pupils hold hands together and ‘send a message’ with the help of their hands)

T: Why have we done this exercise?


 T: What day is it today ? O’K, write down the date in your copy-books!


Watching the photos of TV journalists    (1 min)                   (Slide 5,6  )

T:Do you know these people , pupils? What do they do ?

( Opra Winfrey, Phill Donahue ,Sophie Aldred, Bill O'Reilly)

S: He is an American media personality, author, journalist and political commentator !

T: Yes, you are right! He is best known now as the host of the TALK  SHOW O'Reilly Factor” We’ve got an e-mail message from Bill O'Reilly too.  

 Let’s read his  message and be ready to answer my questions.

 (The pupils read the message on the board)

Reading.  ( Slide 7,8)  ( 4 minutes)                       

                                    Message From   Bill O'Reilly

Dear students! Welcome to” The O'Reilly Factor” .

Bill Gates, Frank Lampard, Mark Zuckerberg ,Shakira,  Britney Spears. Do you know them? I am sure that you do. So, why do you know them? They aren't Ukrainians, but they are famous in your  country too. Why are they so popular?

Mass media is a correct answer! It’s well-known that mass media  are widespread throughout the world and they begin to play  more and more important role in our life. So, what is mass media? What is  its real role in our life? Do you agree that the level of world development is shown by the mass media?

 I’m going to make a programme on the topic” Television brings more harm than good”. It’s very interesting for me to know your opinion. The most skillful students will be greatly surprised!

 After-reading activity.

T:  Who is the message from? ( from Bill O'Reilly)

What show will we take part in? ( ” The O'Reilly Factor”    )

T:What questions do we have to discuss according to his e-mail letter?

S: What is mass media ? What is  its real role in our life?  Is level of world development  shown by the mass media? Whether television brings more harm than good ?

T: What interesting idea is in the end of his letter?  

S: The most skillful students will be greatly surprised. T: So, let’s start!

Exchanging information  ( 2 min)

T: Children !Yesterday I asked you to find some interesting facts in Mass Media, who wants to share your information with us?

 T: O’K! Boys and girls! What sources did you use to find information?

S: TV, press, the Internet


Vocabulary Revising (Slide 11,12,13,14) ( 3 minutes)


T: What do we mean when we say mass media?( pictures)       


( radio, television, newspapers, journals, the Internet )

T:What kinds of journals can you see?

S: magazines, tabloids, journals

T:What’s the difference between them?

S:Tabloids and magazines contain mostly photos and ads.



Try to find the Ukrainian equivalents


1. searching for information

a)   головний канал британської телерадіокомпанії

2.advertising time

b) шукати інформацію


c) рекламний час

4. to attract the viewers

d) aмериканська громадська служба телетрансляції


e)приваблювати глядачів



Key: 1b),2c),3d),4e), 5a)                                                                                                                     

1.to exchange links

a)   запустити, розпочати

2. to broadcast

b) обмінюватись посиланнями

3. internet version

c)  транслювати

4. gossip

d) інтернет версія

5.to launch

e) плітки

   Key: 1b),2c),3d),4e), 5a)                                                                                                                     



Writing    ( Slide 15)  ( 3 min)

T: As you remember, I asked you to revise grammar material for the lesson

( Defining and Non-Defining Relative Clauses). Now, look at the blackboard , make up your own sentences .


1.Vkontakte is a popular site among teens

2.Tabloid is a paper

3.They had a meeting with Ihor Kolomoyskyi

4. Pershyi Natsionalnyi is a state –run TV channel of Ukraine

5.BBC 1

Key 1b,2a, 3c, 4e, 5d





a)contains mostly pictures, ads,gossip etc.

b)belongs to Mail.Ru Group.

c)is the owner of 1+1 TV channel

d) is the British Broadcasting Corporation in the UK , was launched on 2 November 1936.

e)programs are oriented at all social layers of the Ukrainian society and national minorities.


 Role-Play  the Talk Show “ Ukraine Is Speaking ” ( 10 min)


T: Let’s imagine we are at the studio of the talk show “Ukraine Is Speaking”. Some pupils had special home task , so let’s invite them. All the rest are the viewers , let’s divide into 2 groups this group will be for TV the others –against! Be attentive!

 Let’s take our remote control ,the programme is on air!


T: Thank you dear hosts, guests of the studio, your programme was very entertaining and useful! So, what is your decision: is TV for good or does it do  more harm?

S: It’s for good but we don’t have to watch it for long…







Relaxation Break. Singing a song “I ‘m beautiful”. ( Додаток 4)

        ( 1 minute 30 seconds)


You are welcome a special guest of the programme . ( photo on the screen) Do you know her ?

S: Christina Aguilera!

T: Yes! Christina Aguilera with her song  “I’m beautiful! Let’s sing with her!

( Flowers  for singer)

T: Christina, take a sit  with us…


Listening “  Interview with the  native American ” (3+ 5 min)


T: Now , children, let’s take  the remote control , the next TV programme is on! It’s the Interview with the  native American. This is Madelyn, listen to our conversation and then try to agree or disagree and complete the ideas on the cards.

Prelistening Activity


Entrepreneur -підприємець

Mark Zuckerberg – Марк Цукерберг

Rank -посідати якесь місце



Watching Video Interview  (3 min)

Nice to meet you, Madelyn, can you tell us where are you from? What do you do  ?

I was born in Los Angeles, California I’m the English tutor here.

So, we would like to know what are the most popular kinds of mass media in the USA?

…..It’s newspapers, magazines, journals,radio ,television, the Internet , but of course television is in the first place I mean all kinds : commercial, public, state television

Let’s speak about public TV in America!PBS!

M; Yes. PBS, Public Broadcasting Service is non commercial, but public television, PBS began operating  in   1970. It’s one of the most reliable national institutions of the USA. PBS broadcasts programs for adults, for children, sports and news programs….

Thanks, Madelyn, when we speak about the internet as Mass Media, what do we mean?

M:We mean the internet editions  of press and social networking in some way, for example, Facebook

O’K Facebook, let’s speak about it


M:Well,it is an American   social networking service based in  California, United States. The Facebook website was launched in 2004, by Mark Zuckerberg, American computer programmer, internet entrepreneur. He is quite young , he is 32 but his net worth is estimated to be US $55.3 billion in October 2016, ranking him as the 5th richest person in the world.

Nowadays  Facebook may be considered more than Mass Media for  more and more people get news from Facebook cos its very convenient , they exchange links with information and read newspapers and journals online.

Madelyn, what would you like to wish our pupils?

M: Dear children , try to use all possible resources to become well informed and well educated citizents of Ukraine!

Thanks a lot  ,Madelyn,for the interview, thank you for coming!


After Listening Activity  ( Slide 18)      (5min)

1.Agree or disagree


  1. Madelyn is from the United States and she is a tutor now.
  2. Newspapers, magazines, journals, radio ,television, the Internet

are very popular kinds of Mass Media only in the USA.

         3.Television is the most popular kind of Mass Media in US.

         4. Only public TV is popular in America.

         5.PBS is a non commercial , but public television in the US.

         6.BBC is  one of the most reliable national institutions of the USA.

         7. Facebook  was launched in 2005 by Mark Zuckerberg.

         8. Mark Zuckerberg is considered to be the 1st richest person in the world.

         9. People  exchange links with information and read newspapers and journals on Facebook.

Complete the sentences

         10.   PBS was founded in …

         11.People   exchange links with information and read newspapers and journals on …

     12.Madelyn advised to use all the sources to…


Teacher takes pupils cards and asks some questions about the interview.

1.So, when was Facebook lauched?

2.How old is Mark Zuckerberg?Is he rich?

3. What was Madelyn’s advice to you?

T: So, let’s  make a conclusion! What can we do with the help of mass media?                  ( 2 min)


   Become better informed                                                            relax,entertain ourselves

Search for

information(Internet) become educated


     useful information                                                                                                       



 T: Great! Pupils!    You have very good arguments! Do you agree that mass media is only for good?

S 1: We are lucky to live and study today, when there are a lot of  kinds of mass media in the world, but It’s very important to learn how to use them in   life and to concentrate on searching the information for studying and expanding our horizons!

T: Great! Thank you! You are right!

T: Good for you! Children, as for surprise from Bill O’Reily.  Be attentive!

 Message 2 ( from Bill O’Reily )  (Slide 10)  ( 30 seconds)

Dear students!  During the lesson you had  a casting! The most skillful students will go to the USA to take part in my show!

III. Summing-Up. ( Slide 11) ( 5 minutes)

T:So I have  the invitations to the show and  your plane tickets ,have a nice trip to the USA!

T: Well! Who was the most skillful today and what marks have you got?

Method “Press”. Complete the sentences:

  • Today at the lesson I have known that… (Bill O’Reily   is a presenter of  TV show in the USA.  Mass Media are really useful in our life  because of many reasons)
  • I know such  words as …(digital radio advertisements, prime time, links, gossip,etc )
  • Now I know…( that  D .Trump is the new president of the USA, Kolomoiskyi is the owner of ……
  •  I also know that  one African writer  once said “Knowledge is life. The more informed you are, the better you are in making the best decision” and I agree with hese words)
  • The lesson was ( wasn’t) interesting because…(The lesson was really interesting because we  felt ourselves in the real studio, discussed on  the role of mass media in our life, watched  the video, worked in groups)
  • In my opinion , my mark is… 

( The pupils are proposed to show their roles at the lesson with the help of the hands. Exercise ”Measuring My Results”)

IV. Home Assignment.( Slide  ) (1 minute)

Prepare your own report about the role of mass media or television in our life, your own presentations.

T: I liked your work at the lesson, you were very active and full of energy! Our work was really fruitful! Thank you, children! Good bye!


















  • Береза З.О.To Use Or Not To Use? Чи ще раз про ІКТ.//Англійська мова та література.2014.-№ 30.-С.2
  • Карп’юк О.Д. Англійська мова: Підручник для 10-го класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів.Рівень стандарту.-Тернопіль: Видавництво “Астон”,2010.
  • Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, New edition,2003
  • Методика навчання іноземних мов і культур: теорія і практика / за загальн. ред. С.Ю.Ніколаєвої. – К. : Ленвіт, 2013.  
  • Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary: International Student's 8th Edition  ,2010
  • Перегінчук Н.Д.Особливості використання комп’ютерних технологій для навчання учнів іншомовного читання.// Англійська мова та література.2014.- № 30.-С.8













The O'Reilly Factor” D:\новые Вика документы\Photo for  the lesson\о рейли.jpg


The O'Reilly Factor” D:\новые Вика документы\Photo for  the lesson\о рейли.jpg


The O'Reilly Factor” D:\новые Вика документы\Photo for  the lesson\о рейли.jpg





The O'Reilly Factor” D:\новые Вика документы\Photo for  the lesson\о рейли.jpg






Audition . Mass Media in the USA                          Form  9A  

                                                                                 Student’ Name____________

1.Agree or disagree ( True/False)


  1. Madelyn is from the United States and she is a tutor now.
  2. Newspapers, magazines, journals, radio ,television, the Internet

are very popular kinds of Mass Media only in the USA.

         3.Television is the most popular kind of Mass Media in the US.

         4. Only public TV is popular in America.

         5.PBS is a non commercial , but public television in the US.

         6.BBC is  one of the most reliable national institutions of the USA.

         7. Facebook  was launched in 2005 by Mark Zuckerberg.

         8. Mark Zuckerberg is considered to be the 1st richest person in the world.

         9. People  exchange links with information and read newspapers and journals on Facebook.

Complete the sentences

         10.   PBS was founded in …

         11.People   exchange links with information and read newspapers and journals on …

     12.Madelyn advised to use all the sources to…



 Audition . Mass Media in the USA                          Form  9A  

                                                                                 Student’ Name____________

1.Agree or disagree ( True/False)


  1. Madelyn is from the United States and she is a tutor now.
  2. Newspapers, magazines, journals, radio ,television, the Internet

are very popular kinds of Mass Media only in the USA.

         3.Television is the most popular kind of Mass Media in theUS.

         4. Only public TV is popular in America.

         5.PBS is a non commercial , but public television in the US.

         6.BBC is  one of the most reliable national institutions of the USA.

         7. Facebook  was launched in 2005 by Mark Zuckerberg.

         8. Mark Zuckerberg is considered to be the 1st richest person in the world.

         9. People  exchange links with information and read newspapers and journals on Facebook.

Complete the sentences

         10.   PBS was founded in …

         11.People   exchange links with information and read newspapers and journals on …

     12.Madelyn advised to use all the sources to…




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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
10 січня 2018
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