Розробка завдання для розвитку навичок аудіювання з англійської мови

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Listening Comprehension Worksheet                                     Name_____________ 

                               A Little Grey Bird



Task I  True(T) or False(F)


1.  The little bird is not happy because she is not beautiful and small.

2. One evening the little bird sits in a tree near a blue river.

3. The moonlight sings about how wonderful it is to play with a bird.

4. Every night the bird flies to the lake to hear the songs of the moonlight.

5. At first her voice trembles like the moonlight on the waves.

6. You can hear the bird's songs when the evenings are cold and the moon isn't bright.


Task II  Complete the sentences


(nightingale, bright, small,  voice, little bird, comes, moonlight, dances, beautiful,lake, warm)

1. The bird is not happy because she is very_____________  and not _______________ .

2. The moon ______________ and its silvery light ______________ on the blue waves.

3. Every night  the______________flies back to the _________to hear the songs of the__________  .

4. At first her______________ trembles like the moonlight on the waves.

5. You can hear the bird's song when the evenings are__________  and the moon is __________  .

6. It is the __________.


Task III

The text is about

a) a small grey bird who tries hard to sing like the moonlight.

b) the moonlight that sings about how wonderful it is to play with the waves.

c) a bird who sits in the trees all day and at night goes out to fly.



Хоменко Надія
18 квітня 2018
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