Розробки уроків для 7 класу на тему: "Household Work"

Про матеріал
Цикл уроків по темі: "Хатня робота" для учнів 7 класу за підручником О. Карп'юк. В цій темі вивчається Present Perfect Continuous на основі лексичного матеріалу по темі "Household Work". В розробці надано логічно підібрані вправи для вивчення та закріплення лексико-граматичного матеріалу. Вправи з підручника доповнені тестовими завданнями, віршами, додатковими текстами з різними видами роботи.
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7 Form. Урок 1. Тема: Хатня робота.


Мета: зробити аналіз КР, ввести нові ЛО по темі, розвивати навички читання та усного мовлення, прививати любов до праці, виховувати повагу до інших, ввести новий граматичний матеріал – Present Prefect Continuous та закріпити його на практиці.

Обладнання: підручник, карточки, пісня.

Хід уроку:

І. Вступна частина:

1. Оргмомент.

2. Аналіз КР.

3. Лексична зарядка – Good Habits. (match the word-combinations)  Додаток № 1. Бесіда про робочий день (звернути увагу на домашні обов’язки учнів).

4. Фонетична зарядка – пісня – This is the way…. (Діти записують на дошці словосполучення, що вони допомагають вдома по господарству батькам. Потім ці словосполучення використовуються для пісні:

This is the way I sweep the floor,

Sweep the floor, sweep the floor.

This is the way I sweep the floor

Every day in the morning.


- sweep the floor;

- wash up;

- vacuum the carpet;

- water the flowers;

- lay the table;

- feed the animals;

- sweep the yard;

- make the bed;

- pick up the apples;



ІІ. Основна частина:

1. Впр. 1 ст. 52 – читання діалогу.

- Pre-Reading Activities:

1) Describe the people and predict what the dialogue will be about.

- While-Reading Activities:

1) Read the dialogue and say what children should do.

- Post-Reading Activities:

1) Answer the questions – Ex 2 p. 52

1. Введення граматики – ст. 53

2. Match the sentences to complete the idea: Додаток № 2.

How long have you been waiting?

He’s been planting trees all day.

Bill is in the garden.

That’s why he’s lost weight.

You have been studying all morning.

It’s been snowing all day.

Anne’s been exercising a lot recently.

She’s been working hard all week.

It is cold outside.

I think it’s time to stop now.

Jenny’s tired.

For ten minutes.

We’ve been practicing all afternoon.

Lots of things. I’ve been busy.

What have you been doing since I saw you last?

Why don’t you take a break?


3. Work in pairs – Ex. 3 p. 53 – ask and answer

4. Ask and answer using the Present Perfect Continuous Tense: Додаток № 3.

1) Mary/teach/French/1998

2) Peter/ make/ model planes/ 1995

3) the children/ watch/TV/ two hours

4) Laura/play/the guitar/four years

5) Jim/repair/car/all day

6) She/ talk/ phone/ an hour


  1. Group Work – Ex. 5 p. 53 – discuss your house duties. (Використовуються словосполучення, написані для пісні на дошці.)


ІІІ. Заключна частина:

 1. Запис ДЗ – Впр. 4 ст. 53

     2. Підбиття підсумків та виставлення оцінок.






7 Form. Урок 2. Тема: Обов’язки у моїй сім’ї.


Мета: повторити та закріпити ЛО по темі, опрацювати граматичний матеріал Present Perfect Continuous, продовжувати розвивати навички письма, прививати любов до праці.

Обладнання: підручник, карточки, вірш, пісня, кросворд.


 Хід уроку:


І. Вступна частина:


1. Оргмомент.

2. Фонетична зарядка – пісня – This is the way….


3. Лексична зарядка – вірш про хатню роботу –  Додаток № 4


On Monday I shall buy a tool.

On Tuesday I shall make a stool.

On Wednesday I shall read a book.

On Thursday I shall try to cook

Something very, very sweet

For my little brother Pete. 

On Friday I shall brush my hat.

On Saturday I shall dust my flat.

On Sunday if the weather is good

I shall go into the wood.

ІІ. Основна частина:


1. Перевірка Дз - Впр. 4 ст. 53

2. Закріплення теоретичного матеріалу про Present Perfect Continuous, - прочитати правило, звернути увагу на утворення стверджувальної, питальної та заперечної форми.

3. Впр. 1 ст. 54 – відпрацювання граматичного матеріалу на практиці. - Match the sentences to make correct statements.

4. Ex.2 p. 55 – Make up sentences using the Present Perfect Continuous.

5. Ex. 3 p. 55 – Pair work – ask and answer the questions.

6. Ex. 4 p. 55 – ask a question using the Present Perfect Continuous.

7. Робота на карточках –  Додаток № 5.

Rewrite the sentences with the words in bold using the Present Perfect Continuous:

  1. The baby cried in the morning. (all morning) - ___________________________
  2. Mark started playing guitar three years ago. (for) - ________________________
  3. The children haven’t finished their work yet. (for an hour) - _________________
  4. I waited her. (two hours) - ____________________________________________
  5. Fiona writes books. She is a writer. (1985) - ______________________________
  6. Dynamo is the oldest football team. (Play) - ______________________________


8. Робота з кросвордом – Good Habits. Додаток № 6.


ІІІ. Заключна частина:


1. Запис ДЗ – Впр. 5 ст. 55; Переробити речення з карток в Present Perfect Continuous.

     2. Підбиття підсумків та виставлення оцінок.




7 Form. Урок 3. Тема: Домашні обов’язки.


Мета: поповнити словниковий запас учнів по темі,

систематизувати вивчений лексичний матеріал, продовжувати розвивати навички читання, говоріння та письма, виховувати повагу до праці та людяність.

Обладнання: підручник, карточки, пісня, вірш.


Хід уроку:


І. Вступна частина:


1. Оргмомент.

2. Фонетична зарядка – вірш - WHA WILL YOU DO?

3. Лексична зарядка – повторити слова по темі, скласти власні речення з ними.


ІІ. Основна частина:


1. Перевірка ДЗ - Впр. 5 ст. 55. Власні речення в Present Perfect Continuous.

2. Впр. 1 ст. 56 – читання:

- Pre-Reading Activities:

1) ввести нові ЛО – ст 56.

2) розповісти коротко про свої домашні обовязки.

- While-Reading Activities:

1) Read the text and answer the questions:

$ 1 – What does it meat to do chores? A household duty. What is it?

$ 2 – What can help us remember what to do?

$ 3 – Who does the greatest part of work at home?

$ 4 – How does mother’s morning begin?

$ 5 – How does elder children help our mothers?

$ 6- Who cleans after meal?

$ 7 – When does mother finish doing her work?

- Post-Reading Activities:

1) Ex. 2 p. 57 – say true/false.

2) Ex. 3 p. 57 – complete the sentences.

3) Work in groups – Ex 4 p. 57 – discuss some questions.


3. Повторення граматики – Rewrite sentences with the words in bold using the correct tense form: Додаток № 7.

1) Do the washing-up! – (already) - ___________________________________________

2) You look so tired! – (all day) - _____________________________________________

3) My father is painting his house again. – (Three times)  - _________________________

4) Jane is typing the report. – (long) – How _____________________________________

5) Sue is studying for her exams. – (for, two weeks) - _____________________________

6) John lives in London.(since, he was three) - __________________________________


4. Розкажіть про обов’язки у своїй родині, використовуючи малюнки.

Додаток № 8.


ІІІ. Заключна частина:


1. Запис ДЗ – Впр. 5 ст. 57. Напиши твір пор обов’язки у твоїй сімї.

     2. Підбиття підсумків та виставлення оцінок


















7 Form. Lesson 4. Theme: Householding Chores.


Мета: закріпити ЛО по темі, розвивати навички аудіювання, удосконалювати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення.

Обладнання: підручник, додатковий текст “ Mister Lazy”, фотографії та малюнки з зображенням хатньої роботи, презентація по темі, пісня “This is the Way…”, картки з завданням, аудіо запис.


Хід уроку:


І. Вступна частина:


1. Оргмомент. Привітання. Оголошення теми.

2. Лексична зарядка – повторення ЛО по темі. Діти достають з коробки карточки з назвами хатньої роботи і прикріплюють їх до фотографій на дошці.

Додаток № 9

3. Фонетична зарядка: пісня This is the Way… (діти співають пісню, показуючи рухами усі дії – TPR)


ІІ. Основна частина:

1. Робота з текстом, аудіювання: Додаток №10

- Pre-Listening Activities:

1) Прослухати заголовок тексту, сказати про що буде текст.

2) Прослуховування аудіо запису – Helping at Home: - Look into the list and listen to the tape-recorder. Circle the chores which you’ll hear. Додаток № 11

1) work in the garden  8) scrub the floor  15) mow the lawn

2) do the laundry   9) walk the dog

3) wash the dishes   10) iron the clothes

4) feed animals   11) rake the leaves

5) chop woods   12) mop the floor

6) dispose of rubbish  13) dust the furniture

7) sweep the floor   14) folder the clothes


2) Продивитися презентацію – Chores 11 – Додаток № 12:

- Pre-Watching Activities:

       - Write 5 word-combinations the names of householding chores.

- While-Watching Activities:

       - Watch the presentation and check how many of them have you guessed.

- Post-Watching Activities:

        - Повторити Present Perfect Continuous- дати відповідь на запитання – What have you been doing yesterday in the evening? – використовуючи словосполучення з презентації.

3)  New vocabulary – lazy, sleepylike, fly, fall out, yawn, kettle, reason, busy, bustle, trousers, mend, whistle


- While-Listening Activities:

1) Сказати, що переплутав головний герой.


Mr. Lazy lives in Sleepyland, which is a very funny place. The birds in Sleepyland are sleepylike. They fly so slowly that sometimes they fall out of the sky. And do you know what time people get up in Sleepyland? They don’t get up in the morning. They get up in the afternoon!

Mr. Lazy is asleep in the bed. It is his favourite place. Sometimes he opens his eyes, yawns, yawns again - and goes to sleep again.

Much later Mr. Lazy gets up and prepares breakfast, though it is the time for dinner already. He goes into the garden, sits down on the chair, yawns, yawns again and goes to sleep.

Suddenly he wakes up with a jump. And the reason he wakes with a jump is a voice: “Wake up! Wake up!”

There were two men in front of him. “I’m Mr. Busy”, said one of the men. “I’m Mr. Bustle”, said the other.

“Come along now,” said Mr. Bustle. “You must not sleep all day.”

“But…” began Mr. Lazy.

“No time for buts,” said Mr. Busy. “It’s time to start.”

“What to start?” asked Mr. Lazy.

“You have to make the bed and to sweep the floor, to cook the food and to wash the plates, to mend the trousers and to dust the furniture, to cut the grass and to chop the wood.”

“Oh dear,” cried Mr. Lazy. “To sweep the bed and to make the floor? To mend the food and to cook the trousers? To cut the furniture and to dust the grass? To chop the plates and to wash the wood?”

Everything was mixed in his head. He was very surprised.

But Mr. Lazy had to work. Mr. Busy and Mr. Bustle made him everything in a proper way. So he made the bed, swept the floor, cooked the food and washed the plates, mended the trousers, dusted the furniture, cut the grass and chopped the wood.

Mr. Lazy was very tired. Suddenly he heard the whistle…. He opened his eyes… and heard the voice of the kettle boiling on the stove. There was no Mr. Bustle, no Mr. Busy. It was a terrible dream! Mr. Lazy was happy. He went into the kitchen, had breakfast, yawned, yawned again and … went to sleep.

- Post-Reading Activities:

2) Виправити головного героя. (Скласти правильно словосполучення – карточки – Додаток № 13).

Correct Mr. Lazy’s mistakes:

To sweep the bed


To make the floor


To mend the food


To cook the trousers


To cut the furniture


To dust the grass


To chop the plates


To wash the wood


2) Make a plan and retell the story.

3) Remember your working day at home and say what you do to help your parents. Use a crossword - What do you do at home?  Додаток № 14.


2. Рольова гра, робота в групах – Діти вибирають собі одяг різних членів родини – мами, тата, дочки, сина, бабусі, дідуся, одягаються і слухаючи прохання мами, виконують різну роботу, а потім відчитуються, що вони зробили і як довго вони цю роботу виконували. (Потрібно використати граматичні часи – Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple,

Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous.)

Назва роботи на карточках  - Додаток № 15:


Group № 1.

- feed the dog;

- cook soup;

- water the flowers;

- put the toys in order;

- chop the wood;

- whitewash the fence;

- wash your socks.


Group № 2.

- vacuum the carpet;

- wash up;

- fold the laundry;

- wash the window;

- lay the table;

- make the bed.


Group №3.

- do shopping;

- make a salad;

- sweep the yard;

- dust the furniture;

- iron the clothes;

- rake the leaves.

Group № 4.

- mow the lawn;

- take the trash out;

- wash a bike;

- cut the branches;

- put the books in order;

- feed animals.



3.  Гра – Say two things about the picture- Додаток №16.


ІІІ. Заключна частина:

1. Запис ДЗ – вставити пропущені слова у правильній часовій формі: Додаток № 17.

Mr. Smith left home at 8 o'clock this morning.

 Now he is working in his office, he is a computer scientist.

1. Meanwhile Mrs. Smith is in her bedroom. You can see her.

 She is ___________________ the bed,  she is _____________________ the carpet  and she is ________________________ the furniture.

2. It's 9 o'clock , the bedroom is tidy.  Mrs. Smith will have now  to _________________________ the dustbin, to __________________________ the windows and to ___________________________ the shirts.

3. At 10.30 it's time  to ______________________ the dog,  to_______________________ the dog and to do the shopping.

4. In the afternoon Mrs. Smith is in her garden. Look at her!

 She is _________________ the leaves, she is ____________________ the lawn and  she is _____________________ the house.

At 6 pm Mr. Smith is back home.

How are you darling? I am exhausted! (Can you guess what he is thinking?)

How lucky women are! They can stay at home and have nothing to do.


     2. Підбиття підсумків та виставлення оцінок





7 Form. Урок 5. Сервірування столу. Рецепти страв.


Мета: повторити та систематизувати ЛО по темі «Їжа»,  «Предмети на кухні», продовжувати розвивати навички читання, розвивати навички діалогічного мовлення, вчити дітей складати рецепти та коментувати свої дії, познайомити з правилами поведінки за столом.

Обладнання: підручник, карточки, пісня I LIKE FOOD


Хід уроку:


І. Вступна частина:


1. Оргмомент.

2. Лексична зарядка – Mind-Map




3) Фонетична зарядка - Song: I LIKE FOOD.  Додаток № 18.

- Pre-Listening Activities:

1) Say, what is your favourite food? What do you usually eat for breakfast/ Dinner? Supper?

- While-Listening Activities:

1) Listen to the song and fill in the missing words:

I like food, I like food.

I like eating lots and lots of food. /2

Bread and jam, and meat and fish,

Cakes and biscuits, too

Beans and mustard, eggs and chips,

mutton steaks, potatoes, peas,

And salted mushrooms too.


I like food, I like food.

I like eating lots and lots of food. /2

Cabbage, tomatoes, lettuce leaves,

Chocolate and cheese,

 toast and butter, soup and spices,

Onions, cereal, cucumber slices,

Marrows, pumpkins, beets.

Don’t forget I also like drinking, when I eat.

Coffee, tea and water soda,

fruity lemonade, coca-cola,

Sugar makes them sweet.

I like food, I like food.

I like eating lots and lots of food. /2

Some more, please!



I like ________, I like _________.

I like eating lots and lots of food. /2

Bread and _______, and ______ and fish,

_________ and biscuits, too

Beans and mustard, _______ and chips,

mutton steaks, _____________, peas,

And salted ___________________ too.


I like food, I like food.

I like eating lots and lots of food. /2

Cabbage, ____________, lettuce leaves,

Chocolate and ________________,

 toast and __________, soup and spices,

Onions, cereal, __________ slices,

Marrows, pumpkins, beets.

Don’t forget I also like drinking, when I eat.

Coffee, _________ and water soda,

fruity lemonade, __________________,

Sugar makes them sweet.

I like food, I like food.

I like eating lots and lots of food. /2

Some more, please!



Post-Listening activities:

1) Write as many as possible words the names of food without looking into the cards with the song.


ІІ. Основна частина:


1. Перевірка ДЗ – Розповідь про обовязки членів родини.

2. Впр. 1 ст. 58 – read the letters and say what these girls have got in common

- Pre-Reading Activities:

1) Answer the teacher’s questions: What is your favourite dish? Do you like to cook? How often do you cook at home?  What dishes do you usually cook? Do you help your mother to cook?

2) New vocabulary – p. 59

- While-Reading Activities:

1) Read the first letter and say what does Lucy like to cook? Is it difficult to cook this dish?

2) Read the second letter. How does Sheila help her mother?

3) Look at the map - p. 59 – name all the table pieces.

- Post-Reading Activities:

1) Ex. 2 p. 59 – read and choose the correct answer.

2) Say what table pieces you use at home.


3. Ex. 3 p. 60 – Read and fill in the words from the box. (Tomato and Cheese sandwich)

4. Listening –  Додаток № 19.

-Pre-Listening Activities:

1) Answer the question: - Who does the most work at home?

2) In 1 minute write as many as possible things your mother does about the house.

-While-Listening Activities:

1) Listen to the text and say what the woman from the text does during the day.

 How far does the average housewife travel as she cleans, dusts, washes and cares after the children? Mrs Arnold took part in an experiment to look for an answer. She wore a pedometer for a whole day. Her day started at 7.30 a. m. when she made breakfast for her husband and children. She washed the dishes, made the beds and drove the children to school.

 During the morning she cleaned the bedrooms and bathrooms and did the washing up. She picked up the children at noon and then made lunch, vacuumed the floor and cleaned the windows. Then came the evening meal for the family. Mrs Arnold’s total walking distance was about 15 kilometres.

- Post-listening Activities:

1) After listening to the text read the statements. Tick the correct variant.

 1. The title that would best explain the main idea of this story is ….

 a) A Housewife’s Easy Day.

 b) A Housewife’s Busy Day.

 c) Mrs Arnold’s Family.

 d) How to Keep a Clean House.

 2. Mrs Arnold wore a pedometer ….

 a) because she could do more housework with it.

 b) because she looked good with it.

 c) to find out how many kilometers she walks a day.

 d) to find out how many hours she works a day.

 3) Mrs Arnold cleaned the bedrooms and bathrooms …

 a) in the morning.

 b) in the afternoon.

 c) in the evening.

 d) after she had picked up the children from school.

2) Tell about Mrs Arnold’s working day. Compare it with the working day of your mother.


5.Complete the sentences with the letter of the correct variant. Додаток № 20.


1) A piece of cloth for wiping the mouth is a __________ .

a) napkin  b) spoon  c) knife  d) fridge

2) To cook something (usually in a frying pan) in fat is to  _____________ .

a) bake  b) fry  c) boil  d)grill

3) The meat is too ____________ . You have put too much spice in it.

a) spicy  b) salty  c) sweet  d) sour

4) A list of ingredients and instructions for making a food dish is a __________ .

a) dessert b) cooker c) frying pan d) recipe

5) to be cooked in very hot water it to ________________ .

a) bake b) fry  c) boil  d) grill

6) pass me the sugar please! I prefer _________ coffee.

a) sweet b) sour c) bitter d) spicy


6. Ex. 4 p. 60 – Role-Play – You are arranging the party. Discuss what is necessary to buy.


ІІІ. Заключна частина:


1. Запис ДЗ – Вивчити ЛО по темі. Написати рецепт улюбленої страви.

     2. Підбиття підсумків та виставлення оцінок.




7 Form.  Урок 6 Тема: Приготування їжі.


Мета: ввести нові ЛО та закріпити вивчені по темі, продовжувати розвивати навички  аудіювання та усного мовлення, познайомити з країнознавчим матеріалом, вчити дітей розповідати про свої улюблені страви та їх рецепти, тренувати дітей у написання листа на задану тему, виховувати охайність та повагу до їжі.

Обладнання: підручник, таблиці з словами (їжа, дії, спеції, страви), пісня - I like food.


Хід уроку:


І. Вступна частина:


1. Оргмомент.

2. Фонетична зарядка – пісня – I like food.

3. Лексична зарядка – гра по командах – пишуться підтеми на дошці (їжа, дії, хатня робота, посуд) , діти повинні якомога скоріше написати слова до них.


ІІ. Основна частина:


1. Перевірка ДЗ – рецепт улюбленої страви.

2. Аудіювання:

- Pre-Listening Activities:

1) Ex. 1 p. 61 – answer the following questions.

2) Describe the picture  - p. 61.

- While-Listening Activities:

1) Listen to the part of the TV show and complete the sentences.

- Post-Listening Activities:

1) Answer the teacher’s questions: Do you like to watch such programmes? Do you prepare any new dishes? What dishes do you like to prepare? What is your favourite dish?


3. Ex. 5 p. 62 – Answer the questions, Read the example of the recipe from a cookery book, compare it with your recipes.


4. Ex. 3 p. 61 –Reading:

- Pre-Reading Activities:

 1) Look at the picture, describe it and try to guess what the text is about.

2) New vocabulary – p. 61

- While-Reading Activities:

1) Read the text and answer the questions.

- Pre-Reading Activities:

1) Ex. 4 p. 62 – speak about the householding duties in your family.


5. Pair-work. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Додаток № 21.

1) order / to / juice / you / like / some / would?

2) cocktail / for / and / I / me / would / cup / of / tea / a / my / and / sister / like / a

3) bill / have / can / the / we?

4) vegetables / you / what / would / like / ?

50 please / water / some / mineral


6. Pair-work. Fill in the gaps with ‘a’, ‘an’, or ‘some’. Додаток № 22.

1) Would you like _______ rice?

2) I’d like ________ chicken sandwich and ___________ cheese for lunch.

3) Can I have ______________ stamps, please?

4) Would you like _________ apple or ________ grapes?

5) Can I have _________ bread?

6) I usually have _________ biscuit and ______ cup of coffee at 11 am.

7) Could you buy _________ fruit when you go to the shop?

8) He always has ______________ egg for breakfast.

9) You need __________ money.

10) Would you like __________ mineral water or _______________ apple juice?


7. Впр. 7 ст. 62 – вірш. – When Mummy is away.


ІІІ. Заключна частина:


1. Запис ДЗ – Вивчити ЛО по темі. Впр. 7 ст 62 – вивчити. Написати рецепт улюбленої страви - десерту.

     2. Підбиття підсумків та виставлення оцінок.


7 Form. Урок 7. Тема: Кухонне приладдя. Розвиток навичок читання.


Мета: повторити та узагальнити лексико-граматичний матеріал по темі, продовжувати розвивати навички читання та роботи з текстом для повного розуміння його змісту, розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів, прививати дітям любов до праці та повагу до інших.

Обладнання: підручник, малюнки.


Хід уроку:


І. Вступна частина:


1. Оргмомент.

2. Фонетична зарядка – вірш - WHAT WILL YOU DO?

3. Лексична зарядка – ланцюжок – What did you do yesterday? How long have you been doing this?


ІІ. Основна частина:


1. Перевірка ДЗ – Впр. 7 ст 62 – вірш; Рецепт улюбленої страви.

2. Розказати всім разом, як готується борщ.

3. Читання – Впр. 2 ст. 63 –


- Pre-Reading Activities:


1) Complete the sentences with the letter of the correct variant: Додаток № 23.

 1) A container with a handle used for making and serving tea is a _____________ .

a) grill b) microwave oven c) frying pan d)teapot

 2) To cook in an oven (used especially about bread, cakes, etc) is to ___________ .

a) bake b) fry c)boil d)grill

 3) Some common ______________ are pepper, ginger, and cinnamon.

a) vitamins b) drinks c) fruit  d) spices

 4) An open container, usually round in shape, typically used for holding food and liquids is a _________________ .

a) bowl b) fork  c) knife d) spoon

 5) This apple juice is too _________________ ! It’s impossible to drink!

a) salty b) sour c) bitter d) spicy


2) Arrange the letters in the words: (cut letters) – fork, teapot, kettle, knife, spoon, boil, glass, plate, napkin, tablecloth, microwave, bowl, saucer, serve. Додаток № 24.

3) New Vocabulary – p. 63, Ex. 1 p. 63

4) Look at the picture and predict what the story is about.


- While-Reading Activities:


1) Listen and read the text and answer the question – Why do people have to keep their dishes clean?

2) Read the text and fill in the table with the adjectives: Додаток № 25.






















- Post-Reading Activities:


1) Ex. 3 p. 65 – answer the questions.

2) Ex. 4 p. 65 – write the plan to the text, and tell the main idea of each passage.

3) Ex. 5 – p. 65 – tell the story if you are the main character of it.

4) Ex. 6 – p. 65 – answer the questions.


5. Ex. 7 p. 65 – speak about your usual work about the house.


ІІІ. Заключна частина:

1. Запис ДЗ – Вивчити Ло по темі. Write a letter to your friend. Tell him/her about your attitude to housework.

     2. Підбиття підсумків та виставлення оцінок.


7 Form. Урок 8. Тема: Побутова техніка.


Мета: повторити і активізувати ЛО по темі, ввести нові слова, закріпити їх вживання на практиці, повторити граматичний матеріал Present Perfect Continuous, продовжувати навчати дітей спілкуватися за темою, розвивати навички читання, розвивати культуру мовлення та письма.

Обладнання: підручник, малюнки товарів домашнього вжитку, карточки, пісня.


Хід уроку:


І. Вступна частина:


1. Оргмомент.

2. Фонетична зарядка – Пісня - I like food.

3. Лексична зарядка – Повторити слова по темі  - робота в групах – заповнити таблицю: (Виграє команда, яка швидше справилася із завданням.) Додаток № 26.






Things at home











ІІ. Основна частина:


1. Перевірка ДЗ – Прочитати свої листи про домашні обовязки.

2. Повторення граматики- Впр. 1 ст. 66 – відкрити дужки та поставити дієслово у Present Perfect Continuous.

3. Впр. 2 ст 66- відкрити дужки і утворити заперечні речення Present Perfect Continuous. (самостійно)

4. Гра – Впр. 3 ст. 66 – запитати учня на класі – Why are you tired? Have you been ironing? (Ставляться лише загальні запитання).

5. Впр. 4 ст. 67 – прочитати вірш в ритмі, дати відповіді на запитання, описати малюнки.

6. Робота в парах – Chose and circle the letter of the correct answer: Додаток № 27.


1)Lemon taste ______ .

  1. salty
  2. sour
  3. bitter
  4. crunchy
  5. bland

2)Potato chips are not _____ .

  1. crisp
  2. salty
  3. crunchy
  4. juicy
  5. junk food
  1. Smooth foods don’t

include ____________ .

  1. crackers
  2. ice cream
  3. pudding
  4. whipped cream
  5. avocado

4) In a restaurant, we normally eat an appetizer _____________ .

a) after the entrée

b) just before dessert

c) first

d) last

e) only if we are not very hungry

5) If something is filling it is ___________ .

a) the stuff inside a pie

b) something that you eat, but you are still hungry

c) delicious

d) something that you eat and you feel full after eating it

e) both a and b

6) Finger food _____ .

a) makes your fingernails grow longer

b) is only eaten in countries where they don’t have silverware

c) is slang for a bad gesture

d) is food you can politely eat with your hands

e) is the name of a really tasty candy bar

  1. Light food is the opposite of _________ .
  1. heavy food
  2. rich food
  3. bland food
  4. junk food
  5. health food

8) If something is tasty, you  ________ .

a) don’t really enjoy eating it

b) think it tastes good

c) hate eating it

d) only eat it for breakfast

e) think it is unappetizing

9) Spicy food includes _________ .

a) milk

b) lemons

c) chili peppers

d) bananas

e) hamburgers

10) If milk is sour it is ______

a) delicious

b) too old

c) too fresh

d) from a goat

e) from a coconut

11) A beverage is ______ .

a) Beverley’s birthday

b) something red

c) an alcoholic drink

d) any drink

e) normally crunchy

12) All of these are bitter except _______ .

a) black coffee

b) strong tea without sugar or milk

c) unsweetened baking chocolate

d) pizza

e) a and c

13) Appetizing means _____ .

a) you would like to eat it

b) the first course at a restaurant

c) yucky

d) tangy

e) finger food

14) Sweet foods don’t include _________ .

a) cake

b) pickles

c) ice cream

d) candy

e) strawberries

15) Rich food is always _________ .

a) salty

b) crunchy

c) dessert

d) fattening

e) expensive


ІІІ. Заключна частина:


1. Запис ДЗ – Впр. 5 ст. 67 – написати пояснення.

2. Підбиття підсумків та виставлення оцінок.


7 Form. Урок 9. Тема: Приготування страв.

Мета: повторити і активізувати Ло по темі, розвивати навички читання, повторити граматичний матеріал по темі  Present Perfect Continuous, продовжувати розвивати навички діалогічного мовлення, вчити дітей розповідати про улюблені страви, та як їх готувати.

Обладнання: підручник, Scrambled Text “Stone Souр”, пісня.

Хід уроку:


І. Вступна частина:


1. Оргмомент.

2. Фонетична зарядка – пісня – I Like Food.

3. Лексична зарядка – Написати інгредієнти поданих страв – Vegetable Salad; Pizza; Rice Soup. (3 команди, робота на дошці)


ІІ. Основна частина:


1.Перевірка ДЗ – Впр.5 ст. 67.

2. Впр. 6 (а) ст. 68; Впр. 7 ст. 69 – бесіда про домашні обовязки.

3. Рольова гра – мама дає розпорядження усім членам, що робити (карточки), діти відповідають в Present Perfect.

4. Впр. 8 ст. 69 – Готуємось робити салат.

5. Впр. 9 ст. 69 – Написати речення в наказовому способі. – Відповісти в Present Perfect Continuous.

6. Робота з текстом STONE SOUP. Додаток № 28.

- Pre-Reading Activities:

1) повторити слова – назви овочів, сказати в яких стравах ми їх використовуємо.

- While-Reading Activities:

1) Прочитати Scrambled Text, поставити частини по порядку (в групах).

2) Прочитати текст.

3) Назвати інгредієнти супу.

- Post-Reading Activities:

1) Написати рецепт супу, порівняти з поданим. Написати інструкцію до приготування цього супу.

2) Переказати історію від імені одного із героїв.


ІІІ. Заключна частина:


  1. Запис ДЗ – Впр. 10, 11 ст 70.

               2. Підбиття підсумків та виставлення оцінок















































Додаток № 2.

How long have you been waiting?

He’s been planting trees all day.

Bill is in the garden.

That’s why he’s lost weight.

You have been studying all morning.

It’s been snowing all day.

Anne’s been exercising a lot recently.

She’s been working hard all week.

It is cold outside.

I think it’s time to stop now.

Jenny’s tired.

For ten minutes.

We’ve been practicing all afternoon.

Lots of things. I’ve been busy.

What have you been doing since I saw you last?

Why don’t you take a break?






Додаток № 3.

1) Mary/teach/French/1998

2) Peter/ make/ model planes/ 1995

3) the children/ watch/TV/ two hours

4) Laura/play/the guitar/four years

5) Jim/repair/car/all day

6) She/ talk/ phone/ an hour





























Додаток № 4


On Monday I shall buy a tool.

On Tuesday I shall make a stool.

On Wednesday I shall read a book.

On Thursday I shall try to cook

Something very, very sweet

For my little brother Pete. 

On Friday I shall brush my hat.

On Saturday I shall dust my flat.

On Sunday if the weather is good

I shall go into the wood.






Додаток № 5.

Rewrite the sentences with the words in bold using the Present Perfect Continuous:

  1. The baby cried in the morning. (all morning) - ___________________________
  2. Mark started playing guitar three years ago. (for) - ________________________
  3.                      The children haven’t finished their work yet. (for an hour) - _________________
  4.                      I waited her. (two hours) - ____________________________________________
  5.                      Fiona writes books. She is a writer. (1985) - ______________________________
  6.                      Dynamo is the oldest football team. (Play) - ______________________________








Додаток № 7.

1) Do the washing-up! – (already) - ___________________________________________

2) You look so tired! – (all day) - _____________________________________________

3) My father is painting his house again. – (Three times)  - _________________________

4) Jane is typing the report. – (long) – How _____________________________________

5) Sue is studying for her exams. – (for, two weeks) - _____________________________

6) John lives in London.(since, he was three) - __________________________________











































Додаток № 9.


   wash up



     sweep the yard



    make the bed






















Додаток № 10.

Mr. Lazy lives in Sleepyland, which is a very funny place. The birds in Sleepyland are sleepylike. They fly so slowly that sometimes they fall out of the sky. And do you know what time people get up in Sleepyland? They don’t get up in the morning. They get up in the afternoon!

Mr. Lazy is asleep in the bed. It is his favourite place. Sometimes he opens his eyes, yawns, yawns again - and goes to sleep again.

Much later Mr. Lazy gets up and prepares breakfast, though it is the time for dinner already. He goes into the garden, sits down on the chair, yawns, yawns again and goes to sleep.

Suddenly he wakes up with a jump. And the reason he wakes with a jump is a voice: “Wake up! Wake up!”

There were two men in front of him. “I’m Mr. Busy”, said one of the men. “I’m Mr. Bustle”, said the other.

“Come along now,” said Mr. Bustle. “You must not sleep all day.”

“But…” began Mr. Lazy.

“No time for buts,” said Mr. Busy. “It’s time to start.”

“What to start?” asked Mr. Lazy.

“You have to make the bed and to sweep the floor, to cook the food and to wash the plates, to mend the trousers and to dust the furniture, to cut the grass and to chop the wood.”

“Oh dear,” cried Mr. Lazy. “To sweep the bed and to make the floor? To mend the food and to cook the trousers? To cut the furniture and to dust the grass? To chop the plates and to wash the wood?”

Everything was mixed in his head. He was very surprised.

But Mr. Lazy had to work. Mr. Busy and Mr. Bustle made him everything in a proper way. So he made the bed, swept the floor, cooked the food and washed the plates, mended the trousers, dusted the furniture, cut the grass and chopped the wood.

Mr. Lazy was very tired. Suddenly he heard the whistle…. He opened his eyes… and heard the voice of the kettle boiling on the stove. There was no Mr. Bustle, no Mr. Busy. It was a terrible dream! Mr. Lazy was happy. He went into the kitchen, had breakfast, yawned, yawned again and … went to sleep.



Додаток № 11


Helping at Home: - Look into the list and listen to the tape-recorder. Circle the chores which you’ll hear.


1) work in the garden  8) scrub the floor  15) mow the lawn

2) do the laundry   9) walk the dog

3) wash the dishes   10) iron the clothes

4) feed animals   11) rake the leaves

5) chop woods   12) mop the floor

6) dispose of rubbish  13) dust the furniture

7) sweep the floor   14) folder the clothes






Додаток № 13.

Correct Mr. Lazy’s mistakes:

To sweep the bed


To make the floor


To mend the food


To cook the trousers


To cut the furniture


To dust the grass


To chop the plates


To wash the wood








Додаток № 15:


Group № 1.

- feed the dog;

- cook soup;

- water the flowers;

- put the toys in order;

- chop the wood;

- whitewash the fence;

- wash your socks.


Group № 2.

- vacuum the carpet;

- wash up;

- fold the loundry;

- wash the window;

- lay the table;

- make the bed.


Group №3.

- do shopping;

- make a salad;

- sweep the yard;

- dust the furniture;

- iron the clothes;

- rake the leaves.

Group № 4.

- mow the lawn;

- take the trash out;

- wash a bike;

- cut the branches;

- put the books in order;

- feed animals.


Додаток № 17.

Mr. Smith left home at 8 o'clock this morning.

 Now he is working in his office, he is a computer scientist.

1. Meanwhile Mrs. Smith is in her bedroom. You can see her.

 She is ___________________ the bed,  she is _____________________ the carpet  and she is ________________________ the furniture.

2. It's 9 o'clock , the bedroom is tidy.  Mrs. Smith will have now  to _________________________ the dustbin, to __________________________ the windows and to ___________________________ the shirts.

3. At 10.30 it's time  to ______________________ the dog,  to_______________________ the dog and to do the shopping.

4. In the afternoon Mrs. Smith is in her garden. Look at her!

 She is _________________ the leaves, she is ____________________ the lawn and  she is _____________________ the house.

At 6 pm Mr. Smith is back home.

How are you darling? I am exhausted! (Can you guess what he is thinking?)

How lucky women are! They can stay at home and have nothing to do.






Додаток № 18.

1) Listen to the song and fill in the missing words:

I like food, I like food.

I like eating lots and lots of food. /2

Bread and jam, and meat and fish,

Cakes and biscuits, too

Beans and mustard, eggs and chips,

mutton steaks, potatoes, peas,

And salted mushrooms too.


I like food, I like food.

I like eating lots and lots of food. /2

Cabbage, tomatoes, lettuce leaves,

Chocolate and cheese,

 toast and butter, soup and spices,

Onions, cereal, cucumber slices,

Marrows, pumpkins, beets.

Don’t forget I also like drinking, when I eat.

Coffee, tea and water soda,

fruity lemonade, coca-cola,

Sugar makes them sweet.

I like food, I like food.

I like eating lots and lots of food. /2

Some more, please!



I like ________, I like _________.

I like eating lots and lots of food. /2

Bread and _______, and ______ and fish,

_________ and biscuits, too

Beans and mustard, _______ and chips,

mutton steaks, _____________, peas,

And salted ___________________ too.


I like food, I like food.

I like eating lots and lots of food. /2

Cabbage, ____________, lettuce leaves,

Chocolate and ________________,

 toast and __________, soup and spices,

Onions, cereal, __________ slices,

Marrows, pumpkins, beets.

Don’t forget I also like drinking, when I eat.

Coffee, _________ and water soda,

fruity lemonade, __________________,

Sugar makes them sweet.

I like food, I like food.

I like eating lots and lots of food. /2

Some more, please!

























Додаток № 19.

1) Listen to the text and say what the woman from the text does during the day.

 How far does the average housewife travel as she cleans, dusts, washes and cares after the children? Mrs Arnold took part in an experiment to look for an answer. She wore a pedometer for a whole day. Her day started at 7.30 a. m. when she made breakfast for her husband and children. She washed the dishes, made the beds and drove the children to school.

 During the morning she cleaned the bedrooms and bathrooms and did the washing up. She picked up the children at noon and then made lunch, vacuumed the floor and cleaned the windows. Then came the evening meal for the family. Mrs Arnold’s total walking distance was about 15 kilometres.

- Post-listening Activities:

1) After listening to the text read the statements. Tick the correct variant.

 1. The title that would best explain the main idea of this story is ….

 a) A Housewife’s Easy Day.

 b) A Housewife’s Busy Day.

 c) Mrs Arnold’s Family.

 d) How to Keep a Clean House.

 2. Mrs Arnold wore a pedometer ….

 a) because she could do more housework with it.

 b) because she looked good with it.

 c) to find out how many kilometers she walks a day.

 d) to find out how many hours she works a day.

 3) Mrs Arnold cleaned the bedrooms and bathrooms …

 a) in the morning.

 b) in the afternoon.

 c) in the evening.

 d) after she had picked up the children from school.



Додаток № 20.

Complete the sentences with the letter of the correct variant.


1) A piece of cloth for wiping the mouth is a __________ .

a) napkin  b) spoon  c) knife  d) fridge

2) To cook something (usually in a frying pan) in fat is to  _____________ .

a) bake  b) fry  c) boil  d)grill

3) The meat is too ____________ . You have put too much spice in it.

a) spicy  b) salty  c) sweet  d) sour

4) A list of ingredients and instructions for making a food dish is a __________ .

a) dessert b) cooker c) frying pan d) recipe

5) to be cooked in very hot water it to ________________ .

a) bake b) fry  c) boil  d) grill

6) pass me the sugar please! I prefer _________ coffee.

a) sweet b) sour c) bitter d) spicy





Додаток № 21.

Pair-work. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1) order / to / juice / you / like / some / would?

2) cocktail / for / and / I / me / would / cup / of / tea / a / my / and / sister / like / a

3) bill / have / can / the / we?

4) vegetables / you / what / would / like / ?

50 please / water / some / mineral


Додаток № 22.

Fill in the gaps with ‘a’, ‘an’, or ‘some’.

1) Would you like _______ rice?

2) I’d like ________ chicken sandwich and ___________ cheese for lunch.

3) Can I have ______________ stamps, please?

4) Would you like _________ apple or ________ grapes?

5) Can I have _________ bread?

6) I usually have _________ biscuit and ______ cup of coffee at 11 am.

7) Could you buy _________ fruit when you go to the shop?

8) He always has ______________ egg for breakfast.

9) You need __________ money.

10) Would you like __________ mineral water or _______________ apple juice?



Complete the sentences with the letter of the correct variant: Додаток № 23.

 1) A container with a handle used for making and serving tea is a _____________ .

a) grill b) microwave oven c) frying pan d)teapot

 2) To cook in an oven (used especially about bread, cakes, etc) is to ___________ .

a) bake b) fry c)boil d)grill

 3) Some common ______________ are pepper, ginger, and cinnamon.

a) vitamins b) drinks c) fruit  d) spices

 4) An open container, usually round in shape, typically used for holding food and liquids is a _________________ .

a) bowl b) fork  c) knife d) spoon

 5) This apple juice is too _________________ ! It’s impossible to drink!

a) salty b) sour c) bitter d) spicy

















Додаток № 25.

Read the text and fill in the table with the adjectives:



























































Додаток № 26. (Заповнити таблицю: (Виграє команда, яка швидше справилася із завданням.)






Things at home
















































Додаток № 27.


Chose and circle the letter of the correct answer:


1)Lemon taste ______ .

  1. salty
  2. sour
  3. bitter
  4. crunchy
  5. bland

2)Potato chips are not _____ .

  1. crisp
  2. salty
  3. crunchy
  4. juicy
  5. junk food
  1. Smooth foods don’t

include ____________ .

  1. crackers
  2. ice cream
  3. pudding
  4. whipped cream
  5. avocado

4) In a restaurant, we normally eat an appetizer _____________ .

a) after the entrée

b) just before dessert

c) first

d) last

e) only if we are not very hungry

5) If something is filling it is ___________ .

a) the stuff inside a pie

b) something that you eat, but you are still hungry

c) delicious

d) something that you eat and you feel full after eating it

e) both a and b

6) Finger food _____ .

a) makes your fingernails grow longer

b) is only eaten in countries where they don’t have silverware

c) is slang for a bad gesture

d) is food you can politely eat with your hands

e) is the name of a really tasty candy bar

  1.                      Light food is the opposite of _________ .
  1. heavy food
  2. rich food
  3. bland food
  4. junk food
  5. health food

8) If something is tasty, you  ________ .

a) don’t really enjoy eating it

b) think it tastes good

c) hate eating it

d) only eat it for breakfast

e) think it is unappetizing

9) Spicy food includes _________ .

a) milk

b) lemons

c) chili peppers

d) bananas

e) hamburgers

10) If milk is sour it is ______

a) delicious

b) too old

c) too fresh

d) from a goat

e) from a coconut

11) A beverage is ______ .

a) Beverley’s birthday

b) something red

c) an alcoholic drink

d) any drink

e) normally crunchy

12) All of these are bitter except _______ .

a) black coffee

b) strong tea without sugar or milk

c) unsweetened baking chocolate

d) pizza

e) a and c

13) Appetizing means _____ .

a) you would like to eat it

b) the first course at a restaurant

c) yucky

d) tangy

e) finger food

14) Sweet foods don’t include _________ .

a) cake

b) pickles

c) ice cream

d) candy

e) strawberries

15) Rich food is always _________ .

a) salty

b) crunchy

c) dessert

d) fattening

e) expensive
























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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
18 грудня 2020
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