Сценарій до Дня Подяки:"Thanksgiving Day Party"

Про матеріал

Даний сценарій розроблено для п'ятого класу. Він передбачає використання креативних інтерактивних елементів для впровадження понять подяки та культури спільності. Зокрема, він включає застосування творчих майстер-класів, ігрових елементів та відкритого читання, що розвивають формування вдячності та навчають командної взаємодії.

Перегляд файлу

Thanksgiving Day party

 for fifth-grade students:


Title: "Harvest of Thanks"


Setting: Mrs. Rashevska's Classroom, decorated with autumn leaves, pumpkins, and drawings of turkeys.



- Mrs. Rashevska (Teacher)

- Students (around 20 fifth graders)

- Parent volunteers (optional)




Introduction (10 minutes)


1. Welcome and Greetings

   - Mrs. Rashevska welcomes the students and parents (if present) to the "Harvest of Thanks" party.

   - She explains the schedule for the day.


2. Icebreaker Activity: "Thankful Bingo"

   - Each student receives a bingo card with words related to Thanksgiving.

   - They go around the room, asking each other questions to find someone who can sign their square.

   - The first student to get a line yells "Bingo!" and gets a small prize.


Crafts and Activities (40 minutes)


3. Turkey Feather Craft

   - Students create their own "Thankful Turkeys" by writing things they're thankful for on paper feathers and attaching them to a paper turkey cutout.


4. Gratitude Journal

   - Each student receives a small journal to write down things they are grateful for. They can take it home as a keepsake.

5. Thanksgiving Trivia

   - Mrs. Rashevska asks fun Thanksgiving-related questions. Students can raise their hands to answer, and correct answers earn small prizes.


Snack Time (20 minutes)


6. Potluck Style Snack Table

   - Each student brings in a small dish to share, like mini sandwiches, fruit kabobs, or cookies.

   - Parents can assist with setup and serving if available.


Games and Activities (30 minutes)


7. Turkey Trot Relay

   - Students are divided into teams. They take turns racing while balancing an egg on a spoon.


8. Pin the Feather on the Turkey

   - Blindfolded students take turns trying to pin a feather on a large turkey cutout.


Story Time (15 minutes)


9. Thanksgiving Story

   - Mrs. Rashevska reads a Thanksgiving-themed story or a short historical account of the first Thanksgiving. Conclusion (10 minutes)


10. Thank You Notes

   - Students write thank you notes to their parents (if they helped with the party) and Mrs.Rashevska for organizing the event.


11. Closing Remarks

   - Mrs. Rashevska thanks everyone for participating and encourages students to reflect on the meaning of Thanksgiving.


12. Dismissal

   - Students gather their crafts, journals, and goody bags (if provided) to take home.

Remember, you can adjust the timeline and activities based on the preferences and time available. Have a wonderful "Harvest of Thanks" party!