Сценарій казки “Little House in the Wood”

Про матеріал
Сценарій казки “Little House in the Wood” для учнів початкових класів. Мета: зацікавити учнів вивченням англійської мови; підтримувати мотивацію серед учнів до оволодіння іноземною мовою; розширити світогляд школярів, збагатити їх уяву та пам'ять; сприяти формуванню фонематичного слуху, інтонаційній виразності та вимові в учасників вистави.
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The characters:


The Mouse

The Frog

The Cock

The Hare

The Hedgehog

The Fox


The characters in turn:

We can read, we can write,              Can you speak English?

We can speak English too.               Can you spell your name?

We love learning English                 Can you write “fish”?

And what about you?                       Can you act in a play?


Narrator: Good morning, dear teachers!

                  Good morning, dear children!

                  Good morning, dear guests!

Today we’ll show a fairy-tale for you!

Our story is called “Little House in the Wood”

Meet the characters:

The Mouse!

The Frog!

The Cock!

The Hare!

The Hedgehog!

The Fox!

So, let’s start!


(Мишка в будинку. Мишка виходить)

The Mouse: I am the Mouse. This is my house.


(Жабка підходить до будинку)

The Frog: What a nice house! I want to live here. Hello! Who are you?

The Mouse: I am the Mouse. Who are you?

The Frog: I am the Frog. May I live with you?

The Mouse: Yes. Please, come in.


(Півник підходить до будинку)

The Cock:  What a nice house! I want to live here. Hello! Who are you?

The Mouse: I am the Mouse.

The Frog: I am the Frog. Who are you?

The Cock: I am the Cock. May I live with you?

The Mouse, the Frog: Yes. Please, come in.


(Зайчик підходить до будинку)

The Hare: What a nice house! I want to live here. Hello! Who are you?

The Mouse: I am the Mouse.

The Frog: I am the Frog.

The Cock: I am the Cock. Who are you?

The Hare: I am the Hare. May I live with you?

The Mouse, the Frog, the Cock: Yes. Please, come in.


(Їжачок підходить до будинку)

The Hedgehog: What a nice house! I want to live here. Hello! Who are you?

The Mouse: I am the Mouse.

The Frog: I am the Frog.

The Cock: I am the Cock.

The Hare: I am the Hare. Who are you?

The Hedgehog: I am the Hedgehog. May I live with you?

The Mouse, the Frog, the Cock, the Hare: Yes. Please, come in.


(Лисичка підходить до будинку)

The Fox: What a nice little house! Who is here? I want to live in this house! Hello, dear friends! Who are you?

The Mouse: I am the Mouse.

The Frog: I am the Frog.

The Cock: I am the Cock.

The Hare: I am the Hare.

The Hedgehog: I am the Hedgehog. Who are you?

The Fox: I am your friend, the Fox. May I live with you?


All of the characters: No, no, no! You are bad. You are sly. You want to eat us!

The fox runs away.


                      Little House in the Wood

                      It’s so nice and new!


We live here, share food,

We are friends. And you?


                      Не здурить нікому нас,

                      В дружбі-сила, кожен знає!


Казка ця ж була для вас,

І ми схвалення чекаєм!


                   And the Fox is not with us,

                   She is bad and very sly!


Now we thank you, dear guests,

And it’s time to say “Goodbye!”


All of the characters: Good bye!

Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, Сценарії
9 лютого 2023
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