Сценарій позакласного заходу " Christmas Party"

Про матеріал
Даний сценарій позакласного заходу знайомить учнів із традиціями святкування Різдва в Британії. Під час свята учні читають вірші про зиму та різдвяні символи. співають традиційні різдвяні пісні, розгадують загадки.
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Сценарій позакласного заходу у 6 класі «Christmas Party»

Мета:  -  ознайомити учнів із традиціями країни, мова якої вивчається;

-  розвивати соціокультурну компетенцію учнів на матеріалі, пов’язаному зі святами та традиціями  Великобританії;

-  активізувати лексику теми "Зимові свята в англомовних країнах";

 -вдосконалювати навички читання, мовлення, аудіювання,

-тренувати довготривалу пам’ять, здатність до здогадки, вміння працювати в команді;

-  розширювати кругозір учнів, прищеплювати інтерес та повагу до традицій країни, мова якої вивчається.

Обладнання: невелика штучна або натуральна ялинка, фонограми різдвяних пісень, постери  із зображеннями символів Різдва у Великобританії та їхніми назвами, різдвяні сувеніри,  відеопрезентації , різдвяні прикраси


Хід заходу

  1.              Introduction

Звучить мелодія “Let it snow”

Teacher. Good morning, dear girls, boys and guests of our party!

I am glad to see you all.

 You know that 25-th of December is a great holiday for many people? 

On that day such countries as Great Britain, the USA, France, Canada and many others celebrate Christmas.

Today we’ll have a Christmas Party. We will sing, recite poems, play and guess the riddles. Are you ready to have fun?

Great! Let’s start with singing the most familiar Christmas song! 

Всі виконують пісню “Jingle, bells!”







I hope you’ll enjoy our party and be friendly to each other.

I wish you good luck!

  1. The main part

Teacher: Children.  Do you like winter?  Why?   Do you know poems about winter?    Let’s recite some poems about winter.

This is the season                                           This is the season

When mornings are dark,                             When children ski,

And birds do not sing                                    And Santa Clause

In the forest and park.                                  Brings a Christmas tree 

                                     The snow is falling,                                

                                     The wind is blowing,

                                     The  ground is white

                                     All day and all night


Snowflakes are nice,                             Snowflakes are falling on the ground

Snowflakes are white.                           On our houses and in our town
They fall by day,                                    On my nose and in my hair
They fall at night.                                  Snowflakes are falling everywhere



Come to the garden and play in the snow!

Make a white snowman and help him to grow.

"What a nice snowman!", the children will say.

"What a fine game for a cold summer day!"


Teacher: And do you know what are the best winter holidays?

                 Yes, they are Christmas and New Year/

                  Mow let’s watch a story about X-mas in England






Teacher. Look ! What can you see? … Right! It’s a Christmas tree! Today we are going to decorate the Christmas tree together. You'll decorate it with toys , lights and tinsels


Christmas Tree, Christmas Tree!          Colored lights are bright and gay

What is there under the tree?                 They are red and blue and grey.

Presents, candles, coloured lights,          There are balls and many toys

Always make the children smile.            Hanged by little girls and boy


                          The Christmas tree is fine and tall
                          Its toys are bright. Its needles are green.
                          Stands in the centre of the hall

                          Our Christmas party is tonight

 Похожее изображение                                                        

Teacher: And do you know who is the main character of the holiday?  Who comes to every house and brings presents?  You are right, it’s Santa Clause.

Let’ listen to some poems about Santa



Two merry blue eyes                      A round chubby man
A very little nose                            A big bulging pack
A long snowy beard                        Hurray for Old Santa
And cheeks like a rose                    We’re glad he’s come back!



Похожее изображение


Let’s sing a song about Santa      “ S_A_N_T_-A


Teacher.  Do you want to guess some riddles?

                    “Guess the Riddles!”


  • It’s blue by night,
    By day it’s white.
    It is cold and not dry,
    It falls from the sky. (snow.)
  • What is without hands, without feet, without a head or body, but can open a door? (a wind)
  • What man cannot live inside the house? (a snowman)
  • What is at the end of Christmas? (The letter S)
  • I come with cold and snow. But children like me and know. (Winter.)
  • Is it better to write a letter to Santa on the table or on the desk? (On the paper)
  • We decorate…with toys, glass balls, sweets, bells. (Christmas tree)
  • What year has got only one day? (A New Year)
  • Which month of the year is the shortest? (February)
  • A little old woman with 12 children: some short, some long, some cold, some hot! What is it? (A year, 12 months)
  • It is white. It is cold. You can ski on it. What is it? (snow)
  • You make them out of snow just for fun (snowballs).


Teacher. Let’s see how well you know the symbols of the holiday .

                 Have the worksheets and try to find the words

                “Do you know the British Christmas symbols












Teacher: Christmas is a holiday when people send good wishes to each other. What do you want to wish your classmates?

  Pupil 1.                              I want to wish you lots of love,

And want to say right here:



Teacher: If Christmas is a holiday there is no one holiday without greetings. We greet each other with every holiday. We say "Happy Birthday", "Happy New Year", "Merry Christmas". There are many good and kind words to congratulate each other and wish all the best. Christmas cards and greetings is a tradition too.



  Pupil 2. New things to learn,     New things to see

                               New friends to meet,                

   New things to hear          

   New songs to sing,

                New books to read.

            New things to do

                         In this glad New Year


Happy  New Year to you.
May all your wishes come true.
Happy  New Year my friend.
Happy  New Year to you.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   


Is likely to come.                                                              

Merry, merry Christmas,

You are welcome!

Snow in the window,

Much confetti.

Bright-blue, red and yellow

Lights on the tree!




ІІІ Summing Up

Teacher: Our party has come to an end. I hope it was interesting and you enjoyed your time. But… wait! I nearly forgot! Santa was here and left presents for you!

(Всі учасники заходу отримують солодкі подарунки та різдвяні сувеніри)

( Звучить музика, всі співають We wish you a Merry Christmas...)

We wish you a Merry Christmas





Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, Сценарії
10 лютого 2022
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