Сценарій позакласного заходу "День Святого Валентина"

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Сценарій позакласного заходу для учнів 5-11 класів, присвячений Дню святого Валентина і коханню. Сценарій на англійській мові, містить вірші, пісні, танці

Перегляд файлу

1-й ведучий: Good afternoon, dear teachers, pupils and guests!

                       We are glad to see you here, in this festive hall.

2-й ведучий: Yesterday there was a great holiday - the Day of Love and Sweethearts – Saint Valentine’s Day! Our best congratulations on the holiday!

1-й ведучий: We wish you the warmest smiles and good mood!

2.-й ведучий:  Hope, magic and sweet dreams!

1-й ведучий:  Joy and delight!


Together:   Happy Saint Valentine’s Day!


2-й ведучий: No one knows the real origin of this holiday. There are many legends. One of them tells that Saint Valentine was the priest who blessed marriages of young couples secretly when the Roman Emperor Claudius the second forbade them. The ruler of the country believed that single men were better soldiers.


1-й ведучий: Another story tells about Saint Valentine who was a good friend to children. He was against the Roman Gods and that’s why he was put into prison. When it happened, the children brought him loving letters. It was on the 14th of February. Some people think this is the reason why we give friendly and loving messages to each other on this day.


1-й ведучий: I have a valentine for you.


2-й ведучий: Thanks a lot. And this is to you from me.


1-й ведучий: I am pleased. You know, the girl of our school has got the most beautiful valentine today. She wants to tell us about it.


My Valentine

I have a little valentine

That someone sent to me.

It’s pink and red,

And white and blue,

And pretty as can be.

And in the centre

There’s a heart

As red as red can be!

And on it’s written all in gold

‘’To you with love from me! ’’


1-й ведучий: Saint Valentine’s Day is the holiday of love. Love is one of the most mysterious feelings which people have ever known. It comes from the heart and touches the heart; it makes us feel inspired, cheerful and kind.

2-й ведучий: Yes, there are many wonderful feelings: gratitude, inspiration, delight, warmth, sympathy. But all you need is love, only love. And the song by “The Beatles” proves it.


Song “All you need is Love”



2-й ведучий: The symbol of this holiday is a red rose. There is a legend about the flower. Goddess of love Aphrodite was hurrying to her beloved and stepped on the bush of white roses, which turned red because of her blood. Since that time red roses are the symbol of love and passion.


1-й ведучий: Many famous poets glorified red roses. One of them was a Scottish poet Robert Burns. His gorgeous poem became a dance.


Dance “My love is like a red, red rose”



1-й ведучий: I wonder, why Saint Valentine’s Day is in February? It is winter now. And everybody knows February is the coldest winter month. Who speaks about love in winter?

2-й ведучий: You are mistaken. February is a great month. There are so many events that took place in history. Just listen!

In 1935 – the lie detector was firstly used in the USA.

In 1950 – Walt Disney’s “Cinderella” appeared on TV. 

In 1959 - a famous doll Barbie was sold.

In 2005 - You Tube and Facebook were founded.


Besides, Charles Dickens, Charles Darwin, Lesya Ukrainka, Krishtianu Ronaldu were born in February.


1-й ведучий: You persuaded me. February is the month of joy and love.


Song “What a wonderful world”



1-й ведучий: Have you already got a card form your sweetheart by Love Mail?

2-й ведучий: No, I haven’t. I dream of getting a card right into my hands and with a flower, of course.  Just as the boys of our school do. Look!







Poems for girls


Love is like a little flower,                                 

It needs the sun and rain.                                 

In all kinds of weather,                                     

Let’s stay together.        


I am like a cabbage,

Divided into two.

My leaves I give to others,

But heart I give to you.


Roses are red, violets are blue,

Sugar is sweet and I love you.


Wake up on this special day                               

And read these words from me

It’s not a dream, my love is true

Look in my heart and see.



1-й ведучий: They are so lovely. May be, after such declaration of love boys will invite girls to the café and treat them to cakes and ice- cream. They will enjoy nice music and pleasant atmosphere.

2-й ведучий: I know such a romantic couple, who decided to visit a café on Saint Valentine’s Day. But something went wrong….Enjoy the performance!


Play “In the Café”

A man and a woman come to the restaurant for the holiday supper. They are sitting at the table and the man is calling a waiter:


 M: - Waiter!

 W:  - Yes, sir. What can I do for you?

 M:  - Bring us some soup, please.

 W:  - Just a minute, sir.

The waiter brings the plates of soup, puts them on the table and goes away.

 M:  - Waiter! (irritated)

 W:  - Yes, sir!

 M:  - We can’t eat the soup.

 W:  - But it is a very good soup.

 M:  - Waiter! (angrily)

 W:  - Yes, sir!

 M:  - We can’t eat the soup.

 W:  - I can’t understand you. OK, I’ll bring you another plate.

 M:  - Leave the soup here. We have no spoons.

 W:  - Oh, what a fool I am.



1-й ведучий:  Saint Valentine's Day is a day for expressing love between family members and friends too. Why not to write a lovely message to your best friend?


2-й ведучий: You can do it even in English. Because English is a language of international communication and friendship. It helps to build bridges between people.


Poem “English is wonderful”

English is wonderful,

English is great,

We can travel to England

By plane or by train.

We should learn it hard,

We should speak it well

To make many friends

And to write them e-mail.



2-й ведучий: A good friend is a true blessing of God. Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget.


1-й ведучий: If you are lucky to have a bosom friend all the best poems are only for him.


Poem “On friendship


When you are sad, I will dry your tears.

When you are scared, I will ease your fears.


When you are worried I will give you hope

If you want to give up, I’ll help you cope.


When you are lost and can’t see the light

I’ll be your beacon shining so bright.


This is my oath that I pledge to the end

Why you may ask? Because you are my friend.





1-й ведучий: When people are true friends, they can have a good time together on Saint Valentine’s Day and entertain themselves.


2-й ведучий: Our girls can entertain not only their friends but even you with their exciting dance.



English Dance


2- й ведучий: We should think of our sweethearts, our parents, friends not only on Saint Valentine’s Day, but every moment of our life. Tell them nice words; don’t offend them in order not to regret what you said yesterday.


Song “Yesterday”



2-й ведучий: Today, all our words, songs and dances were devoted to the best feeling in the world – Love. It is unique and eternal. It is beyond age and time.


1-й ведучий: As you see, a lot of great masterpieces were created by people who were in love. So, let’s love and be loved!


Together: We wish you tender love and romance!


1-й ведучий: Thank you for attention. Good bye.






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