"Сценарій позакласного заходу для 5 - 9 класів до Дня святого Валентина"

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Сценарій позакласного заходу англійською мовою містить інформацію з історії святкування Дня святого Валентина, вірші, скорочений сценарій казки "Красуня та чудовисько", інтерактивні завдання для учасників заходу. Орієнтовна тривалість 1 година. Рекомендовано залучати учнів 5 - 7 класів.

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Позакласний захід англійською мовою для учнів 5 – 9 класів ЗЗСО

English party

St. Valentine’s Day

Host 1 - Dear friends!

Host 2 - Dear guests! 

H 1 - Dear teachers and parents, Good afternoon!

H 1 - We are happy to welcome you at our traditional English party today. And now we want you to feel the atmosphere of this fascinated English language, pretty poetry, charming songs.

 The members of our school authority are present among the guests at our English party.

H 2 – By the way, friends, as you know this week in our school is devoted to one of the most popular and beloved holidays, celebrated in many countries of the world.

H 1 – Certainly, it’s Saint Valentine’s Day. It’s interesting that this holiday is shrouded in mystery. St. Valentine’s Day contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. There are many legends about Saint Valentine and the origins of the holiday.

H 2 -- One legend says that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those married, he outlawed marriage for young men. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine’s actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he to be put to death. And Valentine’s Day is celebrated in the middle of February to commemorate the anniversary of Valentine’s death, which probably occurred around 270 A.D.

H 1 According to another legend, Valentine actually sent the first ‘valentine’ greeting himself. While in prison, Valentine fell in love with a young girl, his jailor’s daughter, who visited him during his confinement. Before his death, he wrote her a letter, which he signed ‘From your Valentine,’ an expression that is still in use today. Legends usually says that Valentine was a sympathetic, heroic, and romantic person. In the Middle Ages, Valentine was one of the most popular saints in England and France.

H 2 – Well, let’s begin our festival with one of the most romantic fairy tales “Beauty and the Beast” performed by the pupils of the forms 6 A and 7 B.

                                    BEAUTY AND THE BEAST            6th Form

Storyteller – St 1, 2

Sister – S

Father – F

Belle – B

Beast - Bs

St 1   - Once upon a time a wealthy merchant lived in a mansion with his three daughters, all of whom were very beautiful, but only the youngest, was named Belle for being lovely and pure of heart; her sisters, in contrast, were wicked and selfish.

St 2  - One day the merchant decided to go to faraway countries. Before leaving, he asked his daughters whether they desired that he to bring them any gift upon his return.

S 1    - I’d like to have the most beautiful and stylish dress, made of silk velvet.

S 2   - A dress. I’d like to get the biggest and the most valuable bracelet on my wrist.  And of course, golden earrings.

F     -  I’ll try to buy them for you, my dear daughters. And you Belle, what would you like me to bring you?

B  - In my dream I saw a wonderful rose, but it doesn’t grow in our country. I’d like to have such a rare flower in my garden.

F    - I promise you, my daughters, to come back with the presents you want.

St 1   - And the merchant left for his long way.

St 2  - During his return, he became lost in a forest. Seeking shelter, he entered a dazzling palace. He found inside tables laden with food and drink, which had apparently been left for him by the palace's unseen owner. The merchant accepted this gift and spent the night. The next morning as the merchant was about to leave, he saw a rose garden and recalled that Belle had desired a rose.

St 1  - As soon as the merchant picked up the loveliest rose, a hideous beast appeared in front of him.

Bs   - You accepted my hospitality – ate, drank and slept in my house then took my rose, the most precious thing of mine. You offended me so must die.

F    - I am so sorry, I took the rose as a gift for my youngest daughter. She wanted neither jewels nor fine dresses, only that nice flower.

Bs   - I can let you give the rose to Belle but you must return.

St 2   - The merchant was upset, but accepted this condition. The Beast sent him on his way, with jewels and fine clothes for his daughters, and stressed that Belle did never have to know about his deal.

St 1  - The merchant, upon arriving home, tried to hide the secret from Belle, but she pried it from him and willingly went to the Beast's castle. The Beast received her graciously and gave her lavish clothing and food and carried on lengthy conversations with her.

St 2  -  For several months, Belle lived a life of luxury at the Beast's palace. Eventually she became homesick and begged the Beast to allow her to go to see her family. He allowed it, if she would return exactly a week later.

St 1 - Her older sisters were surprised to find her well fed and dressed in finery. They grew jealous of her happy life at the castle.

S 1   – Did you see her dress? It’s so bright. I can’t stand it. Why don’t I have such a lovely finery? I am the eldest sister and must have the best clothes.

S 2   - And her earrings, necklaces, bracelets, did you see them? I like jewels so much. Why does she have them? Let’s beg her to stay another day, if the Beast grows angry with Belle for breaking her promise he will eat her alive.

S 1  - Sister don’t leave us,  stay another day, we love you so much!

S 2   - We haven’t seen you for a long time. Another day will change nothing in your life. We are your sisters we ask you.

B   -   I agree to stay but only for a day, my dear sisters.

St 2    - When Belle returned to the castle the next day, she found the Beast almost dead.

B      - What happened? Are you alive? I know I am late. I’m so sorry. Don’t die, please. I love you.

St 1    - Belle wept over him. When her tears stroke him, the Beast was transformed into the handsome prince.

Bs    -  Long ago a fairy turned me into a hideous beast after I had refused to let her in from the rain, and that only by finding true love, despite my ugliness, the curse could be broken. I love you, Bell, marry me please.

St 2    - He and Belle were married and they lived happily ever after together.


Merchant ['mə:ʧənt]- купець

Dazzling ['dæzlɪƞ] - сліпучий

Hideous ['hɪdɪəs] - відразливий

Graciously ['ɡreɪʃəslɪ] – люб’язно, доброзичливо

Finery ['faɪnərɪ] – одяг, прикраси

Jewels ['ʤuls] - коштвності

Castle ['ka:sl] - замок

Curse ['kə:s] - проклинати

Luxury ['lʌkʃərɪ] - розкіш

Allow [ə'lau]- дозволяти.


H 1 – Thank you, pupils you are great! Gradually, February 14 became the date for exchanging love messages and St. Valentine became the patron saint of lovers. The date was marked by sending simple gifts such as flowers. So we continue our party with a beautiful song “May be I may be you” performed by the pupil of the 5 D form.

H 2 – Well done! We go on speaking about Saint Valentine’s Day.  In Great Britain, Valentine’s Day began to be popularly celebrated around the seventeenth century. By the middle of the eighteenth century, it was common for friends and lovers in all social classes to exchange small presents of affection or handwritten notes.

H 1 – One of the immortal and refined Shakespeare’s sonnets may not be out of place at our celebration the pupil of 10 A form recites it.

William Shakespeare “Sonnet 90.  Then hate me when thou wilt, if ever, now”

H 2 – It’s wonderful! Thank you very much!

 Americans probably began exchanging hand-made valentines in the early 1700s. In the 1840s, Esther A. Howland, known as the Mother of the Valentine, began to sell the first mass-produced valentines in America.

Another fascinating song about love is appropriate at our festival.  Sway with me ” the student of the 10B form is singing for us. …. -- are helping her.

H 1 --  It’s really great! Well! We go on.

Interesting facts about Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is the second largest card-sending holiday of the year (after Christmas).

Approximately 85 percent of all valentines are purchased by women.

– Now friends, let’s have a quiz to find out how well you know other customs and traditions of Great Britain.

H 2 – 1) Christmas is celebrated on (the 25-th of December).

H 1 – 2) What did children hang at the end of their beds for presents?  Children hang colourful (socks) at the end of their beds for presents

H 2 --  3) At Easter, the British give each other chocolate (what?) (eggs), which they eat on (Easter Sunday).

H 1--  4) Halloween is a holiday loved by all children. It takes place (when?) on (the 31-st of October).

H 2 – 5) People dress up in costumes of witches and ghosts and make lanterns of (what?) (pumpkins with a candle inside).

H 1 – 6) The changing of the Guard happens every day (where?) at (Buckingham Palace).

H 2 – 7) Mothers’ Day is celebrated is (when?) on (the second Sunday of May).

H 1 – Well done! It’s time for some romantic poems: the student of the 10th B form, is ready to bring one to your attention.

Thank you, you are magnificent!

H 2 –the pupil of the 5th B form, is going to recite another lovely poem.

Love          by Loy Bowman

Love is like a lump of gold,

Hard to get, and hard to hold.

Of all the girls I've ever met,

You're the one I can't forget.

I do believe that God above,

Created you for me to love.

He chose you from all the rest,

Because he knew I would love you best.


Thank you, you are great!

H 2 – The following item of our concert is the song performed by two girls from the 11th A form. Listen to “Apologize”

It’s a nice song, isn’t it. Thank you girls!

H 1 –the student of the 8th B form,  will continue our party with a cute Valentine poem.

Found Love By Amanda Lovatt

Life is long

and sometimes sweet

then all at once

a man you meet.

A man so honest

a man so true

who gives you back

what once was you.

I send to you

though far apart

a precious gift,

which is my heart.

Just think of me

before you sleep

my heart I give

for you to keep.

Thank you, you are so charming!

Н 2the pupil of the 5th A form, also wants to recite a sweet poem by Aileen Fisher.

I gave a hundred Valentines.

A hundred, did I say?

I gave a thousand Valentines

One cold and wintry day.

I didn’t put my name on them

Or any other words,

Because my Valentines are seeds

For February birds.

Thank you very much!

H 1 --  Modern Valentine’s Day.

Nowadays Valentine’s Day is celebrated in many countries of the world on February 14. It is the day on which lovers express their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards (known as “valentines”).

H 2 – The pupils of the 4th A form would like to present their Valentine cards.

 They are wonderful! Thank you very much! You are really great!

H 2 -- All of you have worked well, so now it’s high time to summarize our work and award the most active participants of our English week.

H 1 -- … is delivering the diplomas to our best participants.

H 2 – Our time is over, we would like you to master English successfully.

H 1 -- The last item of our programme is the song performed by the student of the 11th B form. …  is performing “Feel Good”. Let’s sing with her !

H 1, 2 – Goodbye, dear friends! All the best!





19 лютого 2018
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