Сценарій позакласного заходу "Flowers' carnival"

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"Свято квітів" дає можливість у змістовній та цікавій формі створити сприятливі умови для розвитку лінгвістичної та соціокультурної компетенції, формувати особистісні якості учнів, створити творчу атмосферу, відчуття захопленості, незвичайності та святковості
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                                  Flowers carnival

Pupil 1(Seed): A plant will grow from a tiny seed, some water and sun is all I need.

Pupil 2 (Roots): First the roots grow underground, they suck up minerals from all the ground.

Pupil 3 (Branches): Then come stems, some tall, some stout, and next the branches spread about.

Pupil 4 (Leaves): Leaves growing all shapes and sizes, watch this new life as it rises.

Pupil 5 (Chamomile): Flowers bloom from buds on stems, they are as pretty as precious gems.

Pupil 6 (Cornflower): New seeds travel to and from, by wind and water, on we go.

Pupil 7 (Snowdrop): And the cycle keeps on going, soon new stems and leaves are showing.

All flowers are dancing.

Teacher: Now you know how the flowers grow.

-How many flowers does your granny grow?

Pupil 8 recites a poem showing flowers.

 One – a red rose,                              Four – a red poppy.

Two – a yellow tulip,                        There’s one more. Now let me see,

Tree – a white lily,                            Oh, yes, of course. It must be me.


Teacher: My helpers will give you riddles. Listen and try to chose the right flower on the stage and pronounce its name. The winner will get a bunch of flowers.

Helper 1: It is the first flower to pop up above the ground in spring. (a snowdrop).

A pupil who guesses the flower says: It’s a snowdrop.

Helper 2: You can see its blue head in the cornfields in summer. (a cornflower)

Helper 3: When it blooms in spring, it looks like the Sun. (a dandelion)

Helper 4: It can be of different colours, but it is always the queen of flowers. (a rose)

Helper 5: It’s often white and smells good, it’s very beautiful. (a lily0

Teacher: Who gathered many flowers? Come up and get your prize.

Teacher:  How many seasons are there in a year?

What season has no flowers?

That’s right, it winter. All other seasons are rich in flowers. Let’s have a competition. There two baskets:


Teacher: Let’s pick up flowers. Put spring flowers intone basket and summer flowers into the other. After finishing pupils say: “We have poppies…” Winners are those pupils who name the right flowers.

Teacher: You know, kids, an absent – minded artist came to our school today. He brought different pieces from three postcards and asked us to help him to make these postcards and to read what is written in them.

Are you ready to help?

Teacher: I see you are ready. Show your postcard. Remember that the artist asked you to read it. Have two minutes to read it all together. You must read a rhyme on the post – card.

One rose, two roses,

Three roses, four,

Five roses, six roses,

Seven roses, more.

On the other post – cards are written TULIP, VIOLET, SNOWDROP, DANDELION, POPPY, CAMOMILE. The team will win when it can read right the post – card.

On the stage there are two big flowers. Children must draw flowers in the right colour which is written.

Teacher: Do you see these two flowers? They can’t bloom. Let’s help them and colour them. Do this on the petal.

Teacher: We all know the song about old MacDonald and his farm. Now let’s imagine that that he has not a farm, but a garden, where he grows different flowers and sings a song for them. Each group will sing a song for them. Each group will sing about the flowers he grows.

All the participants are dancing.

Make a lei for your friends! 

Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, Сценарії
23 квітня 2020
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