Сценарій позакласного заходу " Mini Plays Contest"

Про матеріал
Сценарій позакласного заходу "Mini Plays Contest" для учнів 7 класу шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови
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                           Сценарій позакласного заходу з англійської мови

                                                                «Listen and perform»


розвивати мовленнєві здібності, індивідуальну та колективну творчість;

вдосконалювати навички аудіювання та говоріння;

сприяти розвитку навичок роботи у групі;

виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови

Дата проведення   

Клас   7

Місце проведення   кабінет №


Обладнання     мультимедійна дошка, таблички з назвами команд, роздатковий матеріал


                                        ХІД  ЗАХОДУ

  1. Організаційний етап

а) повідомлення теми заходу

T.  Good  afternoon, young ladies and gentlemen, dear guests. I’m glad to meet you at our event “ Listen and perform”. Today we’re going to have a mini plays contest,  among  three great teams.

            b) представлення команд та жюрі

  T. Team leaders, I’d like you to introduce your teams.

 T.L.1  The name of our team is “The best’’. Our motto is  “ We’re the best of the best”.

  T.L.2  The name of our team is “ Language experts”. Our motto is “ Head for the top and never stop.”

  T.L.3  The name of our team is “Super minds”. Our motto is ”We have sharp minds and ready tongues” .

     T. Let me introduce our reputable jury – Natalia Oleksandrivna Som and Olena Vasylivna Hordienko. They will assess your work.

          c) повідомлення завдань заходу

  T. Now listen to your task. You have to listen to a  story ,  understand it in details and perform it as creatively and precisely as possible. Everyone has got a sheet of paper so while listening you can make some notes. You’ll   listen to the story twice. After the first listening you’ll have some time to discuss ideas  and share the roles. Then you’ll listen for the second time to check, change or add something. After that you’ll have 10 minutes to prepare the performance.  While listening ,  note the main characters and the main actions. Remember: the more details you perform, the higher points you get.

        2.  Основна частина заходу

       а)   перше прослуховування тексту

                                               IN THE MOUNTAINS

         A group of people were wandering in the mountains. There was no sun and the weather was quite cold. It was the third day of their trip. The people were feeling tired and some of them even exhausted. They were carrying very heavy rucksacks on their backs.

      “ I can’t climb anymore”, said a blond girl. “  I’m  thirsty and hungry”, said the smallest girl in the group. “  Don’t  give up!” said the group leader “ When we reach that hill, we’ll have a rest”.

       Suddenly it started raining. The people took their raincoats out of the rucksacks and put them on. The path they were walking on was becoming more and more slippery. It was so hard to go, that the group slipped all the time. “Oh, no!” shouted the tallest boy in the group. Everyone looked at him. The boy was lying on the ground with his right hand on his left leg. He was nearly crying. The group leader ran up to him. “ What’s  happened?” he asked. “My leg hurts. I think I’ve broken it”, said the boy. “ What shall we do?” asked a girl with brown eyes. “ We have no choice”, answered the group leader,” we have to come back to the camp. Boys, help Bill. We’re coming back.”
T. Now you have some time to discuss, share ideas and  the roles. Listen to the story one more time. Try to get as many  details as you can. Remember: the more details you perform, the better points you get.

       b)   повторне прослуховування тексту

T.  You have ten minutes to prepare your performance. On the board there are some words and word combinations which can help you.

       to climb

        to be hungry and thirsty

        to give up

        to reach a hill

        to have a rest

        to hurt

        to break

        to happen

        to have no choice

        to come back

      c)   підготовка до виступу

T. Your time is up. Which team is eager to be the first?

      d)  виступ команд

3.  Заключний етап.

        а) підведення підсумків.

T.  Let me give the word to the jury.

J.  In our opinion …

         b) вручення командам грамот за участь у конкурсі







Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, Сценарії
7 вересня 2020
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