Сценарій позакласного заходу з англійської мови “Brain Storm”

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Сценарій позакласного заходу з англійської мови для учнів 8-го восьмого класу “Brain Storm”. Підготувала Ілляшенко Аліна Олександрівна
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позакласного заходу з англійської мови

“Brain Storm”















Загальна характеристика заходу:

  1. Форма проведення: гра.
  2. Виховна мета: активізувати знання учнів з англійської мови. Розширити світогляд учнів, навчити мислити і приймати правильні рішення колективно.
  3. Тривалість: 45 хв.
  4. Обладнання: картки із завданнями, наочність.
















Виховний захід з англійської мови

“Brain Storm”

     Good morning, dear friends! You are welcome to take part in the game «Brain storm». I think two teams will show their best and the fans will support their favourite teams. Please, listen attentively to the rules and conditions of each game, be active quick and you are sure to win.

    To begin with, I let you introduce your teams. Tell us, please, how your team is called and who the captain of each team is.

•   First of all, let’s review the alphabet. Do you remember all letters? So, one participant will get the card with the letters. And the task is to show the letter to your team, using your body, and they have to guess it. One minute is given.

(Letters: L, O, P, T, F, I, X, C, Y, W).

•   As far as I know, at your English lessons you have already learnt some facts about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. So, now, using your knowledge on this topic, make up 5 questions about England, Scotland and Wales for the other team to answer them. Use different grammar structures and don’t make mistakes.

•   I believe, you are fond of English. And as we know, English is rich in different proverbs and sayings. Now we will check whether you know at least some of them. Each team gets proverbs and sayings, written on the sheets of paper in English. The task is to find the correct Ukrainian equivalent of them. So, start please. You have 5 minutes.

 No pain – no gain.

A good beginning makes a good ending.

All is well that ends well.

First think, then speak.

Well begun is half done.

East or west, home is best.

They are hand and glove.

•  The next competition will be for our captains. I’m sure that you are good at reading. But this time you’ll have to read not just a text, but a tongue twister. Besides, you should read it not only phonetically correct, but also with a good intonation and as quickly as it is possible. In addition, we’ll see, how our captains can organize the work of the whole team. You should tell us this tongue twister all together. First one team, and then another.

•   Our next competition is for the whole team. You get cards with some words. Make up sentences with the given words, putting them in correct order. Begin, please.

Mrs. Brown, her, Saturdays, on, often, car, washes.

(Mrs. Brown washes her car on Saturdays)

Tim und Len, on, watch, Sundays, TV, never.

(Tim and Len never watch TV on Sundays)

Very, yesterday, cold, was, it.

(It was very cold yesterday)

Living-room, are, in, chess, they, the, playing.

(They are playing chess in the living-room)

At, studies, Maths, she, University.

(She studies Maths at University)

Like, of, what, music, ?, you, do, kind.

(What kind of music do you like?)

Table, any, the, on, are, glasses, there, not.

(There are not any glasses on the table)

The, ?, any, refrigerator, is, milk, there, in.

(Is there any milk in the refrigerator?)

Got, have, any, money, I, not.

(I have not got any money)

This, to, tennis, I’m, weekend, play, going.

(I’m going to play tennis this weekend)

Watch, at, night,?, you, TV, last, home, did.

(Did you watch TV at home last night?)

Billy and Carol, to, go, cinema, often, the.

(Billy and Carol go to the cinema often)

•   Good of you! And our next competition will help us to see whether you are attentive or not. So, you’ll get some words your task is to find extra word, which doesn’t belong to the definite category. Be ready to explain your choice

  1. Apple, lemon, onion, orange
  2. Black, red, exit, white
  3. Bank, lamp, cafe, club
  4. Bag, night, book, pen
  5. Chess, golf, football, painting.


  1. Onion – vegetable, всі слова - fruit
  2. Exit –вихід, всі слова - colours
  3. Club – з літерою «u», всі слова з літерою «a»
  4. Night –ніч, всі слова – з теми «School»
  5. Painting – hobby, всі слова – з теми «Sport».

•   Each team gets English words and has to say a word with the opposite meaning. Try to do this task as quick as you can.

  * cheap – expensive

  * big – small

  * full – empty

  * hot – cold

  * interesting – boring

  * funny – sad

  * fast – slow

  * clean – dirty

  * rich – poor

  * weak – strong

  * new – old

  * loud – quiet

  * good – bad

  * beautiful – ugly

 * difficult – easy

  * front – back

  * day – night

  * evening – morning

•    Have a look at the blackboard, please. One word is written there. You have 3 minutes to write words from the letters of this word. Make up new words, if it is possible.

Word “Carpet” (car, rat, pet, part)

•   And now listen to the definitions of words or the descriptions of objects, animals and so on. You have to guess the words. The team that puts up hand first and pronounces the correct word gets 1 point.

    * It is a piece of furniture. It is wooden. It has got 4 legs. You write at it. You can see it at school. (desk)

   * It’s a place to visit. There are different collections of pictures, drawings. (gallery)

    * It’s a city. It is situated on a river. It is very old and beautiful. It’s famous for its churches and trees with nice white flowers in spring and brown in autumn. It’s the capital of Ukraine. (Kyiv)

   * It’s an animal. It is small, it can be white, black and gray. It can be a pet. It can climb, it can run, but it can’t fly and swim. It eats fruits and vegetables. Very often it saves food in his mouth. (a hamster)

  * it’s something, people even don’t imagine their life without. They use it very often, especially for searching new information. It’s very important at offices. But some people use it for communication. Many of them have it even at home. (the Internet)


Unfortunately, our game came to the end. And the jury is counting your points. Very soon we’ll find out who the winner of the competition “Brain storm” is.

Thank you for taking part in it, being very active and attentive. Learn English!





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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
3 березня 2021
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