(Ділові переговори. Обговорення та вирішення ділових проблем. Елементи усного перекладу інформації іноземною мовою в процесі ділових контактів, зустрічей, нарад)
Обсяг матеріалу: психологічні та етичні норми ділового спілкування з іноземними партнерами. Ділові переговори. Обговорення та вирішення ділових проблем. Тренінг з проведення ділових переговорів на основі заданих ситуацій у формі рольових ігор. Стратегія і тактика компанії в ділових переговорах. Студент повинен:
знати лексико-граматичний мінімум для проведення ділових
переговорів, основні правила проведення ділових переговорів та проблем, пов’язані з цим; уміти організувати ділову зустріч, прийом. Проводити усний обмін
інформацією в процесі ділових контактів, взаємодіяти з партнером. I. Pre-reading stage:
1) Have you ever negotiated?
2) What phrases are used at the negotiating table?
1.Read and translate the following words and word-combinations:
1. to resolve conflicts – владнати конфлікти
2. to handle differences – врегулювати розбіжності
3. to come to an agreement – прийти до згоди
4. a bargain – угода; to bargain – торгуватися
5. achievable – той, що може бути досягнутий
6. reasonable – прийнятний
7. to express thoughts verbally – виражати думки з допомогою слів
8. listening skills – уміння слухати
9. integrity – чесність persuade somebody – переконувати когось
11.patience – терпіння
12.decisiveness – рішучість
II. While-reading stage:
2.Read and translate the text:
Negotiation is an essential part of the every-day business life. It is process for resolving conflict between two or more parties to achieve an acceptable compromise.
Negotiations take place to handle differences or conflicts of:
Interests (wages, hours, work conditions, prices).
Rights (different interpretations of an agreement).
The aim of a negotiation is to come to an agreement that is acceptable to both sides. There are four main stages of negotiations:
1. preparing objectives, information, strategy
2. discussing (argue) 3. propose and bargain
4. close and agree.
The objectives are classified as follows:
Like – ideal
Intend – achievable Must – real.
80% of the negotiating time is spent arguing. There are two kinds of arguing:
reasonable and constructive – debates, discussions; unreasonable and destructive – emotional quarrels.
A negotiator should be constructive in arguments and try to get information by asking open questions. it is important to state only ideals at first.
Another very important point of negotiations is proposing and bargaining. Proposals should be realistic.
The final step is closing and agreeing. The aim of closing is to get the opposition to stop bargaining and to make an agreement. The final thing to do is to write down the agreement and agree what is written down.
To be an effective negotiator one should have such characteristics as:
• preparation and planning skills;
• knowledge of the subject matter being negotiated;
• ability to think dearly under pressure;
• ability to express thoughts verbally;
• listening skills;
• judgement and general intelligence;
• integrity;
• ability to persuade others;
• patience; decisiveness.
In order to be a success at the negotiating table, one should have negotiation skills as well as a theoretical knowledge. But without a practical experience it is hard to negotiate effectively.
III. Post-reading stage:
3. Give the Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and wordcombinations:
An essential part Resolving conflict An acceptable compromise To handle differences Work conditions To be acceptable |
preparing objectives arguing propose and bargain negotiating time debates emotional quarrels |
to get information to ask open questions to state ideals the final step to make an agreement an effective negotiation |
4. Answer the following questions:
1. What is negotiation?
2. What is the aim of negotiation?
3. What are the main stages of negotiation?
4. What characteristics are necessary to be an effective negotiator?
5.Read and learn the negotiating expressions:
To make a deal |
укласти угоду |
To sign a contract |
підписати контракт |
To meet a deadline |
наблизитись до крайнього терміну |
To reach an agreement |
досягти домовленості |
To resolve one’s differences |
владнати непорозуміння |
To propose a solution |
запропонувати рішення |
To consider a proposal |
розглянути пропозицію |
To reject an idea |
відхилити ідею |
6. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:
1. May I suggest that we table this discussion until tomorrow?
2. We must figure a way to resolve our differences.
3. Let’s consider this new proposal.
4. Can we reach an agreement in time to meet the deadline?
5. I do not know if this will solve our problems.
6. The president will reject any opposing ideas.
7. Perhaps you can propose a solution to this problem
8. Let’s make a deal!
7. Read and learn the verbs of negotiation:
1. To suggest – пропонувати
2. To recommend – рекомендувати
3. To propose – пропонувати
4. To offer – робити пропозицію
5. To bargain – торгуватися, домовлятися
6. To compromise – йти на компроміс
7. To settle – вирішувати
8. To resolve – варішувати
8. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:
1. I would like to recommend a 10 percent pay cut.
2. I propose a S 104 per share tender offer on this stock.
3. I suggest we redesign the equipment.
4. I am offering a 6 percent commission on the sale.
5. We need to bargain with our competitors and make a deal.
6. Let’s settle our disagreements before progressing further.
7. Can we compromise here? I’ll give a little, you give a little, maybe we can reach an agreement.
8. We need to resolve our problems first, then we can talk about contracts.
9. Read and learn the sentences with conceding, downplaying, and exploring other possibilities:
I see your point. I’ll go along with that. I’ll buy that. This is a minor point. This is of little (no) importance. Only (or just). What would happen if …? Is it possible that …? Do you have any other ideas? Perhaps (maybe). |
Я розумію вашу точку зору. Добре, я погоджуюсь з цим. Я беру це. Це незначне зауваження. Це не має великого значення. Лише. А що було би, якби …? Чи можливо, щоб …? Чи є у вас інші ідеї? Можливо.
10.Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:
1. The cost is of little importance if we can’t sell the product.
2. The design is a minor point here; what matters is how it costs.
3. It’s only a design; it’s a nice feature, but it’s not the most important thing.
4. It’s just another software program among thousands; why is it so special?
5. What would happen if our company bought fewer machines at a higher price? Would that work for you?
6. Is it possible to redesign the software for us?
7. Do you have any other ideas about solving this problem?
8. Perhaps you need to give this some additional thought before deciding further actions?
11.Give the equivalent verb for:
• Concession offer
• Proposal settlement
• Agreement negotiation
• Suggestion
12.Match the expressions on the left with those on the right that have a similar meaning:
1.I’ll buy that 2.A minor point 3.Maybe 4.To settle 5.A good price 6.To propose 7.No cause for concern 8.In any case 9.Concern |
a) a bargain b) worry c) perhaps d) I agree e) reassurance f) nevertheless g) to suggest h) to resolve i) of little importance |
13.Write sentences using the following expressions:
1. Make a deal
2. Reach a compromise
3. Reject an idea (or point of view)
4. Propose a solution
5. Make a concession
I. Pre-reading stage:
1) What do sides usually consider during the negotiations?
2) What is a Letter of Credit?
1. Study the following words and word combinations:
1. on the whole – у цілому
2. condition - умова
3. competitive – конкурентоспроможній
4. somewhat high – дещо великий
5. per cent - відсоток
6. to increase - збільшувати
7. to give a discount - надавати знижку
8. to settle a problem – врегулювати питання
9. parcel – партія (обладнання, машин)
10. a lot – партія (вантажу)
11. remaining – той, що залишився
12. as regards – щодо, відносно
13. shipping documents – вантажні документи
14. a letter of credit – акредитив II. While-reading stage:
2. Read and translate the dialogue.
The export department of Goldman &Co. sent their offer of compressors. When Mr. Bunin came back from Edinburg, he and Mr. Zotov considered the prices, the terms of payment and delivery and the technical information of the offer. They found that their compressors were the latest design. So Bunin decided to meet Mr. Lipman again to discuss the offer.
Bunin: Good afternoon, Mr. Lipman.
Lipman: Good afternoon, Mr. Bunin. Will you take a seat? Have a cigarette, please.
Bunin: Thank you.
Lipman: Did you enjoy your trip to Edinburg?
Bunin: Yes, it was pleasant, indeed. I also had a good opportunity to contact businessmen of different British companies.
Lipman: I see. Now, Mr. Bunin, what do you say to your offer?
Bunin: On the whole your terms and conditions are acceptable to us. But I’m afraid your prices are not quite competitive. They are somewhat higher then the prices of other firms. Could you reduce your price by 7 per cent?
Lipman: I say, Mr. Bunin, we’ve sold our compressors at the price of S2000 each. They are the best on the world market at this price. However, if you increase your order, we’ll give you a discount of 5 per cent.
Bunin: I believe we can buy 15 more compressors.
Lipman: Fine. That will settle the price problem.
Bunin: Quite so. Now there is another point, Mr. Lipman. Your delivery dates don’t suit us. We require the first parcel of 20 compressors a month after we sign the contract.
Lipman: So I understand that we are to ship the first parcel in December. And what about the remaining goods?
Bunin: We can accept them in March.
Lipman: Very good. Well, Mr. Bunin, as regards the terms of payment I hope you’ll pay against shipping documents by a Letter of Credit. You are to open it with the London Bank after our fax that the goods are ready for shipment.
Bunin: Quite right. I’ll be glad to sign the contract when you get it ready.
Lipman: We can sign it tomorrow. I’ll be glad, Mr. Bunin, if you and Mr. Zotov join our Sales Manager and me for lunch after we sign the contract.
Bunin: Thank you.
Lipman: So we hope to see you at our office at 12 tomorrow. Bunin: Good. See you tomorrow.
III. Post-reading stage:
3. Consult a dictionary, read and translate the following words: to consider offer to increase shipment to discuss order to reduce Letter of Credit to accept discount to sign term
4. Match the expressions on the left with those on the right that have a similar meaning:
a) To sign a contract b) To settle the price problem c) To increase the order d) Acceptable conditions e) Competitive prices f) To be ready for shipment g) To give a discount h) To pay by a Letter of Credit i) To consider the prices
а) збільшити замовлення б) конкурентоспроможні ціни в) прийнятні умови г) платити за акредитивом д) надати знижку ж) обговорювати ціни з) бути готовим до відвантаження и) врегулювати проблему цін і) підписати контракт |
5. Complete the dialogue.
A: Good afternoon Mr. Lake.
B: ________________________________ A: Will you sit down, please?
B: __________________________________ A: What can I do for you, Mr. Lake?
B: You see, Mr. Brown, my firm is interested in your boilers.
A: What do you say to our offer?
B: _____________________________________
A: You want a discount, don’t you?
B: __________________________ Could you reduce price _____________?
A: Surely, if you _________________________________________, we’ll ________________________ .
B: __________________________
A: Fine. That will settle the price problem.
6. Fill in with the propositions and make up a dialogue on the basis of the text:
I work … “Avantis”. A lot …foreign firms are interested … doing business … us. We have made some contracts … boilers … latest design lately. Our boilers are … a great demand now, and we sell them … high prices.
The other day Mr. Gray … Roberts &Co. came … Kherson to negotiate … us. as soon as he came … Kherson he phoned our secretary and made an appointment … us … the next day.
He came to see us … half … nine. We discussed a lot … different questions. our terms … payment and delivery were acceptable … him. When the negotiations were over we asked Mr. Gray to have dinner … us … Saturday.
7.Add question-tags to the following statements:
1. Mr. Black came to London on business, …?
2. Both parties agreed to a 5% discount, …?
3. The Buyers didn’t receive the goods at the agreed time, …?
4. The manager made a correct decision, …?
5. Last year your customs’ tariffs were too high, …?
8.Translate the following into English.
1. Вони часто ведуть переговори з іноземними фірмами.
2. Вони зараз ведуть переговори.
3. Вони вели переговори з цією компанією минулого тижня.
4. Коли ми повернулися до офісу, вони все ще вели переговори.
5. Ми збираємося вести з ними переговори наступного тижня.
6. Наша компанія відвантажує обладнання вчасно.
7. Наша компанія відвантажила обладнання минулого місяця.
8. Наша компанія відвантажить обладнання в наступному місяці.
1. Make up your own dialogue “Negotiating contract”. Try to use phrases, you have learnt from this unit and phrases being given below.
Have you any questions as regards the contract? |
Чи є у вас питання щодо контракту? |
I think, we have settled all the questions under dispute. |
Я вважаю, що ми з вами вирішили всі спірні питання. |
In that case we’ll tell our experts and lawyers to prepare the contract for singing. |
У такому разі ми доручимо нашим експертам та юристам підготувати контракт до підписання. |
I’m glad we agreed on the major points of the contract. |
Мені приємно, що ми досягли домовленості по принциповим пунктам контракту. |
On the whole the contract is acceptable but I’d like to clear up some points. |
У цілому, контракт є прийнятним, але я хотів би з’ясувати деякі питання. |
We would like to make some amendments into the draft contract. |
Ми хотіли би внести деякі корективи до проекту контракту. |
We have a few remarks on the contract. |
Ми маємо деякі зауваження щодо контракту. |
All this is specified in the draft contract. |
Усе це з’ясовано в проекті контракту. |
We accept your proposal/offer. |
Ми приймаємо вашу пропозицію. |
What documents have you submitted? |
Які ви надали документи? |
2. Make up the dialogues to the following situations:
Mr. Klimov meets Mr. Black in his office. Mr. Black has brought catalogues and price-lists. He offers our representative their clothes. They discuss the time of shipment and the price. Mr. Climov asks Mr. Black to reduce the price. Mr. Black cannot give g\his answer. He is going to contact his people.
Mr. Pospelow has come to the London office of “Henderson”. Mr. White asks Mr. Pospelov about his trip. Mr. Pospelov lets Mr. White know that our firm is interested in the goods of the company. He asks Mr. White about the price-lists and catalogues. They speak about prices.
3. Role play. Pair work.
Student A is an exporter of male pig meat. Student B is a meat importer. Student A tries to persuade student B to buy, although this kind of import is banned. Follow the instruction on the role cards below.
Role A. Meat exporter
1. Introduce yourself and your company.
2. State the purpose of your visit.
3. State the advantages of buying male pig from your company.
4. Suggest a way of getting around the matter of restricted imports (e.g. change labeling of imported goods).
Role B. Meat importer
1. Introduce yourself.
2. Ask questions about the range of products exported by A.
3. Argue against A’s intention to supply male pig meat.
4. Remind A of your country’s regulations concerning the import of banned goods.