Сценарій виховного заходу "Чотири сестри - дочки Матері природи"

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  •  Hello, dear boys and girls! Good morning dear guests! We are glad to see you here.

Добрий день шановні вчителі, учні та гості. Ми раді вітати вас сьогодні у цьому залі.

  •   We want to tell you that spring is here and we are very happy. Spring is a beautiful moment of the year. Everything looks clean and green.

Чи знаєте, що за вікном уже весна і це радує нас. Весна  – найкращий час року. Все таке нове та зелене.

  •   We’ll speak about seasons and perform you a wonderful fairy-tale about the Sun’s daughters and the Frost’s daughter.

І сьогодні ми хочемо про пори року вам розказати. Та не просто розказати, а казку чарівну показати. Про чарівних трьох доньок сонця та дочку самого діда Мороза.

  •   I’m starting. Many, many years ago there lived the Sun…

Отже, ми починаємо. Багато – багато років тому жило було велике – велике помаранчеве сонце.

  •   THE SUN: I am the Sun. I am a big bright ball.  

Я - сонце. Я – велика яскрава куля.

  •   I am shining on our world and help to see everything around us.

 Я освітлюю всю нашу планету та допомагаю бачити все навколо нас.

  •   In the morning I’m in the East and then I rise higher and higher.

У ранці я на сході, а потім піднімаюся усе вище та вище.

  •   At noon I’m in the South.

Опівдні – я на півдні.

  •   In the evening I’m in the west.

Та ввечері я на заході.

  •   The earth turns round me in 12 months, or three hundred and sixty five days. They make a year.

Земля обертається навколо мене за 12 місяців, вони й складають рік.


  • COMPERE: The Sun had three daughters: the oldest was Autumn, the middle was Summer, the youngest was Spring.

Сонце мало трьох доньок. Найстаршу осінь, середню – літо та наймолодшу – весну.

  •   They led a gay life in their father’s home. But then it was time to send them to the Earth.

Вони вели активний спосіб життя у батьківському будинку. Та ось настав час відправляти їх на землю.

  • The SUN: Dear daughters!  It’s time to send you on the Earth.

Дорогі мої доньки, настав час відправляти вас на землю.

  • First of all I’m sending my youngest daughter - Spring.

І першою я відправляю тебе, моя наймолодша донько весна.

  • Take my present of eternal youth. 

Візьми в подарунок вічну молодість.

  • I give you  all the flowers I have.

А також я віддаю тобі усі квіти, які у мене є.

  • Be kind, give people all you have and people will love you.

Будь щедрою,  віддай людям усе, що у тебе є і вони полюблять тебе.

SPRING:  дівчинка весна йде по колу та розсипає квіти під звуки весняної грози та мелодії.

I am the season

                 When snowdrops bloom

                 When nobody likes

                 To stay in the room

                 I am the season

                When birds make their nests

                I am the season

               We all like best               

 I think I am the best season of the year. The weather is fine. The sun shiners brightly in the blue sky, the days are long and the nights are shorts.  Nature awakes and you can see the green leaves on the trees.   March, April and May are spring months.



MARCH: March wind goes out to play,

                 He will have such fun today!

               When the boys and girls come out,

               He blows their caps and hats about.


APRIL:  Days are clear,

               Day after day,

                When April’s here,

                That leads to May.


MAY:     Deep in the woods a song I hear,

                A robin is singing, “May is here!”

                Then at my feet a violet blue

                 Is singing, “I am blooming for you”.


BIRD:   In the merry month of May

                 All the little birds are gay.

                 They all hop and ping and say:

                 “Winter days are far away,

                  Welcome, welcome, merry May”.


VIOLETS:  In the merry month of May

                  All the violets are gay.

                  They all dance and sing and say,

                  “Winter days are far away,


CHILDREN: (all together)

                   Welcome, welcome, merry May”.


  • THE SUN: The spring is over.  Весна закінчилась.
  • Three months are passed and it’s time to send Summer to the Earth.

 Три місяці промайнуло і настав час відправляти на землю літо.

  • Dear, Summer!  I am sending you to the Earth and I decided to make you a present of eternal beauty.  

Дороге моє літо я відправляю тебе на землю, я хочу подарувати тобі вічну красу.

  • Be kind, give people all you have and people will love you.

Будь доброю, віддай людям усе своє тепло і вони полюблять тебе.

SUMMER: літо виходить під звуки грози із іншими дітьми і танцюють, після танцю слова літа


I am the season when nights are short

                   And children have plenty of fun and sport

                   Boating, swimming all the day

                   With a merry song         

                      On a sunny day

June, July and August are summer months.


JUNE:        Summer’s here

                  Days are long

                  And the Sun

                  Is high and strong   


JULY:      Long live summer

                  Golden bright

                  Full of warmth

                  And sweet delight!


AUGUST: Come my children, come away,

                 For the sun shines bright today,

                 Little children, come with me,

                 Birds and brooks and flowers see.


JUNE:      Get your hats and come away,

                 For it is a pleasant day


JULY:     Let us make a merry ring,

                 Talk and laugh and dance and sing!


AUGUST: Quickly, quickly come away,

                 For it is a pleasant day.


JUNE:          For the field and for the wood

                     Summer showers are so good!

                      Every river, every pool

                     After showers is quite full.


AUGUST:    Rain in summer sings a song –

                     There’ll be apples all year long.


Разом           summer is the beautiful season.


  • SUN:             At last it’s time for Autumn to leave the father’s house.

Нарешті настав час осені покинути батьківський дім.

  • Take all my wealth.               Візьми все моє багатство.
  • I’ll    give you all the gold I have.

Я віддаю тобі усе золото, що у мене є.

  • Be kind, give people all you have and they will love you.

Будь щедрою до людей, віддай все, що у тебе є і вони полюблять тебе.

AUTUMN:  мелодія на скрипці…осінь кружляє

                          I am the season

                      When  fruits are sweet.

                       It is the season

                       When  school-friends meet.

                       When noisy and gay

                        And browed by the sun

                        With their books and bags

                        To school they run.

September, October and November are autumn months.


SEPTEMBER: There twelve months in the year,

                        From January to December –

                        And the best month of the all twelve

                       Is the merry month of September.


OCTOBER:  Golden in the tree tops,

                     Golden in the sky;

                     Golden, golden, golden

                     October’s passing by.


NOVEMBER: The summer is over,

                      The trees are bare,

                      There is mist in the garden,

                      And frost in the air.


WIND:          “Come little winds”, I said one day,

                       “Come over the meadows with me and play.

                       Put on your dresses of red and gold,

                       For summer is gone and days are cold”.


LEAVERS:   Dancing and whirling the little leavers went,

                     Winter called them and they were content,

                     Soon fast asleep in their earthy beds,

                     The snow laid a coverlet  over  their heads.


Вірш осені

                      The autumn leaves are falling down,

                      Falling down, falling down,

                      The wind, he comes and blows them around,

                      And blows them around.

                      Let’s find a brush and start to sweep,

                      Start to sweep, start to sweep,

                      And make them into a great big heap,

                      Into a great big heap.

                      Then light the bonfire and burn them away,

                      Burn them away, burn them away.

                      And now it’s tidy, we’ll dance and play,

                      We’ll dance and play.


Autumn is a gold season.  Разом


  • WINTER:  I’m Winter, the only daughter of Father Frost.

Я зима – єдина донька діда Мороза.

  • My father worried about me.

Мій тато хвилюється за мене.

  • He couldn’t make me any presents.

Він не може робити мені подарунків.

  • He gave me only a handful of silver.

Він дав мені тільки жменьку срібла.

  • I threw all my silver on the Earth.

Я кидаю усе своє срібло на землю.

  • The Silver mixed with the snow and it began to sparkle.

Сніг змішався з сріблом і почав виблискувати на сонці.

December, January and February are winter months.

DECEMBER: This is the season

                    When children ski,

                     And Grandfather Frost

                     Brings the New Year Tree


JANUARY:   How quietly the snow

                     Is falling on the ground,

                     It’s falling on the country-side

                      And  softly  on the town.


FEBRUARY: And children’s eyes are bright

                     With wonder and delight,

                     For tiny stars of snow are falling

                     From the sky tonight,

                     Tonight  the  tiny stars of snow.


WIND:         The snow is falling, the wind is blowing.

                     The ground is white all day and night.

                      Little snowflakes, come and play,

                      I’ve nothing to do today.


         SNOWFLAKES: Snowflakes fall on trees and walk.                                                                Snowflakes fall as white as chalk.

                     Snowflakes fall into my hand.

                     Snowflakes brighten up our land.


SNOWFLAKES: We’ll make a snowman

                     Big and round, big and round,

                     We’ll put the snowman

                     On the ground, on the ground.


  • COMPERE:  It’s great! You know nature signs very well.

Чудово! Ви ще раз ознайомились із законами та ознаками природи.

  • And if we want our world to be better, to be   more wonderful, we must protect its beauty , we mustn’t  do harm to nature.

І якщо ви хочете, щоб наш світ був чарівнішим та прекрасним бережіть природу.

  • And I invite you  to take part in our singing.


  •   Dear friends, I say “good-bye” to you. Let be friends, let’s love our nature, let’s love each other.Дорогі друзі! Ми прощаємось з вами. До нових зустрічей.

ALL CHILDREN: Let’s be friends! Good-bye!

9 січня 2018
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