Стем-урок " Healthy Body and Healthy Drinks"

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Цікавий урок про здорове харчування для учнів середніх та старших класів. Можна використовувати як інтегрований урок з біологією або як стем-урок.
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Healthy Drinks

Aim: health knowledge and promotion, interdisciplinary learning

Learning Objectives: to understand why we need to drink regularly; to know how much we need to drink; to know how to choose healthier drinks.


  1. Phonetic exercises

I’ll have a proper сup of сoffee
In a proper сoffee сup.


I’m a little teapot short and stout.
Here is my handle, here is my spout.
When the water’s boiling, hear me shout,
Tip me over, pour me out.


  1. Make a list of drinks.  Work in two groups.
  2. Class  survey.

1.   Work in a small group. Decide which of your classmates' names to write as the answer for  each question.

2. Now ask the students whose names you wrote.

3. When you have found a student who answers "Yes", find out How often do you drink it and how much?

Find someone who...


How often do you drink it and how much?

Drink water



Drink fruit juice



Drink coffee



Drink tea



Drink fizzy drinks



Drink milk



Drink energy drinks




  1. Group task: brainstorm what are healthier choices for drinks? Write up on the board. How many can they come up with?

Key points:

Water is the best choice as it has no calories and contains no sugars that can damage


Milk is a good source of calcium and is a mineral that helps build and maintain healthy

bones. It also contains vitamins and other minerals.

Fruit juice and fruit smoothies contain a variety of vitamins that are good for our

health. Fruit juice also contains sugar that can damage teeth. It is best to drink it with

a meal because this can help protect teeth. When you buy fruit juice, check the labels

carefully and choose 100% fruit juice with no added sugar.


Fizzy drinks and juice drinks contain lots of sugar and very few nutrients, so keep them to a minimum. Their high sugar content means they are high in calories,

Energy drinks often contain high levels of caffeine. They are often high in sugar and can

 damage teeth.

  1. Water Quiz

Check what you understand about water!

  1. Water is made up of what two elements?
  2.  True or false? The Indian Ocean is the biggest ocean on Earth.
  3. Can the average human survive without water for a few days or a few weeks?
  4. Does water cover more or less than 50% of the Earth’s surface?
  5. True or false? Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius
  6.  Water freezes at what temperature?
  7. What is the chemical formula of water?
  8. What is the longest river on Earth?
  9. What is the longest river of Ukraine?
  10. True or false? Ice sinks in water.

Water Quiz Answers 

  1. Hydrogen and oxygen
  2. False - Pacific Ocean
  3. A few days
  4. More - Around 70%
  5. True
  6. 0 °C
  7. H20
  8. The Nile River
  9. The Dnieper River (Dnipro)
  10. False - It floats  


  1. Water and Sport?

Water is widely used for fun. Water sports are a very popular recreational activity. Name at least 10 water sports


List of water sports

  • swimming
  • diving
  • synchronized diving
  • triathlon, a multi-sport event involving the completion of three continuous and sequential endurance events, usually a combination of swimming
  • boating/ boat racing
  • water aerobics is aerobics in the water
  • water polo
  •   canoeing
  •   kayaking
  •   kite boarding
  •   rafting
  •   windsurfing
  •   fishing
  •   surfing
  • Ice and snow is also used in ice skating, ice hockey, skiing and snowboarding.


  1. Group Discussion :

How much water are you drinking?

How much should you drink each day?

What is dehydration?


Key points: It is important to ensure that we drink enough fluids as our bodies need fluids to work properly and to avoid dehydration. Water is the best choice – it has no calories and contains no sugars that can damage teeth.


Most of the chemical reactions that happen need water in order to take place. We also need water so that our blood can carry nutrients around the body. However, we lose water all the time. If the temperature rises or we do more activity, this increases the amount of water we lose. We also lose water when we urinate as urine is mainly water.


To stay healthy, it is important to replace the water we lose. We can do this by drinking regularly. In our climate we should drink about 1.2 liters (six to eight glasses) of fluid every day to stop us getting dehydrated. Remember, you need to drink extra water on hot days and during activity. In hotter climates, the body needs more than this. We also need more fluid when we exercise.

When our bodies do not have enough water, we can become dehydrated. One of the first signs of dehydration is feeling thirsty. If you think you may not be getting enough fluids, check if you have any of these other common signs of dehydration:

  • dark-coloured urine and not passing much urine when you go to the toilet
  • headaches
  • confusion and irritability
  • lack of concentration.
  1. Water and your body Facts


  • About two-thirds of the human body is made up of water.


  • Water helps control your body temperature, carries nutrients and oxygen to cells, cushions joints, protects organs and helps to remove wastes.


  • Water is lost from the body through sweating, breathing and going to the toilet.


  • Dehydration – or not having enough fluid in your body – can cause headaches, tiredness, and poor concentration.


  1. Energizer 


Rain Storm” energiser: How to create a rain storm with your hands?

Everyone stands in a circle. Beginning with the leader, all the participants follow a series of motions like a wave creating the effect of a storm approaching, staying on and then drifting away. The participants join in one-by-one. You start after the person on your left has started. This way the sound builds and moves.

 1 Rub palms together (rising wind)

 2 Snap fingers (first drops of rain)

 3 Pat hands on thighs (harder rain)

 4 Pat hands on thighs & stomp feet on floor simultaneously (adding thunder to rain)

 5 Just pat hands on thighs (thunder moves on)

 6 Snap fingers (rain is stopping)

 7 Rub palms together (winds moving on)

 8 Put hands at your sides (storm moves on)


“And we just made rain!”


YouTube video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOU5gAFV9v8


  1. Media Group tasks «Drink more water». Work in media groups.


Task: Design a poster to promote water as a drink.

Teacher’s note: Show the examples for the inspiration (see attachment). You can print it or show the same images from the computer on the projection screen.


create the message: make it short and catchy. Brevity and clarity are key when creating an eye-catching poster. Use your notes about the water facts.


design the poster: getting readers' attention. When arranging key information, putting the most important pictures or words at the top center will draw the viewer in and help to get the message across.


Include your poster or the idea of your poster in media promotion material you work with. The presentation should be up to 3 minutes.

  • Newspaper
  • Vlog (video blog)
  • Comics
  • Television (News / social ads)



31 липня 2019
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