Сучасна вистава "Попелюшка"

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Дана розробка вистави є доречною у використанні до тижня іноземних мов, до заходів "English with fun", днів Європи в Україні, до позакласних заходів пов'язаних з вивченням англійськрї мови, до показових виступів для батьків, вчителів під час свят.
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The play Cinderella (modern version) created by Sofia Nechyporenko


School life doesn’t mean only studying, school lessons and getting greats. It’s also time for fun and afterschool activities. This play was prepared and staged by my students of the 5th grade and me some years ago. I think this play can be helpful for English teachers. That is why I’m sharing it is pleasure. Enjoy staging it with your students. I’m sure your audience, your actors and you will have lots of fun together.


A: Have you ever thought how possible it was for Cinderella to do all the housework and have enough time to dress up and come to the ball?  Let’s see this unknown scene of the story.

Stepmother: Coming out with her daughters

S: Cinderella, here is the list of chores that you must do. If you do all of them, you may go to the ball.

(A: The ball is an official event where people dance) 

You must clean the windows, wash the floor, polish the furniture and plant 45 rose bushes. 

I am too lazy to read this list. You will do it by yourself. By the way can you read?

C: Yes, I can.

D1: You aren’t coming to the ball.

D2: Guess why? 

Together: Because you are a looser!

(A: Looser is a person who didn’t win the competition). 

S: My dear daughters follow me. The Prince is waiting!

C: I will never be able to do it .Wait!!!! I have got an idea! (She puts down the list and takes out a bottle of Mr. Proper). Mr. Proper appears on the stage, you can hear the melody of the commercial.  

P: I am Mr. Proper. I can make your house clean in no time. I can do everything. I can give you one hundred percent guarantee!

C: Takes her telephone out of her pocket and calls her Fairy Godmother.

You can hear a telephone ringing. 

The Fairy Godmother puts on her hat and says. 


G: Yes my dear, I am coming. I am coming. What is your problem?

C: Hi, I want to go to the ball very much. I love dancing.

G: Then what are we waiting for? Let’s start the magic!!! First of all you need transport to get there. Your choices are:

A)  A Longboard (A Longboard appears on the stage).


I          am a Longboard. I have got four wheels, I can run fast but I am unsuitable for city life

B)   A Segway (A Segway appears on the stage).


I          am a Segway. I have got a long neck and I am electronic. I am heavy. C) A Ferrari (A Ferrari appears on the stage).


I am a fast and comfortable car. I can take you anywhere you want in a second.

C: I choose the Ferrari because it is fast and cool.

G: Let’s do something about your clothes!

C: Do I also have A),B), and C) choices?

G: Yes, dear

A)  Is Dolce & Gabbana 


B)   Is Gucci  

C)   Is Dior                                  

C: A) is too big

B)  is too small

C)  is perfect Dressing up!!!

G: You look wonderful!! But your shoes don’t match your clothes. Here is my personal present for you (Gives shoes).

C: Thanks my dear Godmother!!!! (Kisses her).

G: But remember dear, when the clock strikes twelve, your Ferrari will become a pumpkin, the driver will turn into a rat and your Dior will become rags!!!!

C: Don’t worry, I will be on time (Cinderella and Ferrari disappear behind the curtain).

The King and the Queen come on the stage and start the ball. You can hear light music. The tune stops and actors freeze. The Prince walks among the girls and chooses a girl for the first dance. Here Cinderella runs on the stage.   

C: Sorry, I am late. Did I miss the first dance?

P: No, you are on time. Would you like to dance?

C: Yes, with a great pleasure!

P: By the way, I’m the Prince! (He bows).

C: By the way, I’m Cinderella! (She bows). They start dancing.


The clock strikes twelve and all the actors freeze. An actor appears on the stage with a sign “To be continued”… 

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Всього відгуків: 1
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  1. Лазарук Юлія Василівна
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    Відповідність темі
Nechiporenko Sofia
14 жовтня 2019
Оцінка розробки
4.7 (1 відгук)
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