Текст для розвитку навичок читання з теми «Ukraine»

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Даний матеріал допоможе не тільки розвивати в учнів навички читання, а й збагатити їх знання про нашу Батьківщину, формувати та виховувати активну життєву позицію, патріотизм.

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Текст для розвитку навичок  читання з теми «Ukraine»


Objectives: to develop students’ reading skills;

                   to enrich students’ knowledge about Ukrainian cities;

                   to cultivate love to our native land;

                   to develop the feeling of patriotism and national pride.



Text 1



1)   Kharkiv is the second largest city in Ukraine after Kyiv. It used to be the capital of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in the period 1918-1934. It is situated in the Northeastern part of the country, at the point where the Lopan, Udy, Kharkiv and Nemyshlya rivers meet. The city is home to 1.6 million people, including 230,000 students.

2)   The ancestors of the present-day students were Cossacks who founded the city as a fortress in 1654 to protect southern Russian borders from the Crimean Tatars and named it Kharkiv after the river flowing through it. The wooden fort had ten towers and was surrounded by a double wall.


  3)   In 1726, Kharkiv Collegium (the first Slavonic-Greek-Latin school) was founded where the famous Ukrainian poet and philosopher Grigory Skovoroda taught.

 4)  In 1805, Kharkiv University was founded. It was the first in Livoberezhna Ukraine (on the left bank of the Dnipro) and the third in the Russian empire. At present, Kharkiv National University is named after the talented scientistV. N. Karazin who worked hard to raise money for this outstanding project. There are 15 departments at the university.


   5)  The education and research potential of the city is covered by over 150 state institutions, about 200 secondary schools and a growing number of private educational establishments. Specialists in various fields of expertise are trained in Kharkiv state institutions including six academies, 10 universities and eight institutes, among them Kharkiv Polytechnic University, Kharkiv State Law Academy, Kharkiv Pedagogical University, National Pharmaceutical Academy and others.


1. Read  the text and fill in the correct words or numbers.

1.Kharkiv is the second ………..city inUkraine.

2.Its population is..………….million.

3.Grigory Skovoroda ….………at Kharkiv Collegium.

4.Kharkiv University was ……………..in 1805.

2. Read the text and match paragraphs 1-5 to headings A-E.

A Expert knowledge

B Geography

C First steps in educational development

D History

E Education today        

                          Keys: 1-B; 2-D; 3-C; 4-A; 5-E




6 квітня 2018
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