Про матеріал


Цілі уроку: Закріпити вивчену по темі лексику, вчити складати ситуативні діалоги і користуватися ними на практиці; розвивати навики аудіювання

і говоріння, творчі здібності учнів, навики роботи в групі; виховувати ввічливість та уважність при покупці товару, підвищити інтерес до вивчення мови.

Перегляд файлу





Цілі уроку: Закріпити вивчену по темі лексику, вчити складати ситуативні діалоги і користуватися ними на практиці; розвивати навики аудіювання

          і говоріння,  творчі здібності учнів, навики роботи в групі; виховувати  ввічливість та уважність при покупці товару,  підвищити інтерес до вивчення мови.

Обладнання: мультимедійна презентація, картки: з назвами магазинів (для роботи на дошці і для рольової гри); дидактичний та роздатковий матеріал; магнітофонні записи,відеофільм; сигнальні картки; матеріали для рольової гри;“гроші” для оцінювання , підручник  О.Д. Карпюк 6 клас.

Форма проведення уроку:

Хід уроку

I. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.


1.Привітання. Організація класу

-  Hello! Glad to see you. How are you?

- Fine (  super, not bad,  so-so). Thank you. What about you?

- I’m fine too.

2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Our topic is “Shops and shopping”. I think  it is very important in our life because we need many things for our life. So by the end of the lesson you should be able to talk about shopping for your family, to talk with shop-assistant and learn to behave  when doing shopping. To your surprise you’ll receive money for your activity knowledge. Then, you’ll practice to buy. 

3. Мовленнєва розминка.

- Do you like to go shopping?

-What kinds of shops do you know? 

(Baker’s, dairy, grocer’s, greengrocer’s, butcher’s, fishmonger’s, bookstore, sport goods, haberdashery,  furniture shop, household items, ironmonger’s, hardware store, jewelry store, footwear, cosmetic shop, chemist’s, optician’s, boutique, men’s wear, newsagent’s, department store, confectionery, market, toy store, supermarket).


So, let’s start our lesson with the song “ At the Supermarket”

II. Основна частина уроку.

( Робота з мультимедійною презентацією )

  1. Активізація тематичної лексики.

T. We buy different things in different shops. Will you remind where you can buy the following products?

1) We buy bread, buns, cakes, biscuits there. ( слайд 1 )

2)  People can buy sugar, chocolate, flour, rice and salt there. ( слайд 2 )

3) You  can buy pork, meat, chicken, sausages in this shop. ( слайд 3 )

4) We buy potatoes, apples, tomatoes in the shop. ( слайд 4 )

5) People buy milk, cheese, cream, yoghurt there. (слайд 5 )

6) They sell dresses, sweaters, blouses, trousers, jeans there. ( слайд 6 )


Agree or disagree  ( слайд 7 )

1.  The fishmonger's is the place where you can buy fish and seafood.

2. The newsagent's is the place where you can buy milk, cottage cheese and butter.

3.  I can buy a loaf of bread and rolls at the bakery.

4. We can buy medicine at the chemist's.

5. In Great Britain people use dollars and cents doing shopping.

6. In Ukraine people use pounds and pence doing shopping.

7. Those people who buy things are  customers.

8. Those people who sell things are shop-assistants.

( 1+; 2-; 3+; 4+; 5-; 6-; 7+; 8+ )

  1. Розвиток навичок усного мовлення.

Утворення та драматизація діалогів. ( робота в парах)

T. Now I think it’s time to go shopping. Imagine the situation and try to play it. Don’t forget  that it is very unusual to reply to a question in English with only Yes or No.

It is more common to say a little more:

  • Yes, please.
  • Yes, certainly.
  • Yes, that’s right.
  • No, I didn’t.
  • No, I’m afraid I can’t.

( Учні розігрують діалоги)

At the bookstore.

  • What can I do for you?
  • I am looking for books by J. Rowling. Have you got any books by this famous English author?
  • Of course. But what books by J. Rowling are you looking for?
  • Harry Potter.
  • I’m sorry but we have only the first two parts.  Shall I show you?
  • Do please.
  • Here you are. Do you want anything else?
  • No, thank you. What’s the price of it?
  • 20 pounds, please. Pay the cash desk, please.

At the toy store.

  • Good morning!
  • Good morning! What can I do for you?
  • I’m looking for a present for my little sister on her birthday.
  • May I help you?
  • Yes, certainly.
  • How old is your sister? And what kind of toys does she prefer – puzzles, dolls, soft toys?
  • She is 4 and she likes toys, especially animals.
  • Then take a monkey-toy. Look here. It’s funny and the price is not high.
  • Oh, I agree with you. I like it. How much does it cost?
  • 5pounds. Anything else?
  • No, thank you.
  • Pay the cash-desk, please. Happy birthday to your sister!
  • Thanks, good-bye!

At the greengrocer’s.

  • Good afternoon! Can I help you?
  • Good afternoon! I’d like to buy two apples. Are your fruit fresh?
  • Yes, of course. They are fresh, ripe and tasty. Would you like anything else?
  • How much do the apples cost?
  • Two pounds.
  • Could you give me an orange?
  • Yes, certainly.
  • And two bananas, please. How much are they?
  • 5pounds a kilo. Here you are. Is that all?
  • Yes, thank you. How much is it altogether?
  • That’s 5pounds.
  • Can I pay with my credit card?
  • Yes, certainly. Can you sing here, please.
  • Thank you, good bye!
  • Good-bye!


Складання міні - оповідання за допомогою питань. ( робота в групах)

T. Now please unite into two groups. Each group is to make up a story using words on the topic “Shopping”. Start your story like this:

Story 1

Last Sunday my Granny was going to make a cake. But there was a little flour and sugar…


  • What your Grandmother asked you to buy;
  • What kind of  the shop you went;
  • What you bought;
  • How much you paid
  • If a shop assistant was polite.

Story 2

Next Saturday we will have a school party. I had to buy new trousers. I went to a …


  • What kind of the shop you went;
  • What colour of trousers you asked a shop assistant to show you;
  • If trousers suited you;
  • How much you paid.

( Учні працюють у групах 2 хвилини. Представник від кожної команди розповідає історію )

  1. Читання тематичного тексту “Harrods”
  • Pre-reading task

What do you know about shops in Britain?

Where can you change money?

What well-known British shops can you name?

  • Reading


Harrods is really the largest Department Store in Europe. It was established in 1834 by Henry Harrods as a small grocery shop. The first escalator in England was opened there in 1898.

 Now it has got 300 departments on 7 floors. Here you can buy everything. 35 000 people visit Harrods every day. Over 4 000 people work there. It has also eight doormen, called “Green Men”, fire brigade, doctors and nurses. The members of the Royal family buy goods there. There is a bank, a library, the biggest hairdresser’s in Europe.

 A small shime invites visitors to pay their respect to Princess Diana and Dodi Al-Fayad – whose father was an owner (власник) Harrods. The Egyptian Escalator is a reminder that Mr. Al-Fayad from Egypt.

 Harrods is a very expensive shop.

  • Post reading task

  Complete the sentences

1. The most famous department store is …

2. There are 300 departments …

3. Over 4000 people …

4. It has …

5. The members of the Royal family…

6. Harrods is a very …

7. The first escalator in England…

4. Перегляд фільму “London, England: Harrods-Department Store”

T. Let’s watch a short film. While watching  try to remember what we can buy at the Harrods.

5. Complete the poem with the words from the box.


                      list, milk, cheese, things, books, bread, peas





Shopping list

Different shops sell different_________________________

Let’s think what we need.

And write a shopping ________________________

Two loaves of ________________ and a kilo of ________________

Two cartons of ___________ and a packet of __________________

Clothes, ______________ and sweet lollipops –

All we can buy in different shops.


III. Заключна частина уроку.


  1. Summarizing.

T. we’ve worked hard. We discussed a lot  and  learned more about shopping in London. Would you like to go shopping in London? Why? What shops would you like to visit in London? What things would you like to buy there?

 What do you have to remember going shopping?

          Do you like our lessons today? What do you like to do?

          Draw your face  on  the cards on your desks and stick it on the blackboard 


  • Thank you for your preparations for the lesson. Your marks are according to the course of money the following…
  1. Homework.

Project “ Shopping in Britain”













                      list, milk, cheese, things, books, bread, peas





Shopping list

Different shops sell different_________________________

Let’s think what we need.

And write a shopping ________________________

Two loaves of ________________ and a kilo of ________________

Two cartons of ___________ and a packet of __________________

Clothes, ______________ and sweet lollipops –

All we can buy in different shops.




                      list, milk, cheese, things, books, bread, peas





Shopping list

Different shops sell different_________________________

Let’s think what we need.

And write a shopping ________________________

Two loaves of ________________ and a kilo of ________________

Two cartons of ___________ and a packet of __________________

Clothes, ______________ and sweet lollipops –

All we can buy in different shops.



                      list, milk, cheese, things, books, bread, peas





Shopping list

Different shops sell different_________________________

Let’s think what we need.

And write a shopping ________________________

Two loaves of ________________ and a kilo of ________________

Two cartons of ___________ and a packet of __________________

Clothes, ______________ and sweet lollipops –

All we can buy in different shops.




Harrods is really the largest Department Store in Europe. It was established in 1834 by Henry Harrods as a small grocery shop. The first escalator in England was opened there in 1898.

 Now it has got 300 departments on 7 floors. Here you can buy everything. 35 000 people visit Harrods every day. Over 4 000 people work there. It has also eight doormen, called “Green Men”, fire brigade, doctors and nurses. The members of the Royal family buy goods there. There is a bank, a library, the biggest hairdresser’s in Europe.

 A small shime invites visitors to pay their respect to Princess Diana and Dodi Al-Fayad – whose father was an owner (власник) Harrods. The Egyptian Escalator is a reminder that Mr. Al-Fayad from Egypt.

 Harrods is a very expensive shop.


  Complete the sentences

1. The most famous department store is …

2. There are 300 departments …

3. Over 4000 people …

4. It has …

5. The members of the Royal family…

6. Harrods is a very …

7. The first escalator in England…



Harrods is really the largest Department Store in Europe. It was established in 1834 by Henry Harrods as a small grocery shop. The first escalator in England was opened there in 1898.

 Now it has got 300 departments on 7 floors. Here you can buy everything. 35 000 people visit Harrods every day. Over 4 000 people work there. It has also eight doormen, called “Green Men”, fire brigade, doctors and nurses. The members of the Royal family buy goods there. There is a bank, a library, the biggest hairdresser’s in Europe.

 A small shime invites visitors to pay their respect to Princess Diana and Dodi Al-Fayad – whose father was an owner (власник) Harrods. The Egyptian Escalator is a reminder that Mr. Al-Fayad from Egypt.

 Harrods is a very expensive shop.



 Complete the sentences

1. The most famous department store is …

2. There are 300 departments …

3. Over 4000 people …

4. It has …

5. The members of the Royal family…

6. Harrods is a very …

7. The first escalator in England…




Harrods is really the largest Department Store in Europe. It was established in 1834 by Henry Harrods as a small grocery shop. The first escalator in England was opened there in 1898.

 Now it has got 300 departments on 7 floors. Here you can buy everything. 35 000 people visit Harrods every day. Over 4 000 people work there. It has also eight doormen, called “Green Men”, fire brigade, doctors and nurses. The members of the Royal family buy goods there. There is a bank, a library, the biggest hairdresser’s in Europe.

 A small shime invites visitors to pay their respect to Princess Diana and Dodi Al-Fayad – whose father was an owner (власник) Harrods. The Egyptian Escalator is a reminder that Mr. Al-Fayad from Egypt.

 Harrods is a very expensive shop.

  • Post reading task

  Complete the sentences

1. The most famous department store is …

2. There are 300 departments …

3. Over 4000 people …

4. It has …

5. The members of the Royal family…

6. Harrods is a very …

7. The first escalator in England…



Harrods is really the largest Department Store in Europe. It was established in 1834 by Henry Harrods as a small grocery shop. The first escalator in England was opened there in 1898.

 Now it has got 300 departments on 7 floors. Here you can buy everything. 35 000 people visit Harrods every day. Over 4 000 people work there. It has also eight doormen, called “Green Men”, fire brigade, doctors and nurses. The members of the Royal family buy goods there. There is a bank, a library, the biggest hairdresser’s in Europe.

 A small shime invites visitors to pay their respect to Princess Diana and Dodi Al-Fayad – whose father was an owner (власник) Harrods. The Egyptian Escalator is a reminder that Mr. Al-Fayad from Egypt.

 Harrods is a very expensive shop.

  • Post reading task

  Complete the sentences

1. The most famous department store is …

2. There are 300 departments …

3. Over 4000 people …

4. It has …

5. The members of the Royal family…

6. Harrods is a very …

7. The first escalator in England…



 Bread     buns cakes     biscuits sugar  chocolate flour        rice    salt

pork        meat chicken sausages

Potatoes   apples   tomatoes

Milk      cheese cream   yoghurt

Dress   sweaters blouses    trousers      jeans



















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