Урок "Wonders of the world"

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Урок-для класів з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови. Урок зорієнтований на сприяння розвитку навичок говоріння у учнів. Активізує лексичний матеріал з теми, включає роботу над ознайомлюючим читанням, дещо сприяє творчому письму та розумінню на слух. Урок є яскравим, насиченим різними вправами та розвиваючими завданнями.

Перегляд файлу

                                                                        “The World is a book, and Those Who

                                                                      do not Travel, Read only a Page…”


                                                                              Saint Augustin

                                                                               (Roman Philosopher)

Lesson plan

                     Travel Broadens the Mind.

Level: intermediate

Target age: 14-16

Time: 45 minutes


Practical aim:

  • to activate students’ vocabulary on the topic “Travelling”
  • to develop students’ skills in expressing their own opinion and giving suggestions
  • to make students use their knowledge of geography while talking on the certain topics in English

Developmental aim:

  • to develop students’ creativity, critical and logical thinking
  • to encourage free expression of students’ ideas

Educational aim:

  • to deepen students’ knowledge of the countries of the world
  • to bring up pupils’ positive attitude to learning world’s treasures

Cultural aim:

  • to increase pupils’ knowledge about countries of the world and seven wonders that people have created .

Equipment: Internet materials and magazines about travelling and tourism, the globe of the world,

            handouts, Power Point presentation, a computer and a project.


І.  The beginning of the lesson.

1. Warm-up.   (3 min)

2. Speech Drill.   (10 min)

               ІІ.  The main part of the lesson.

                   Listening and watching the episode for discussion

1. Before-watching activities (3 min)

2. While-watching activities. (5 min)

3. Post-watching discussion. (3 min)

    Reading and discussion

  1. Before-reading activities.  (7 min)
  2. Active-reading activities.  (7 min)
  3. Post-reading activities.    (4 min)

ІІІ.  The end of the lesson.

  1. Hometask.    (2 min)
  2. Summarizing.    (1 min)



  1. Warming up: (Slide 1-2)

T. Today, children, I’ve come to the lesson with some unusual things (a pile of magazines and a globe). How do you think what for?

P. Are we going to read them?

T. No, we aren’t.

P. Are we going to create projects?

T. Not, exactly. But it’s a bit connected with our topic.

P. They are about travel, aren’t they? Are we going to discuss tourism?

T. Right you are. Today we’ll continue talking about travelling, but we’ll take tourism a bit.

T. What is tourism for you? What does it mean? (Slide 3-4)


         Travel for pleasure   Travel to places away    Travel on holidays

                                               from home








                          Business    Visiting foreign    Travel agency and

                                                 countries             travel agents


  1. Speech drill: (Slide 5)

a). T. Who can tell us about tourism and travel better than the travel agent. So, I suggested a small group of our group-mates to role-play the typical situation at the travel agency. But we are not only to enjoy their play, but get ready to cope with the several tasks as for the listening.


                                                        Worksheet 1

                                                               Worksheet 2


     T. Read your ideas aloud and let’s check the task.

     P. do the task and read it.

b). T. You see that the Spancers were afraid of going somewhere. Now, make a list of recommendations for them to avoid their fear. But firstly, join two parts of the sentence with in case and so that and make  traveller’s tips.


                                                        Worksheet 3 (Slide 6)

   T. Suggest your own ideas to continue the list.

   P1. Take the most necessary things so that it will be easy to carry them.

   P2. Take both cash and a credit card so that it will be easier to pay at the shop.

   P3. Take medicines in case of sharp pain.

   P4. Be attentive with food you eat so that not to have stomach indigestion.


  1. Listening Comprehension


  T. Today more and more people travel. They prefer going to either well-known or curious places. They visit the sites of their native land as well as other countries abroad. Now, I invite to you to a 5-minutes trip around the world. You’ll watch 4 people talking about their native land. But before we start, watch the photos.

Worksheet 4 (Slide 7)

 P. the pupils watch the photos and read the names

 T. Answer the questions as for the photos, addressing them to one another.

 P1. Which of the places is a capital city?

 P2. They are Belfast and Port of Spain etc.



T. Watch the episodes and complete the table. (Slide 8)

Worksheet 5



T. Which of four places would you like to visit?

P1. I like to feel summer when it’s winter in our region, so I’d go to Perth, Australia.

P2. I’d like to watch the place where Titanic was built, so I’d go to Belfast, Ireland.

T. We understand perfectly well, that you like travelling and this topic is urgent for you.


  1. Reading Comprehension


T. There are several places in the world that people really dream of visiting. You know, in the 2nd century BC people made a list of the most impressive and beautiful manmade objects of the world.  They called them wonders. Could you tell me what you associate the word “wonder” with. (Slide 9)


             The Eiffel Tower                The Grand Canyon             The Pyramids of Egypt


               The whole world                 Something unusual                 7 man’s abilities


 T. By the way there are three groups of wonders in the world: ancient, modern and natural. And all of them are worth visiting. Today we’ll learn about 7 modern wonders. I’m sure it will broaden our mind as well as give us a great wish to visit them at least once in our life.

Look at the pictures and study the names. (Slide 10)



T. Read short factfiles about different wonders and guess what wonders they are about.

Worksheet 6

P. (Cope with the task for 5 min.)



T. After reading complete the table with the facts from the factfiles. (Slide 11)

Worksheet 7

P1. Machu Picchu is in Peru. It’s a city, built on the mountain. It’s often called “a city in the clouds”. It was built by the Inca Emperor…

T. For today’s lesson I asked to prepare some other facts as for the wonders of the world. I hope, you’ve done. So, add you prepared info to our factfiles.

P1. Tells about the Great Wall of China

P2. Tells about Chichen Itza and so on.

T. All these places are interesting enough to visit them at least once a lifetime, aren’t they?

    Where would you like to go first? (Slide 12)

P1. I have no doubt that I’ll choose …

P2. Personally I think, … will be interesting to watch.

T. To sum everything up, I hope you’ve learnt enough to have a dream to travel to any of these places to touch its history and uniqueness. Now I’ve prepared a song for you to have your dream more vivid.

P. Sing a song. (Slide 14)

Worksheet 8

5. Hometask: (Slide 13)

        Create your own Wonder Of the World and present it in the form of a 1-sheet project

     6. Summarizing:


Worksheet 1

The travel agency

Scene: A travel agency in London

Characters: A travel agent, Martin and

Brenda Spencer


The travel agent is sitting at his desk in the

travel agency. The phone rings.


Travel agent: (On the telephone) Honest

Harry's Happy Holidays. Can I help you? Oh, it's you, sir...This is Perkins speaking, yes...The holidays in Brighton? Well, I haven't sold very

many...I'm doing my best, but people aren't interested in Brighton these days. My job?

Yes, I do like my job...Yes; I do want to keep my job...Yes, sir. All right, I'll sell some holidays

in Brighton. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Goodbye.

(He puts the phone down.)

Travel agent: Oh, dear.

(Martin and Brenda come in.)

Martin: Go on, Brenda.

Brenda: Excuse me, is this a travel agency?

Travel agent: No, madam. It's a fish and chip shop.

Brenda: Oh, sorry. Come on, Martin.

Travel agent: No, no, this is a travel agency.

Just a little joke.

Brenda: Oh.

Travel agent: Yes, welcome to Honest Harry's Happy Holidays. Do sit down.

Brenda: Thank you.

Martin: Thank you.

(They sit down.)

Travel agent: What can I do for you?

Brenda: We'd like some information about holidays.

Travel agent: Oh, good.

Martin: Yes, we'd like to go somewhere interesting.

Travel agent: Somewhere interesting? Have you been to Brighton?

Martin: Brighton? No, we haven't.

Travel agent: Really?

Brenda: and we don't want to, either.

Travel agent: Why not?

Martin: Well, it's not exciting. We want to go somewhere exciting.

Travel agent: Oh, I see. How about the Sahara Desert?

Brenda: The Sahara Desert?

Travel agent: Yes, Have you ever been there?

Martin: No, we haven't,

Travel agent: Well, this is the holiday for you. Forty-five days in the middle of the Sahara Desert.

Brenda: In the middle of the Sahara Desert? Is there anything to do?

Travel agent: Oh yes, there's plenty to do.

Have you ever been in a sandstorm?

Martin: A sandstorm? No, we haven't,

Travel agent: Oh well, it's very exciting. There are sandstorms nearly every day. And lots of dangerous snakes. Have you ever been bitten by a dangerous snake?

Martin- Brenda: No!

Travel agent: Oh well, it's very exciting.

Brenda: No, I don't think we'd like

Travel agent: Sandstorms, dangerous snakes, and, on the last day, a stampede of camels!

Martin: A stampede of camels? What's that?

Travel agent: Haven't you ever seen a stampede of camels?

Martin: No.

Travel agent: Oh, it's very exciting. You stand in the middle of three hundred camels; someone

fires a gun in the air - Bang! and all the camels get frightened and run away.

Brenda: With us standing in the middle?

Travel agent: Yes. Have you ever seen a frightened camel?

Brenda: No. Is it exciting?

Travel agent: Exciting? It's terrifying!

Martin: Isn't it dangerous?

Travel agent: Of course it's dangerous! That's what makes it exciting!

Martin: Er...how much is it?

Travel agent: £800.

Brenda: £800!

Travel agent: And £5 extra for the stampede of camels.

Brenda: That's very expensive.

Travel agent: Ah, I see. You want something cheaper. Um...how about the Arctic Ocean? Have you ever been to the Arctic?

Martin: No, we haven't,

Travel agent: Well, we can give you three

weeks in a small boat in the Arctic Ocean. Each boat has a small hole in the bottom.

Brenda: A hole in the bottom?

Travel agent: and you have enough food for

ten days.

Martin: Ten days?

Travel agent: That's right.

Martin: But the holiday is for three weeks.

Travel agent: That's what makes it exciting!

And it's only £600.

Brenda: £600! It's still much too expensive for us.

Martin: Have you got anything a little bit cheaper?

Travel agent: Cheaper...well, I don't know.

Let me see...Um...Oh, yes. Now this is a holiday to remember. The Amazon jungle. Have you been to the Amazon jungle?

Martin: No, we haven't.

Travel agent: Well, this may be the holiday

for you. We drop you into the middle of the Amazon jungle by parachute.

Martin: By parachute!

Travel agent: Yes, we drop you into the middle

of the Amazon jungle, with a map.

Brenda: Well, at least you get a map.

Travel agent: with a map of the London Underground.

Brenda: Oh. I don't think we'd like that.

It sounds very dangerous.

Travel agent: Yes, but it's very exciting! This

is the twentieth century. People want exciting holidays. You said you wanted an exciting


Martin: But all your holidays are dangerous,

expensive, and too far away from home.

Travel agent: Oh, I see. Now you want something nearer home.

Martin: Er...yes.

Travel agent: Have you ever been to Spain?

Martin: No, we haven't.

Travel agent: We can offer you a month, fighting the strongest bulls in Spain.

Brenda: Bullfighting? No, I don't want to do that.

Travel agent: Well, what about two weeks in


Brenda: No, thanks!

Martin: Just a minute. Did you say 'Brighton'?

Travel agent: Yes. How about two weeks in

Brighton, staying in a nice quiet hotel by the sea?

Brenda: Well, yes...

Martin: Yes, that sounds wonderful!

Travel agent: It's not very exciting. No

camels, no snakes, but you can't have everything, can you?

Brenda: No. That's very nice. We'll take it.

Martin: How much is it?

Travel agent: £50 each, please. Could you just sign this form for the reservations?

(He gives Martin a form.)

Travel agent: Just here, please. Alarm signs.

Travel agent: Thank you. And here. And here. Thank you.

Brenda: Thank you very much.

Martin: Goodbye.

Travel agent: Goodbye and I hope you enjoy

your holiday.

(Martin and Brenda leave. The telephone rings.)

Travel agent: On the telephone Honest Harry's Happy Holidays. Can I help you?... Well, we've got some very nice holidays in Brighton, as a matter of fact...


Worksheet 2


  1.   The Spancers are offered to go to the Sahara Desert…



  1.   The Spancers are offered to go to the Arctic Ocean…



  1.   The Spancers are offered to go to the Amazon jungle…



  1.   The Spancers are offered to go to Spain…



  1.   The Spancers are offered to go to Brighton…





…They will spend 45 days there with sandstorms, dangerous snakes and stampedes of camels for 800 ₤…



…They will spend 3 weeks in a small boat. The boat has a hole in the bottom. They will have food only for 10 days…


…They will be dropped there with the parachute and a map of the London Underground…



…They will spend a month fighting the bulls…



…They will spend two weeks, staying in a nice hotel by the sea…





…They don’t like it, because it’s dangerous and expensive.



…They don’t like it, because it’s rather expensive too.



…They don’t like it, because it’s dangerous, expensive and far away from home.



…They don’t like it because it’s dangerous.



…They like it, because it’s nice.


Worksheet 3:  (in case, so that)


  1. Let your family know your travel plans…
  2. Make photocopies of your tickets and passport…
  3. Take out travel insurance…
  4. Find out the local address of your country’s embassy or consulate…
  5. Be careful in crowded areas or at night…


  1. … there/ be pickpockets or muggers about.
  2. … they/ get in touch with you/ emergency.
  3. … something serious/ go wrong at/ destination.
  4. … they/ be replaced/ more easily if lost.
  5. … any of your belongings/ be lost or stolen.


  1. b
  2. d
  3. e
  4. c
  5. a


Worksheet 4:


Around the world

    Alison: I lived in Belfast until nineteen ninety-four. Er....so for eighteen

years, until I moved to Scotland to go to university. The people

in Belfast are very warm and friendly, and they like to laugh a lot

and they enjoy telling jokes. In Belfast, I recommend people to

visit the place where the Titanic was built and to learn about its

history. We also have a famous clock tower in Belfast called the

Albert Clock but it's falling over. I'd like to go back to live there

one day but at the moment it's very easy for me to travel home

and I go home about once a month to visit my family and


    Jennifer: I was born in Erie and I lived there for seventeen years. My

favourite thing about living in Erie was my friends. Um.. I had a

great circle of friends. Erm.. the weather is very warm in the

summer time.......it can be …er…. incredibly hot and sunny. And

then in the winter time it can be very cold and usually it snows

between October and March, so it's quite a..... change. I don’t

think that I’ll go back and live there – it doesn’t feel like home to

me. My parents live there so chances are I’ll be visiting them but

I don’t think I’ll be living there.

    Kathleen: I lived in Trinidad from the age of three. And I spent all of my

childhood and my teen years there. The weather is.........pretty

hot throughout the year... I think there are lots of things that you

can do particularly if you love being in the outdoors. You can go

swimming on the beaches or scuba diving or snorkelling. Maybe

one day I would like to go back to live there but I can't say at the


    Astrid: I lived in Perth all my life until two thousand and two. I loved the

sunshine and the beaches, being able to walk along the coast is

just lovely. Sometimes the weather is too hot. That would be the

main thing that I didn't like. I would love to go back to Australia.

To Perth in particular. It's my favourite place in the whole world.


Worksheet 5


How long did she live there ?

What did she like about it?

What can you do there?

Would she like to go back and live there?

Alison from Belfast


The warm and friendly people



Jennifer from Erie

17 years




Kathleen from Trinidad





Astrid from Perth



Go to the beach



Worksheet 6


a) _____________________________________________________________________

This statue of Jesus stands some 38 meters tall, on the top of the Corcovado mountain  overlooking Rio de Janeiro. Designed by Brazilian Heitor da Silva Costa and created by French sculptor Paul Landowski, it is one of the world’s best-known monuments. The statue took five years to construct and was inaugurated on October 12, 1931. It has become a symbol of the city and of the warmth of the Brazilian people, who receive visitors with open arms.



It was built to link existing  fortifications into a united defense system and better keep invading Mongol tribes out of China. It is the largest man-made monument ever to have been built and it is disputed that it is the only one visible from space. Many thousands of people must have given their lives to build this colossal construction.


On the edge of the Arabian Desert, Petra was the glittering  capital of the Nabataean empire of King Aretas IV (9 B.C. to 40 A.D.). Masters of water technology, the Nabataeans provided their city with great tunnel constructions and water chambers. A theater, model on Greek-Roman prototypes, had space for an audience of 4,000. Today, the Palace Tombs of Petra, with the 42-meter-high Hellenistic temple facade on the El-Deir Monastery, are impressive  examples of Middle Eastern culture.



In the 15th century, the Incan Emperor Pachacútec built a city in the clouds on the mountain known as Machu Picchu ("old mountain"). This extraordinary settlement  lies halfway  up the Andes Plateau, deep in the Amazon jungle and above the Urubamba River. It was probably  abandoned by the Incas because of a smallpox outbreak and, after the Spanish defeated the Incan Empire, the city remained 'lost' for over three centuries. It was rediscovered  by Hiram Bingham in 1911.



This immense mausoleum was built on the orders of Shah Jahan, the fifth Muslim Mogul emperor, to honor the memory of his beloved late wife. Built out of white marble and standing in formally  laid-out walled gardens, the Taj Mahal is regarded as the most perfect jewel of Muslim art in India. The emperor was consequently jailed and, it is said, could then only see the Taj Mahal out of his small cell window.



This great amphitheater in the centre of Rome was built to give favors to successful  legionnaires and to celebrate the glory of the Roman Empire. Its design concept still stands to this very day, and virtually every modern sports stadium some 2,000 years later still bears the irresistable  imprint of the Colosseum's original design. Today, through films and history books, we are even more aware of the cruel fights and games that took place in this arena, all for the joy of the spectators.



Chichén Itzá, the most famous Mayan temple city, served as the political  and economic center of the Mayan civilization. Its various structures - the pyramid of Kukulkan, the Temple of Chac Mool, the Hall of the Thousand Pillars, and the Playing Field of the Prisoners – can still be seen today and are demonstrative  of an extraordinary commitment  to architectural space and composition. The pyramid itself was the last, and arguably the greatest, of all Mayan temples.















Worksheet 7:




Worksheet 8:


The World is a Book

and Those Who                                               do not Travel,

Read Only a Page…

                                                                               Saint Augustin                                                                               (Roman Philosopher)


2 квітня 2018
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