Тема: Ukraine. Close-up. Bila Tserkva.

Про матеріал
Тема: Ukraine. Close-up. Bila Tserkva. Мета: активізувати країнознавчі знання й мовні вміння учнів; удосконалювати навички читання і говоріння; розвивати навички колективної роботи, логічне мислення, навички усного ситуативного говоріння; розширювати кругозір учнів; формувати соціокультурну компетенцію; виховувати любов до рідної землі. Обладнання: види Білої Церкви, роздатковий матеріал.
Перегляд файлу

Тема: Ukraine. Close-up. Bila Tserkva.

Мета: активізувати країнознавчі знання й мовні вміння учнів; удосконалювати навички читання і говоріння; розвивати навички колективної роботи, логічне мислення, навички усного ситуативного говоріння; розширювати кругозір учнів; формувати соціокультурну  компетенцію; виховувати любов до рідної землі.

Обладнання: види Білої Церкви, роздатковий матеріал.

Хід уроку.

І. Підготовка до сприймання іншомовного мовлення.

1.1. Організаційний момент.

 - Good morning! I am glad to see you! How are you?

  Answer the questions:

  Where can people live?

   Do you live in town?

   Is your town big or small?

   What can you see in your town?

I am happy that everything is all right with you and I hope you will be energetic, active and supportive at the lesson.

1.2. Оголошення теми, мети уроку

   Today we continue to speak about Ukraine, our Motherland, mainly about our native town Bila Tserkva. We have to generalize and enlarge our knowledge on the topic, to improve speaking and reading comprehension skills. You should be able to operate the facts about our native land.

1.3. Мовленнєва зарядка

Do the crossword puzzle using the words below.

Nowadays, community, revolution, abroad, war, move, choir, foreign, diaspora, generation.








































































































II Основна частина уроку

2.1. Словникова робота

Exercise 1.

Teacher:    We often speak and hear about our  Motherland. What synonyms to the word  Motherland do you know?
-native land

As far as you have understood the word "Motherland" has two meanings:

1. It is our country. It is Ukraine.

2. It is the place where you were born. It is your town, your house. Usually this place is the best one in the world. There is no place like home.

And now answer my question: What does your Motherland begin with for you?

PI. As for me, my Motherland begins with my home, my parents.

P2. My Motherland begins with the dearest person in the world — my mother.

P3. I think to love Motherland means to love my town, my family, my peo­ple.

P4.1 want to add. Our Motherland be­gins with the knowing of its history and language.

P5. To love Motherland means to love the beauty of its nature.

P6. The beginning of my homeland is my native town Bila Tserkva.

T. I fully agree with you that our Moth­erland begins for us here, with our not small but very picturesque town. So the aim of our work today is to help you to un­derstand, to watch, to feel the beauty around you in the place you live.

T: You are very talented and creative. Thank you.

And now I think, it’s quite time to speak about some sights of our town. At home you have to prepare the short reports. Please, read them

  1.        Систематизація лексики.

Exercise 2.

Do you know the names of Ukrainian cities? Look at the explanations of the cities and try to guess them. And also mark these cities on your maps, give them to me.

  1. Name the city that was founded by three brothers and say the name of the eldest one? (Kyiv)
  2. What town is named after the beer? (Brovary)
  3. What city was built by the Lithuanian Prince Vitovt in the 1280s, and got the name of "Black caps"? (Cherkasy)
  4. What is the district town, museum reserve of Taras Shevchenko? (Kaniv)
  1. What is the city on the Desna River which was the centre of the Slav tribe of Siverians in the 9th century? (Chernihiv)
  2. This town got its name after the Polish king who founded it on the Seim River. (Baturyn)
  3. What is the principle city of Bukovyna? (Chernivtsi)
  4. What is the town that got its name from the fortress guard? (Storozhynets)

9. What city was previously called Yekaterynoslav? (Dnipropetrovs'к)
lO.The name of this town in Greek means "the town of victory". (Nikopol')

11 .On the place of this town there was a Cossack fortification Domakho in the 18th century. (Mariupol)

2.3. Робота з текстом.

  Т. Some of you have told today that to love our land means to know and love its history. So our next task is to make an excursion into the past of our town.

Pre-reading activities:

Exercise 3

Listening (guess the word)

* You live in it (house)

* We go there to pray (church)

* People go to see old things there (museum)

* Boys and girls study there (school)

* Your parents get money there (bank)

* You can see films there (cinema)

* People go there see pictures (art galleries)

* You can buy clothes and food in it (shop)

* Doctors work there (hospital)

* It honours the memory of famous people (monument)

* You can buy post cards there (post-office)

* You can have a rest, play games there (park)

While-reading activivity

Exercise 4

Bila Tserkva

Bila Tserkva or Belaya Tserkov is a city in Ukraine, a significant economic, cultural and educational center of the Kyiv region, as well as a climatic and balneological resort.

Located about 87 km south of Kyiv on the Ros’ River, it is the largest city in the Kyiv region in terms of population. The city of Kyiv is a separate administrative-territorial unit within Ukraine and is not part of the Kyiv region. The population of Bila Tserkva is about 206,000 (2016), the area - 68 sq. km.

Bila Tserkva history

At the beginning of the 11th century, the nomadic raids on the southern outskirts of Kievan Rus intensified. In 1017, the Prince Yaroslav the Wise defeated the Pechenegs and forced them to move to the south. In 1032, to strengthen the southern borders along the Ros’ River, the construction of a system of guard fortresses began.

One of such fortresses was named St. Georgiy on Ros or simply Georgiy (Yuryev) (in honor of the Christian name of Yaroslav the Wise). The heart of the new settlement was a mountain with a castle and a white-stone cathedral on it.

The town was repeatedly attacked and destroyed by various nomads: Pechenegs, Polovtsy, Mongols. The last time Yuryev was devastated and burned by nomads in the 13th century. The only remaining building was a large dilapidated cathedral. Built of white stone, it served as a landmark among the local dense forests.

Therefore, a new settlement, which rose from the ruins of Yuryev, was named Bila Tserkva meaning “White Church”. During the archaeological excavations conducted in the 20th century, the remains of the church were found on the Castle Hill.

Places of interest in Bila Tserkva

Park “Oleksandriya” (1793) - an arboretum founded by the Crown Prince Hetman of Poland Franciszek Ksawery Branicki and named in honor of his wife. The park occupies more than 200 hectares; it has 25 reservoirs, about 2,500 species of plants including plants from South America, China, Japan.

It is one of the oldest and most interesting monuments of landscape art in Ukraine and the main attraction of Bila Tserkva. Opening hours: 08:00-19:00 (Oleksandriya Park Museum: 09:00-17:00, day off - Tuesday). (Фото 1)

Taras Shevchenko Park - a park of culture and recreation located in the center of Bila Tserkva. For children there is an amusement park. Various city events are held regularly here. (Фото 5)

Bila Tserkva Museum of Local History. This museum has collections of items of material and spiritual culture of the south of the Kyiv region. The building of the museum was constructed in the style of constructivism on Zamkova Hill. The numismatic collection has Roman coins, Kyiv hryvnia, money of the Cossack era.

The department of art has icons, paintings and sculptures of the 17th-20th centuries. The monument to Yaroslav the Wise and a city observation point are located nearby. Soborna Square, 4. Opening hours: 10:00-17:30. Day off: Wednesday.

Savior Transfiguration Cathedral (1833-1839) - the main Orthodox church of Bila Tserkva located in the center of the city, a vivid example of the transition in church architecture from baroque forms to classicism. The height of the building is 40 meters. Haharina Street, 10. (Фото 4)

Also. We have a beautiful river. It is called Ros. (Фото 2,3)

Post-reading activities:

Exercise 5

Answer the questions.

  • What river is in town?
  • How many parks are in Bila Tserkva?
  • What is your favourite sight?
  • Where can people live?
  •   Do you live in town?
  •   Is your town big or small?
  •   What can you see in your town?

2.3. Робота в зошиті

Put all kinds of questions to this sentence.

Bila Tserkva became a business town since 1990.

ІІІ. Заключна частина

3.1. Гра “Crosses and naughts”

     Let’s finish our lesson with a game “Crosses and naughts”. Divide into two teams, one pupil from each team go to the blackboard. I’ll ask you some questions and the pupils at the blackboard write down cross or naught if the answer is correct.

So, the winner is …this team.

And at the end, listen to the poem “Bila Tserkva

  Bila Tserkva  !

Come to my town,

The place which is the best

We are happy to see you here

 And you'll have a good rest.

Bila Tserkva is the beauty

Of all Ukrainian state

Welcome to Bila Tserkva is not so late.

In different times

And at different places too :

 Bila Tserkva

 I shall remember you.

3.2. Домашнє завдання

Your homework is to write a letter to your pen-friend about your native town

  1.        Підсумок уроку.

    So, thank you for the interesting and exciting lesson. You all really did your best and I am very pleased to put you such marks…

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