Тематична контрольна робота (9 клас) до підручника О. Карпюк Unit 3. (2) Nature and the Environment. 2017-2018 навчальний рік.
Тестові завдання перевіряють рівень навчальних досягнень по темі.
Тематична контрольна робота (9 клас)
до підручника О. Карпюк
Unit 3. (2) Nature and the Environment
Variant 1
1 environment a переробляти
2 pollution b забруднення
3 to protect c виживання
4 to recycle d зменшувати
5 survival e довкілля
6 to reduce f захищати
1 If we don’t protect …, they will disappear forever.
a) endangered species c) energy
b) environment d) humanity
2 You should care about the … .
3 The science that studies the relations of plants, animals and people to each other and to their environment is … .
4 This logo indicates that the item can be… .
5 The ability of plants and animal to change is called … .
6 We should … old paper in order to save woods and forests on the planet
III Mark the correct form of the verbs.
1 If there is more people, they … more food, houses and energy.
a) need c) won’t need
b)will need d) needed
2 If our springs and summers … very hot, there won’t so much snow in winter.
3 We won’t have enough water in the future if we … it.
4 If there is a rubbish everywhere, it … dangerous for wild animals.
5 If the air … not clean, you’ll have to wear a mask.
6 If we … the habitat, many plants and animals will be in danger.
IV Write down a short list of recommendations for pupils
concerning the environmental protection.
Variant 2
I Match the words with their translation.
1 waste a середовище проживання
2 habitat b відходи, марнування
3 to preserve с позбутися
5 surface e зменшувати
6 to reduce f зберігати
II Mark the correct variant.
1 Some animals now often come to town to look for …
a) survival d) danger
b) rubbish c) oxygen
2 Many rivers nowadays become … .
3 A lot of people will be thirsty if there isn’t enough … .
c) reused c) reduced
b) recycled d) saved
5 Tires, auto hoses, carpet padding are made of … .
6 You should … a healthy and clean environment.
III Mark the correct form of the verbs:
1 If we … trees, we’ll have a lot of them.
a) protect c) will protect
d) protected d) won’t protect.
2 If you take a quick shower, you … the water.
3 If you … leave the light on when you leave the room, you’ll save
the energy.
4 If you … bike or public transport instead of car, you’ll reduce the amount of greenhouse gases.
5 If you buy recycled and recyclable items, you … to protect the environment.
6 Many species ….. if we cut down the rainforests.
b) disappeared d) disappears
IV Write down a short list of recommendations for pupils concerning the environmental protection.