Тематична контрольна роботва "Amazing Britain" 9 form (Nesvit)

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Тематична контрольна робота для учнів у 9 класі ““Amazing Britain”” (за підручником А.М.Несвіт), містить граматичні вправи, вправи на перевірку лексики і текст про замок
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THEME:   AMAZING BRITAIN Test #5  ( 9 form Nesvit)


I. Match the words with their definitions

1.mankind            A) a place where a building, town, etc. was, is, or will be located

2. to exist              B) consist of; be made up of.

3. heritage             C) be filled with wonder or astonishment.

4. to marvel           D) a special or individual possession; an allotted portion.

5. comprising        E)to live, to be real

6. a landmark       F)all humans, thought about as one large group; the human race

II. Make infinitives (add “to”) or gerunds (add “-ing”) of the verbs in brackets to make the following sentences grammatically correct.

1. When I’m tired, I enjoy ... television. It’s relaxing. (watch)
2. It was a nice day, so we decided ... for a walk. (go)
3. It’s a nice day. Does anyone fancy ... for a walk? (go)
4. I’m not in a hurry. I don’t mind ... (wait)
5. They don’t have much money. They can’t afford ... out very often. (go)
6. I wish that dog would stop ... It’s driving me mad. (bark)


III. Underline the correct item. 

1. Penny loves visiting / visit museums.

2.  Jane isn't used to get up / getting up early in the morning.

3. The boys went hiking / to hike in the woods yesterday.

4. Nikos agreed buy / to buy my old laptop.

5. Swimming / To swim keeps you fit.

6. They decided selling / to sell their old car.








































1 British    2 kingdom 3 time  4 highest 5 tower  6 entrance 7 ceremony

Ex. 2)

1. between 1285 and 1322

2. King Edward I

3. 2000 men

4. 20.000 pounds

5. the Eagle Tower

6. 158 steps

7. over 40 metres high

Ex. 3)

1. F (between the 13th and 14th centuries)

2. F (by people from all over the kingdom)

3. T

4. F (one tower – The Eagle Tower)

5. F (Edward II was born in Caernarfon Castle)