Тест "A Sound Mind In a Sound Body."

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Підсумкова контрольна робота. Тема: " ASound Mind In a Sound Body."(лексика з теми та граматичний матеріал - розділові запитання
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  1.           Group up the sports into three columns: go, do, play.

Jogging, aerobics, horseback riding, snowboarding, hiking, badminton, gymnastics, fishing, skiing, football, basketball, soccer, karate, yoga, swimming, running, cycling.


  1. Match up the words with their correct definitions.
  1. The equipment the players need                              a) stadium
  2. The place each sport is played                                 b) team
  3. The number of points each team has won               c) players
  4. The people involved in each game                          d) score
  5. A group of people who play a game or                   e) a racket, a ball, flippers

sport together against another group.


  1. Match two parts of the word.
  1. a billiard                                                                   a) rink
  2. a tennis                                                                     b) ring
  3. a skating                                                                   c) track
  4. a boxing                                                                   d) table
  5. a running                                                                  e) court


  1. Complete the sentence.
  1. A person who rides a bicycle is called …
  1. a cycler                                                           c) a rider
  2. a driver                                                           d) a cyclist
  1. A person who plays golf is called …
  1. a player of golf                                               c) a golfer
  2. a golf player                                                   d) a golfist
  1. A person who plays tennis is called …
  1. a tennis player                                                c) a tennisist
  2.  a player of tennis                                           d) a tenniser
  1. A person who plays football is called …
  1. a football player                                             c) a player of football
  2. a footballist                                                    d) a footballer
  1. A person who plays cricket is called …
  1. a cricketer                                                      c) a player of cricket
  2. a cricketist                                                     d) a cricket player


  1. Complete with the question tags.

1. Sport is one of the benefits of our life, …? 2. Sport helps us to keep fit, …? 3. If you want to be healthy, you are to go in for sports, …? 4. There  are many kinds of sport, …? 5. He didn’t have to jump so fast, …? 6. Your brother is not fond of football, …? 7. There are no girls in your team, …? 8. You have won the school 800 m race, …? 9. You have never played golf, …? 10. Your sister was in your school volleyball team last year, …?    



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