Тест "Для виявлення освітніх втрат для учнів 8-9кл."

Про матеріал
Граматичний тест з англійської мови на перевірку освітніх втрат. Цікавий. Виявляє теми,над якими слід попрацювати.
Перегляд файлу
  1.       I ________ a cup of coffee now.
    1.       I liked b) I would like c) I like
  2.       ________ you ever ________ to Turkey?
    1.       Has … been b) Have … be to c) Have … been
  3.       If you don’t have your pen, take ________.
    1.       my b) me c) mine
  4.       He ________ when the phone rang.
    1.       was sleeping b) were sleeping c) sleeped
  5.       We didn’t go on a picnic ________ the rain.
    1.       because b) that’s why c) because of
  6.       Sleeping pills are as ________ as warm milk and honey if you can’t fall asleep at night.
    1.       better b) good c) best
  7.       You see, this car is ________ than that one.
    1.       less more expensive b) much more expensive c) much expensive
  8.       They don’t have money to buy a house. If they ________ enough money, they ________
  9.       buy one.
    1.       have, will b) had, will c) had, would
  10.   They come ________ the USA.
    1.       from b) in c) at
  11.   What’s ________ name? Is she Natalia?
    1.       her b) his c) your
  12.   Next month I will go on holiday. When I ________ on holiday, I ________ to Paris.
    1.       went, will fly b) go, would fly c) go, will fly
  13.   She broke her friend’s clock yesterday. I think she ________ buy him a new one.
    1.       shall b) should c) has to
  14.   His boss asked him to make a report. He ________ stay after work today.
    1.       must b) has to c) should
  15.   ‘Romeo and Juliet’ ________ by Shakespeare.
    1.       was written b) was being written c) was wrote
  16.   When I arrived at home, my parents ________ to bed.
    1.       have gone b) had gone c) did go
  17.   She doesn’t like sandwiches. ________
    1.       Me too. b) So do I. c) Neither do I.
  18.   I have ________ to do today.
    1.       nothing b) anything c) everything
  19.   She thanked me for ________ her a lift.
    1.       gave b) to give c) giving
  20.   He promised ________ in time.
    1.       to come b) coming c) come
  21.   We ________ our friends tonight.
    1.       see b) are seeing c) are see
  22.   She likes ________ him ________ his brother.
    1.       neither … nor b) both … or c) either … nor
  23.   She ________ her room all day but she still has a lot to paint.
    1.       has painted b) has been painting c) paints
  24.   They ________ to finish the work in time.
    1.       must b) were able c) could
  25.   We’ll do ________ you like.
    1.       wherever b) where that c) whatever
  26.   Let’s call him. He ________ be at home now.
    1.       has to b) must c) is allowed to
  27.   If they ________, the accident ________.
    1.       haven’t argued, wouldn’t happen b) hadn’t argued, wouldn’t happen c) hadn’t

argued, wouldn’t have happened

  1.   You haven’t been to Australia, ________?
    1.       haven’t you b) did you c) have you
  2.   We like ________. (Mark and Alice)

a) you b) us c) them

  1.   We want to meet ________ Monday.

a) at b) in c) on



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