1. Match the word with its meaning :The period of time in a person's life when they are developing into an adult.
а) Adolescence
б) Generation gap
в) Juvenile
г) Teenager
2. Match the word with its meaning :Relating to a young person who is not yet old enough to be considered an adult.
а) Teenager
б) Juvenile
в) Delinquent
г) Abandoned children
3.Match the word with its meaning: A person, usually young, who behaves in a way that is illegal or not acceptable to most people.
а) Street children
б) Teenager
в) Adolescence
г) Delinquent
4.Match the word with its meaning: Types of teens, they are smart, but sometimes have a hard time sociall
5.Match the word with its meaning: Their emotions are reflected in their appearance: black clothing, streaked bangs, tattoos and piercings
а) Preps
б) Jocks
в) Emo Kids
г) Skaters
6. Translate the word into Ukrainian: "threaten".
а) спілкуватися
б) знущатися
в) погрожувати
г) розважатися
7. Translate the word into Ukrainian:"tease".
а) дражнити
б) розважати
в) спілкуватися
г) жертвувати
8. Translate the word into Ukrainian:"victim".
а) розвага
б) можливість
в) хуліган
г) жертва
9.Translate the word into Ukrainian:"a bully".
а) жертва
б) розвага
в) можливість
г) хуліган
10. Complete the sentences: The magazine is aimed at...
а) generation gap
б) growing up
в) teenagers
г) adolescence
11.Complete the sentences: Taking responsibility for yourself
is part of the process of...
а) generation gap
б) growing up
в) youth
г) teenagers
12. Complete the sentences: She's a young politician who manages to bridge/cross the...
а) generation gap
б) growing up
в) adolescence
г) youth