Test in Writing (the 8th form) Topic "School Life "

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Різнорівнева лексико-граматична контрольна робота для учнів 8 класів загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів
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Test in Writing (the 8th Form)

Topic “School Life”

I variant                                                                                                                                                                         II variant

  1. Translate.

                education-…                                                                                                                         knowledge-…       

a kindergarten-…                                                                                                                   a classmate-…         

an applicant-…                                                                                                                      a secondary school-…

a school subject-…                                                                                                                an ideal timetable-…

a boarding school-…                                                                                                             the primary education    

 a highly qualified teacher-…                                                                                                a strict teacher-…



  1. Mark if it is about  education in Ukraine (U) or in Great Britain (GB)
  1. The system of education is rather complicated.                                                                           1.Primary and secondary education is compulsory and free.
  2. The primary school lasts  four years.                                                                                            2. Children get primary education between the ages of 5 and 11.
  3. Most public schools are boarding schools.                                                                                  3. Schools have three terms a year.
  4. Pupils get the basic school certificate.                                                                                         4. After finishing the 11th form one must take standard assessment tests.
  5. Children start going to school at the age of six or seven.                                                            5. The basic secondary school lasts five years.
  6. Children have Christmas and Easter holidays.                                                                            6 .In a grammar school children get more academic education.


  1. Write the sentences using the conjunctions     If   or Unless.
  1. Ann works hard at her homework.\She probably has the best results.
  2. I am a good student. \I keep the school rules.
  3. If she doesn’t pass her exam\Her parents can’t be happy.
  4. The school holidays start\we can’t get a rest.
  5. Tom learns the grammar rules\he will make a mistake.
  6. I have time\we go shopping.


  1. Write a composition about :

 a) the school you study at (what kind of school it is, the subjects, the teachers, classmates..)

b) your favourite teacher explaining what you like about him\her as a person and a teacher.

30 січня 2020
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