Test Listening 5th form 1st semester з аудіосупроводом

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Семестрова контрольна робота першого семестру для 5 класу за підручником О.Карпюк для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів.

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1st semester 5th form



Task 1. Write if it is true or false. (track 1)

1. Vicky has a birthday party on Monday.

2. The theme of the party is “Halloween”.

3. Nelly will be dressed as Harry Potter.

4. Vicky will be dressed as Ginny Weasley.

5. The guests shouldn’t wear badges and hats.


Task 2. Choose the correct answer.(track 2)

1. Mark has got … whose name is Ben.

a) a pen-friend

b) an e-mail friend

c) a parrot

d) a dog

2. The … teacher says to find a friend in the Internet.

a) English

b) Geography

c) IT

d) History

3. Mark and Ben are keen on …

a) IT

b) Geography

c) PE

d) English

4. … Ben is going to visit Mark.

a) This month

b) This summer

c) This winter

d) This week

5. … Mark is going to visit Ben.

a) Next year

b) Next month

c) Next week

d) Tomorrow


Task 3. Write if it is true or false.(track 3)

1. Pupils told the teacher about their parents’ hobbies.

2. Andy’s parents met each other in a cinema.

3. Monica’s mother catches burglars.

4. Nancy’s mum saved a cow’s life.

5. If you feel pain in your tooth, you should visit David’s mother.

6. Teacher’s husband is a waiter in a restaurant.