Тест «Прикметники, що описують характер людини»

Про матеріал
Запропонований тест містить 20 прикметників, які стосуються рис характеру людини. Перша частина тесту — це завдання (20 речень із пропусками в тексті, які потрібно заповнити), друга частина — відповіді. Окремо подано рекомендовані варіанти перекладу використаних у тесті прикметників на українську мову. Тест може використовуватися як на уроці англійської мови (на вибір учителя), так і на заняттях розмовного клубу. Використане джерело: Cambridge Dictionary (електронна версія).
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Personality adjectives

Fill in the gaps with suitable personality adjectives. Choose from the list below:

adventurous, approachable, clingy, compassionate, conceited, curious, downto-earth, encouraging, greedy, gregarious, gullible, judgementa/ (judgmental), moody, nosy, obstinate, reliable, self-absorbed, spendthrift, thoughtful, withdrawn. Write your answers in the space provided.

1.                   An person gives you confidence or hope.

2.                   Being means you want more and more of something, for example money or power.

3.                   If you are willing to take risks and try new ideas or enjoy being in exciting situations, you areimage

4.                   ... people are practical, reasonable and friendly.

5.                   If you are ..., you are friendly and easy to talk to.

6.                   ... people are only interested in themselves and their own activities.

7.                   Being means you have a strong desire to know about something.

8.                   You always think of other people's wishes and feelings if you are . . . 9. Someone who is prefers to be alone rather than with other people.

10.               A person behaves differently every time you meet him/her.

11.               You are . if you are not willing to be reasonable and change your plans, ideas or behaviour.

12.               A person is too quick to criticise others.

13.               Someone who is needs another person too much.

14.               You enjoy spending time with other people if you areimage

15.               If you are ..., you feel or show sympathy for people or animals who are suffering.

16.               . . people are easy to trick because they are too willing to believe or accept what others tell them.

17.               If you are ..., you are too proud of yourself and what you do.

18.               You are if you are too interested in things that do not involve you. 19. A is someone who spends too much money or who wastes money.

20. If you are ..., you can be trusted to do something well.

1. IIpaBHJ1bHa BiA110BiAb.• encouraging.

2. IIpaBHJ1bHa BiA110BiAb.• greedy.

3. IIpaBHJ1bHa BiA110BiAb.• adventurous.

4. IIpaBHJ1bHa BiA110BiAb.• down-to-earth.

5. IIpaBHJ1bHa BiA110BiAb.• approachable.

6. IIpaBHJ1bHa BiA110BiAb.• self-absorbed.

7. IIpaBHJ1bHa BiA110BiAb.• curious.

8. IIpaBHJ1bHa BiA110BiAb.• thoughtful. 9. IIpaBHJ1bHa BiA110BiAb.• withdrawn.

10.  IIpaBHJ1bHa BiA110BiAb.• moody.

11.  IIpaBHJ1bHa BiA110BiAb.• obstinate.

12.  IIpaBHJ1bHa BiA110BiAb.• judgemental / judgmental.

13.  IIpaBHJ1bHa BiA110BiAb.• clingy.

14.  IIpaBHJ1bHa BiA110BiAb.• gregarious.

15.  IIpaBHJ1bHa BiA110BiAb.• compassionate.

16.  IIpaBHJ1bHa BiA110BiAb.• gullible.

17.  IIpaBHJ1bHa BiA110BiAb.• conceited.

18.  IIpaBHJ1bHa BiA110BiAb: nosy.

19.  IIpaBHJ1bHa BiA110BiAb: spendthrift.

20.  IIpaBHJ1bHa BiA110BiAb: reliable.

Suggested Ukrainian equivalents to the personality adjectives used in the test

                    Adventurous                  BinqaMAY111HHü•, Jl}06HTeJ1b npmr0A

Approachable — 11PHA3HHM•, JHOAHHa, 3           nerK0 cniJIKYBaTvrcq Clingy HaAOKYHJIHBHü, npmqe11JIHBHü, Ha6PHAJIHBHMf

Compassionate xaniCJIHBHM, ClliBHYTJIHBHM1

Conceited — 3ap03YMiJIHü, FOPÅOBHTHMI


Down-to-earth — AiJIOBHü, npaKTH11HHM

Encouraging — JlYOAHHa, mca niA6aAbopyo€

Greedy xaAi6HHü, HeHaCHTHHM1

                   Gregarious           TOBaPHCbKHü•, MOAHHa, AK-a M06HTb cniJIKYBaTHCH

Gullible HaiBHHü, AOBiPJIHBHM1

Judgemental / judgmental mOAH1--1a, mca CXHJ1bHa KPHTHKYBaTH a60 ocyx,KYBaTH


Moody IIPHMXJIHBHM•, CXVIJ1bHHM1 AO parlT0Bvrx 3MiHimage

Nosy — HaATO UiKaBHM•, mOAHHa, mca nxae CBiM1 Hic y qyxi cnpaBH

Obstinate — ynepTHM1 (B11ePTHü)

Reliable HaAiüHHM1

Self-absorbed — 3arJIH6J1eHmvU1 y ce6e, caM03arJIH6neHHM1

         Spendthrift  MapHOTpaT

                    Thoughtful                   YBa)KHHü•, JHOAHHa, mca A6a€ npo iHmmx

                    Withdrawn                  BiAJIYOAKYBaTHü, 3aMKHeHHü y c06i

13 липня 2023
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