Тест «some/any,much/many/a lot of,Present Continuous»

Про матеріал
Разрахован для класів з поглибленним вивченням англійської мови.Підручники «Islands 3» або «Fly high 3».
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FORM___3-_______ SURNAME____________ DATE_______

1 Some /Any

  1. There is  ______   bread on the table.
  2. Are there ______ oranges in the bag?
  3. There isn’t ______ cheese in the fridge.
  4. There are______  flowers in the vase.

      2 a / an/,x.

   1. Can I have __ apple, please?

   2. Do you want __ banana?

   3. Give him __ present.

   4. Mother buys me __ stickers.

   5. Have you got __ crayons?

3. Many, much, a lot of

  1. I have got ______________ friends.
  2. I see ___________ cars in the street.
  3. Have you got _________ books?
  4. We don’t have __________ books at home.
  5. Do not drink _________ coffee in the evening.

     4 Put in Present continuous

     I (not to work) now.

  •      2  He (eat) an apple?.
  •      3   Natalia (write) a letter.
  •      4   The birds (to  sing)loudly today.
  •    5 What___ my mum_____  (to  do)?

        5       Read. Then match.

        1 eating                a the piano

        2 cleaning             b the bedroom

        3 reading              d an apple

        4 listening            c a story               

        5 playing              e homework 

         6 doing                 f to music

23 жовтня 2020
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