Тест. Тема "Проблеми навколишнього середовища"

Про матеріал

Тест має на меті перевірити знання лексичого матеріалу з теми та включає творче завдання для учнів (розробити дизайн футболки проти екологічних проблем)

Перегляд файлу

Test     ENVIRONMENT                            _______________________

1) Translate into English

1  ecological problems


2  recycling


3  natural resources


4  wastes


5  greenhouse effect


6  fumes of cars


7  deforestation


8  protect wildlife


9  destroy nature


10 save environment


11 throw litter


12 reduce pollution


2) Find the equivalents

1.Зупиніть ядерні випробування.

A Spend more time out of towns

2.Тримайте води в річках і озерах чистими.

B Eat ecologically clean food

3.Пийте чисту воду.

C Be physically active

4.Проводьте більше часу за  містом.

D Drink clean water

5.Зупиніть забруднення повітря і води.

E Plant new forests and keep them clean

6.Їжте екологічно чисті продукти харчування.

F Stop nuclear tests

7.Будьте фізично активними.

G Keep waters in the rivers and lakes clean

8.Садіть нові ліси і тримати їх у чистоті.

H Stop air and water pollution







2) Fill in the gaps:

Ecology of Man

Ecologically, medicines, protection, poisoned, polluted, diseases, problem, modern, legless

It may sound funny to you, but man needs _____________________ and care as much as animals do. People's habitats - their homes towns and cities - must be kept _____________ clean. In the places where people drink ________________ water, eat bad food and breath ________________ air they suffer from serious _________________ and die earlier; their children are born weak. No __________________ prescribed by the doctors can help them. This ____________________ becomes more and more serious with every passing day. The ___________________  way of life when people have little physical activity, use cars instead of walking, watch TV for many hours and work on computers is turning them into _______________ creatures

3) Design T-shirts telling people about ecological problems of the day.

 A Spend more time out of towns B Eat ecologically clean food C Be physically active         D Drink clean water E Plant new forests and keep them clean F Stop nuclear tests   

  G Keep waters in the rivers and lakes clean H Stop air and water pollution













13 серпня 2018
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