Тест. Тема "Засоби масової інформації"

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ТЕМА: Засоби масової інформації. Mass Media

I Match the words with their definitions.

a) a game programme to test one's knowledge

b) play for TV, radio or theatre

c) programme in which famous people are invited to talk informally

d) a complete story in one showing

e) programme which gives factual information about a subject

f) a system for sending and receiving messages by computer

g) a type of service that allows you to quickly exchange written messages with

people you know

h) a way of getting information from computers all over the world

I )webpages about a particular subject, in which the newest information is always at the top of the page

Key: 1 e 2 c 3 f 4 I 5 d 6 b 7 g 8 a 9 h

II. Choose the names of the newspapers which you see in the pictures.

The Wall Street Journal , The Washington Post, The US Today,The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Tribune

III. Complete the sentences with the necessary words.

1. The daily newspapers are of -------------.

2. A popular paper contains ------------------ .

3. The Wall Street Journal is ---------------- .

4. The US Today was meant to be --------------- .

5. Some of the largest newspapers not only ----------------- .

6. The New York Times, the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times are --------------- .

Key: 1. two kinds: quality and popular 2. many photographs; its articles are often sensational 3. is a quality paper 4. to be the only truly national newspaper 5. only print, but also collect and sell news, news features and photographs. 6. the best news services in the country.

IV. Match the questions (1-7) to the answers (A-G). Match the question to the answers and practice these short dialogues with your partner.

1) Do you like comedy programmers?

2) Why does John not like news programmers?

3) What kind of TV programmers does Hellen like?

4) Why do you like sports programmers?

5) What time is your favourite reality show?

6) What programmer do you usually watch?

7) What kind of TV programmer do you like?

A. Because they're exciting.

B. Because he finds them boring.

C. I usually watch comedy programmers.

D. It's at six p.m.

E. She likes quiz shows.

F. I like nature programmers because they are interesting.

G. Yes, I do. Comedy shows are funny.

1- documentary

2-talk show





7-instant messaging

мгновенный обмен сообщениями,

8 --quiz show


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ТЕМА: Засоби масової інформації. Mass Media

I  Match the words  with their  definitions.

a) a game programme to test one's knowledge         

b) play for TV, radio or theatre  

c) programme in which famous people are invited to talk informally

d) a complete story in one showing

e) programme which gives factual information about a subject

f) a system for sending and receiving messages by computer

g) a type of service that allows you to quickly exchange written messages with

 people you know

h) a way of getting information from computers all over the world

 I )webpages about a particular subject, in which the newest information is  always at the top of the page

Key: 1 e 2 c 3 f 4 I 5 d 6 b 7 g 8 a 9 h

II. Choose  the names of the newspapers which you see in the pictures.

The Wall Street Journal , The Washington Post, The US Today,The New York Times, The Washington Post,  The Los Angeles Times, The New York Tribune




III. Complete the sentences with the necessary words.

1. The daily newspapers are  of -------------.

2. A popular paper contains ------------------ .

3. The Wall Street Journal is ---------------- .

4.  The US Today  was meant to be  --------------- .

5. Some of the largest newspapers not only ----------------- .

6. The New York Times, the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times are --------------- .

Key:   1. two kinds: quality and popular 2. many photographs; its articles are often sensational 3. is a quality paper 4. to be the only truly national newspaper 5. only print, but also collect and sell news, news features and photographs.   6. the best news services in the country.


IV. Match the questions (1-7) to the answers (A-G). Match the question to the answers and practice these short dialogues with your partner.

1) Do you like comedy programmers?

2) Why does John not like news programmers?

3) What kind of TV programmers does Hellen like?

4) Why do you like sports programmers?

5) What time is your favourite reality show?

6) What programmer do you usually watch?

7) What kind of TV programmer do you like?

A. Because they're exciting.

B. Because he finds them boring.

C. I usually watch comedy programmers.

D. It's at six p.m.

E. She likes quiz shows.

F. I like nature programmers because they are interesting.

G. Yes, I do. Comedy shows are funny.






1- documentary

2-talk show





7-instant messaging

мгновенный обмен сообщениями,

8 --quiz show




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12 серпня 2018
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