Тест "Test -Listening Comprehension "The Face of Judas"

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Тест для контроля сформованості навичок аудіювання побудований на аудитивному тексті "Портрет (обличчя) Юди" для учнів 9-10 класів. За лексичним наповненням текст об'єднує навчальний матеріал по темах: Мистецтво, Особистість, Зовнішність. Пізнавальна цінність цього тексту в тому, що крім інформативної сторони, текст показує реалії життя. Завдання тесту спрямовані на виконання вправ екзаменаційного формату: множинний вибір, визначення речень, які відповідають/не відповідають змісту текста.
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Listening Comprehension

Level B1+ (Intermediate/Upper-Intermediate)


The Face Of Judas


Nobody knows where this story has come from. It tells us about an eminent artist who gave his whole life to his art. It is considered that his last picture was a real masterpiece. Everybody knew with what boundless enthusiasm the great painter worked at his picture. At first he easily found many models to pose for him and at last the picture was almost finished except for the two most essential figures: Christ and Judas.

The painter missed models for them and looked for them everywhere but could not find a suitable face for a very long time. It was either not noble enough for Christ or not hideous enough for Judas. But once while he was walking along the street, he happened to meet a boy whose face struck him: his hair was dark, his nose was straight, his blue eyes shone under long eyelashes. It was the face of an angel though the boy looked miserable with his torn dirty clothes on and bare feet. The painter took the boy to his place and several weeks later the image of a Christ appeared on the canvas. It was splendid and all who saw it wondered where the painter could have found the model with such regular features.

But the painter still failed to have a model for Judas.

Many men with ugly faces were ready to serve him, but neither of them could satisfy the artist. Years passed on and the painter got very old. He almost lost his last hope of finishing the picture, as he was the aged and no medicine could cheer him up or do him any good.

Once he was sitting in a little tavern over his daily glass of wine. It was a gloomy autumn day. It was pouring down with rain and the gusty wind was blowing.

Suddenly the door opened and a man appeared. The artist looked at him and started. It was difficult to imagine that a man could be so disgusting. His face was blue with cold. He stretched out his dirty trembling hand and hardly whispered, ”Wine! Wine!” and fell down unconscious.

The artist rushed to him. To his delight he saw the real face of Judas. He helped him to his feet and promised to give him much wine and everything he wanted for posing for Judas.

The artist began working at once, but he noticed a strange change happened to the beggar. The ugly man was looking at the picture in terror. The painter asked: “What is the matter with you, my son? Tell me, I think you are suffering greatly.” The man looked at him. His bloodshot eyes filled with tears. Then he answered in a low voice, almost whispering: “Haven’t you recognized me? I served you as a model for Christ”











Tasks to the Listening Comprehension  10 Form


The Face Of Judas


  1. Write (T) if the sentence is True and (F) if the sentence is False


  1. The artist dedicated his whole life to painting.
  2. At first the painter happened to find some models to pose for him with great difficulty.
  3. He looked for the most significant figure - Judas.
  4. The painter came across the face he needed for Christ.
  5. Several months later the image of Christ appeared on the canvas.
  6. Lots of men with ugly faces couldn’t satisfy the artist.
  7. Once he was sitting in a little pub on a dull autumn day.
  8. To his great delight he occurred to meet the man with the suitable face for Judas.
  9. A weird expression of surprise appeared on the beggar’s face.
  10. The man’s wide-open eyes filled with tears because he was suffering greatly.


II. Choose the right answer: a, b or c

  1. The story tells the listeners the information about
  1. a noted painter.
  2. a popular actor.
  3. an unusual artist.
  1. His last picture was
  1. worth paying attention to.
  2. really perfect.
  3. really a masterpiece.
  1. The faces the painter looked for as a model
  1. were ugly for Judas and noble for Christ.
  2. were too noble for Judas.
  3. were not noble enough for Christ and not ugly enough for Judas.
  1. While walking along the street he came across a boy who looked
  1. disgusting.
  2. like an angel.
  3. suitable for a model.
  1. The painter lost his last hope of finishing the picture because
  1. years passed on and he became old.
  2. he didn’t dream about his picture any more.
  3. he was an aged man and ill.
  1. Once the painter was sitting in a little tavern
  1. on a sunny autumn day.
  2.  on a cheerless fall day.
  3. on a rainy summer day.
  1. The artist looked at the man who appeared from behind the door
  1. with joy.
  2. with fear.
  3. with trembling.
  1. The artist promised to give the man …….  for posing for Judas.
  1. much money and much wine
  2. much wine and everything he desired
  3. much wine and much food
  1. The beggar was looking at the picture
  1. in an unusual manner.
  2. scared.
  3. in horror.
  1. The model was suffering greatly because years ago he had served the artist
  1. as a model for Judas.
  2. as a model for Christ.
  3. as a model for both Judas and Christ.


The answers to the Listening Comprehension    10 Form


The Face Of Judas


I.True  -  False sentences


1.T      2.F      3 F      4.T      5.F      6.T      7.F      8.T      9.F      10.F   


II. Choose the right variant: a, b or c


 1.a     2.c     3.c     4.b     5.c     6.b     7.c     8.b     9.c     10.b




































II етап Всеукраїнської учнівської олімпіади з англійської мови


Speaking Comprehension Test for the 9th Form Students


In this test you will select three task cards from those before you. After selecting three choose one you feel you are the most capable to speak about and return the other two to the table faced down. Then think over about a minute to collect your thoughts before you begin to speak on the topic.


1. Talk about an interesting journey. It can be a real journey you’ve made, or you can invent one.

  • Who did you go with?
  • Where did you go? (to an island? to the mountains? to a foreign city?)
  • How did you get there? (by train? by plane? by car? by boat?)
  • What was good and bad about your journey? (your impressions)


2. Talk about environmental problems in your city / country or in the world.

  • Why do you care about this problem?
  • What will happen if we don’t take any actions?
  • What can individuals do to protect the environment?
  • What should governments do?


3. Think about a book you have recently read. Make a review of the book including this information:

  • title, author and type of the book;
  • where it is set, who the main characters are, what the story is about;
  • what your opinion of it is and why.


4. Say which way you would prefer to travel and explain why. Include this information:

  • Have you ever travelled by plane / by train / by ship?
  • When? Where? Why?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of these means of transport?


5. Talk about your native city. Discuss the points:

  • What is your city famous for?
  • What changes have happened recently in your city and what are the reasons?
  • What activities can be offered to young people either for entertainment or for the development of mental abilities and physical skills?


6. Talk about the kind of music you like. Include this information:

  • your favourite singer / band;
  • where you usually listen to music;
  • what kind of music you don’t like;
  • say if you play any musical instrument or sing or dance yourself.


7. Talk about a famous sporting event (the Olympic Games, the Football World Cup, Euro-2012). Include this information:

  • when it started;
  • some information about it;
  • why it is famous / important;
  • when it happened the last time;
  • some famous people from it.





8. Talk about a friend / a relative / a classmate. Include this information:

  • name, age and brief information about them;
  • their hobbies and interests;
  • the personality of these people.


9. Express your opinion and own ideas about what life will be like in the future if we stop using mobile phones. Include this information:

  • life will be better (people will be healthier – no radiation from phone);
  • life will be worse (communication will be more difficult – cannot contact people).


10.What role does technology play in our society?

  • What examples of technology have helped improve our life?
  • What examples of technology have actually made our lives worse?
  • Would you rather live in a world with everything entirely dependent on technology or without any technology?


  1. What is the purpose of education in our society?
  • What kinds of schools are there in our country?
  • Do you feel that the system we have in place is fulfilling that purpose?
  • What could be done to improve the system?
  • What do you think the educational system does well?


12. Talk about the pros and cons of living in the city and in the country. Include this information:

  • advantages and disadvantages of living in the city and in the country;
  • your opinion.


13. Imagine that you have to give a talk about the school / gymnasium / lyceum where you study to some visitors. What do you think makes a good school? Include this information:

  • friendly atmosphere;
  • lots of technological facilities;
  • hard-working students;
  • good sports facilities;
  • modern classrooms and laboratories.


14. Many school students spend time after school participating in clubs or helping their parents at home.

  • Which activities do you participate in after school?
  • Are these activities important to pupils and why?
  • If you could start any afterschool club or programme what would it be?


15. Say what you like / dislike in the media. Express your opinion. Include this information:

  • your favourite newspapers / magazines / periodicals;
  • how often you buy them;
  • your favourite journalists;
  • articles you usually read.


16. Say what you like / dislike in the media. Express your opinion. Include this information:

  • your favourite TV programmes, say why and give examples;
  • how much TV you watch weekly;
  • your favourite channel;
  • your favourite speaker / presenter / commentator;
  • how television influences your behaviour.



17. Think about who your role model is.

  • Explain how you have come to know this person.
  • What features of character does this person have, and why do you consider them so important?
  • In what ways do you have to change your own lifestyle in order to become more like this person?


18. You have visited a museum. Talk about the exhibits. Include this information:

  • describe some of the things exhibited;
  • say whether the information was enough / well presented etc;
  • mention what facilities were there (e.g. seating areas, café) and what they were like;
  • say if you could recommend other students to visit this museum.


19. There are many traditional holidays in our country.

  • Are these holidays national /public or religious? 
  • What is the most important one?
  • Why and how do people celebrate this holiday?


20. Talk about your study and plans for the future. Include this information:

  • where you are studying at the moment;
  • what languages you speak and what you will do with English in the future;
  • what you would like to do in the future (study, work etc).


21. Ukrainian teenagers often have responsibilities at school and at home.

  • What are some of the responsibilities either at school or at home?
  • Discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of working hard at school and at home.
  • How does age affect your responsibilities?


22. Many people believe that there is a strong connection between the mind and the body, and one cannot have a sound mind without a healthy body.

  • Do you agree with this statement?
  • What is the best way to maintain a healthy lifestyle?
  • How do you believe this statement translates into your everyday life?
  • What is your attitude to sport?


23. Talk about your favourite writer. Include this information:

  • the name and the country he / she is from;
  • some information about his / her life and activity;
  • the most famous books.


24. Talk about your shopping experience. Include this information:

  • how often you go shopping;
  • what shops you usually go;
  • what you buy;
  • say if you have your pocket money and how you spend them.


25. Parents are the best friends and teachers.

  • Do you agree with this statement?
  • If ‘yes’ or ‘no’, give your reasons to prove it.





26. You are discussing the importance of learning foreign languages with your friends.

  • Tell your opinion and the reasons to prove your point of view.
  • Speak about the English language as the most widespread and influential language in the world.


27. Talk about the Olympic Games. Include this information:

  • when they started;
  • what they were like in the past;
  • why they are important;
  • when and where they took place last.


28. Talk about a famous place in Ukraine. Include this information:

  • its location;
  • what to see there;
  • some interesting facts about this place.


29. A group of friend are visiting London. Tell them about places of interest you would recommend them to see and why. Include the information about:

  • Trafalgar Square;
  • Westminster Abbey;
  • The Tower of London;
  • Buckingham Palace.


30. Prove that travelling broadens the mind. Include this information:

  • why people travel;
  • things they learn while travelling;
  • people they meet;
  • impressions they get.


31. Talk about the British holidays.

  • What are the most famous public holidays?
  • What are the traditions and the ways they are celebrated?
  • How are they different from those in Ukraine?


22 січня 2019
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