Тест за темою "Україна. Київ"

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Англійська мова 7 клас

Tестування за темою "Україна. Київ"


1. Khreshchatyk street …


а) is the symbol of Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine

b) is the main square in Kyiv

с) has all copies of Kyiv’s most famous Landmarks

2.  Kyiv in Miniature Museum …


a) is the symbol of Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine

b) is the main square in Kyiv

с) has all copies of Kyiv’s most famous Landmarks

3. Maidan Nezalezhnosti… 


а) is the symbol of Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine

b) is the main square in Kyiv

с) has all copies of Kyiv’s most famous Landmarks

4.  Rebuilt after the fire Podil became … beautiful than before.


a) more

b) most

c) the most

5. ...were visited by merchants from all parts of the country.

a) trade fairs

b) the shops

c) place

6. Оn Sundays the traffic … in Khreshchatyk Street.


a) runs

b) goes

c) doesn’t run

7. Chestnut trees are in blossom in Kyiv in … .


a) in summer

b) in spring

c) in autumn

8. We were … that we didn’t have time to visit the Kyiv-Pecherska Lavra.


a) hard

b) happy

c) busy

9. The Ukrainian architect … the Fountain Samson.


a) designed

b) drew

c) build

10. Many Kiеvan landmarks are included into …


a) the UNESCO World Heritage List

b) the Kyiv Miniature Museum

11. St Sophia’s Cathedral is a national attraction, ___________________________________________________?(доповни речення)


12. Many Kyivites enjoy their time in the main square of the city. Постав питання до поданого речення.







1 а), 2с), 3с), 4а), 5а), 6с), 7b), 8с), 9а), 10а), 11 isn’t it

До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
28 лютого 2021
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