Контрольна робота з читання

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Контрольна робота з читання у 7 класі з метою перевірити рівень умінь учнів з читання.
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7 Form Reading II Term

cheer you up- втішати,  розвеселяти

calm down-заспокоїтися

to take up – займатися

lonely- самотній

find out- з’ясувати

look after – піклуватися

responsible – відповідальний

sociable- товариський, хто легко товаришує з  друзями

take for a walk- виводити на прогулянку

dog owner- володар собаки

Ex.1 .Listen, read and match the summary sentences a-d with the paragraphs,

  1. A pet helps you relax.
  2. A pet will help you when you are alone.
  3. A pet helps you keep fit.
  4. A pet can teach children to be better people.
  5. Animal must be happy with you!

Pet Therapy

Feeling down? Stressed? Or unwell? Before you visit the doctor, why don’t you get a pet? Here are a few reasons why a pet can change your life!

[ 1_____ ]  You've had a bad day. You go home and your pet runs to welcome you. Doesn't that cheer you up?

It just shows how a pet can help you calm down. And that's not true only for cats and dogs. You can relax even if you watch fish in an aquarium.

[2_____]  A pet can become a child's best friend and a great teacher at the same time. Children who look after pets learn to be more responsible and they also become more sociable.

[3_____] Nowadays, people work long hours and they're too tired to take up a sport. However, if you’ve got a dog, all you need to do is take it for a walk. It's great exercise and don't  worry, your dog will always want to go out.

[4_____] Sometimes people are unhappy and lonely because someone they know has moved away or they've lost a loved one. Lots of people, especially old people, find that they feel better if they’ve got a pet.

[5______] But remember! If you decide to get a pet, you should find out everything you can about the animal  before you get it.  Choose carefully and don't forget, a pet is for life!

Ex.2. Read again and write True or False.




1.  Only cats and dogs can help someone to relax.  



2.  Children who've got a pet make friends more easily.




3. Sometimes  dogs don’t want to go out.




4.  Dog owners should do more exercise when they take their dog for a walk.



5. Children who look after pets learn to be more responsible.



6. Sometimes people are unhappy and lonely because someone they know has moved away .



7. Pets can help when you've lost a loved person.




8. If you decide to get a pet, you should find out everything you can about the animal  before you get it. 



Ex.3 Find the end of the sentences.

  1. A pet can help you calm__________.
  2. You can relax even if you watch _________.
  3. A pet can become a child’s ________.
  4. Children who look after pets learn to be ___________.
  5. People work long  hours  and they're too tired to ______________.
  6. If you’ve got a dog, all you need to do is take ____________.
  7. Old people find that they feel better if _________________.
  8. If you decide to get a pet, you should find out ____________________.


Ex.4 Answer the questions.

  1. What can a pet do if you have a bad day?
  2. Who can look after a pet?
  3. How does a dog help you keep fit?
  4. Do animals help old people to feel better?
  5. Do you have to find out everything before you get a pet?
  6. Do you agree with the statement:”A pet is for life”?

Ex.5 Write a story,  how  your pet helps you to have a rest (if you don’t have a pet – imagine the animal)



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Всього відгуків: 2
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  1. Буц Юлія Василівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  2. Білявська Наталія Валентинівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
Popelnukh Elena
До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
28 лютого 2021
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (2 відгука)
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