Тестові завдання для учнів 7 класу з теми "School Life"

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Тестові завдання для учнів 7 класу з теми "School Life" з метою перевірки знань лексико-граматичного матеріалу

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Тестові завдання по темі «School»

І. Fill in the blanks 




Assembly Hall

after-school activities

do sports

Art Club



  1. I am a member of …   … because I like drawing.
  2. There are 3 sport grounds near our school where we can ...
  3. There are 2 … in our town.
  4. Pupils have … in the canteen.
  5. We can leave our clothes in the …
  6.  After classes many pupils have different … … .
  7. My sister wants to … a Drama Club because she is interested in theatre.
  8. We have different concerts in our … …

ІІ. Finish the sentences

  1. Pupils can take interesting books from a school …
  2. Mrs. Mykolenko  is our … …
  3. There are 65 … in our school.
  4. IT  is my favourite school ...
  5. You can see a … Room on the ground floor.
  6. We have our PE lessons in the …


III. Make up a dialogue, using the following phrases


- As for me I`m fond of computers and I enjoy IT. Hurry up, Tom! The bell is ringing.  It`s Maths now.

- Hi, Tom! Where are you hurrying?

      - Yes, I do. My school is big and nice. And yours?

      -  I like PE because I`m good at sports. And what subject do you like?

      - Hi, Bob!

      - Do you like your school?

      - I`m going to school. I don`t like to be late for classes.

      - My school is not very big but it`s good. What is your favorite subject?

IV. Gap dictation

 Our lyceum is big and modern. There many … in it. We have 2 Computer …, a Science … and many other rooms. There is a … where our teachers can have a rest or check our exercise-books. Pupils leave their clothes in the … on the ground floor. You can see a big … … where we organize different meetings and festivals. Students can have lunch in a … and take books in the … . We can do sports in a big … . There is also a sport … in front of our lyceum. I like my school because it`s good.

11 березня
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