The sightseeing of London

Про матеріал
Дана презентація допоможе ознайомити учнів із відомими місцями Лондона. Діти матимуть змогу побачити ці місця та прочитати основні, цікаві відомості про них.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

The sightseeing of London

Номер слайду 2

The Houses of Parliament The Houses of Parliament The British Parliament sits in the Building which is called the Palace of Westminster . It’s also called the Houses of Parliament because there are two Houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons

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The Houses of Parliament

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The Houses of Parliament The view from the eastern side.

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Big Ben

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St. Paul’s Cathedral

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St. Paul’s Cathedral St. Paul’s Cathedral is one of the greatest English churches. It was rebuilt in 17centuries by Christopher Wren after The Great Fire.

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The Tower of London The Tower was built in 11thcentury. Since then it has been a royal palace, a prison, and a zoo. Today It’s a museum.

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Westminster Abbey It was founded in 11th century. Nearly all kings and queens have been crowned in the Abbey. G.Chauser, Ed. Spenser, Ch. Dickens and many others famous men were buired here.

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The monument to Queen Victoria The monument to queen Victoria Tower is the tallest (98.5m) square tower at the south-western end of the Palace. Now it is home to the Parliamentary Archives. Millions of government documents are kept here. A flag flies on the tower when Parliament is sitting during the day.

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The monument to Queen Victoria

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Buckingham Palace This is a place where British Queen and her family live This is a place where British Queen and her family live

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The National Portrait Gallery The entrance to the national Portrait Gallery in London

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The National Gallery It is an art museum and was founded in 1824. The collection counts over than 2,300 paintings, dating from 13th century

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Madame Tussaund’s Wax Museum It is an art museum and was founded in 1824. The collection counts over than 2,300 paintings.

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The model of the Royal Family in the Madam Tussand’s wax museum

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The model of Britny Spirth in the Madam Tussand’s wax musseum

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Piccadilly Circus The square in the central part of London

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Piccidally Circus

До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
23 березня 2020
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