Topic "Seredniy Maidan"

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Текст-опис для розповіді про своє рідне село до теми "Place were I live" для учнів середньої школи. Середній Майдан.

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                              Serdniy Maydan


Serdniy Maydan - Village Nadvirnianskiy district, Ivano-Frankivsk region.  

 The structure of the village include Vyshnivtsi and Glinka.

The population about 900 people.

 In the centre of village has a school of I-III levels, a library, a cultural center, health posts, savings bank, post office and 2 shops. In the village incorporated Greek Catholic Church "Holy Cross," Father Michael. Which rivers flow, and Lupushanka Tovmachyk. The village is very nice in the summer because the forest around the village. Many gardens are also fields where flowers bloom.

The village is known since the second half of the XVIII century. The entire territory of the modern Middle Maidana was once covered with impenetrable forests, where hiding runaway serfs. They are found lawn-squares.  From this came the name and villages: Maydan Gorishniy, Maydan Dolishniy,  Serdniy Maydan and Maidanyk.........

I like this village very math!

26 жовтня 2020
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