Travelling. Means of Transport.

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Матеріал присвячений темі "Подорожі". Текст містить назви транспортних засобів. Вправи націлені не тільки на засвоєння лексики по темі, але й на повторення ступенів порівняння прикметників, прийменників в контексті заданого топіку. В кінці матеріалу пропонуються питання для обговорення
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There are many ways of spending holidays. Some people like going to the country, others prefer sitting at home and watching TV all day long. But more and more people travel. There are many reasons for travelling. Some people travel on business, others travel to visit their families, but most people travel to see the world and different countries.
There are also a lot of ways of travelling. People can travel by car, by plane, by ship, by train or on foot.  -Travelling by plane is the fastest way of travelling. This is the best way to get to a foreign country fast. Modern planes are comfortable and it is very nice to fly to the destination point.
-The most comfortable way of travelling is by ship. There are swimming-pools, bars, restaurants and even shops on board of a modern liner. People enjoy spending time on the deck. Sunsets and sunrises are beautiful in the open sea. There are some disadvantages of travelling by ship. The main disadvantage is that travelling by ship is the most expensive way of travelling. Tickets cost a lot and some people cannot afford them. Some people can be sea-sick and this is another disadvantage.
-Travelling by train is popular now, too. People go from one city to another by train if the distance between them is too big, or if they do not have a car. Modern trains are also comfortable and travelling by train is convenient and one of the cheapest ways.
-My favourite way of travelling is travelling by car.  You can enjoy the view and this way of travelling is rather fast. You can travel to different cities and towns of your native country and even abroad.

-In summer I like travelling on foot. This way of travelling is called hiking. I take a tent, backpacks, food and start walking. This kind of travelling is slow, but you spend a lot of time outside and you do not have to think about tickets. During such hikes, one can see a lot of interesting places and meet new people.
If you decide to travel by any means of transport you'll have to prepare for the trip. If you travel by plane, train or ship, you have to book tickets in advance (or to book tickets beforehand). You can do this online or in a travel agency. If you travel by plane, you have to be at the airport two hours before an international flight and one hour before a domestic flight. The officers will check your luggage and you will have to get through the passport control. When you go by train, it is easier, because you have to go through ticket control only.
Travelling is always nice. It gives you an opportunity to see foreigners and interesting places. The more you travel, the more fun you get. I love travelling!


1.Знайди відповідь у тексті

-Reasons for travelling:

-Ways of travelling:

-The fastest way:

-The most comfortable:

-The most expensive way of travelling:

-One of the cheapest way of travelling:

-The ways to book tickets in advance:

-Advantages of travelling: by plane, by ship, by car

-Disadvantages of travelling: by plane, by ship, by car

2. Добери необхідний прийменник:

-Some people like going to the country, others prefer sitting … home.

- Some people travel … business.

- People can travel … car, … plane, … ship, … train or … foot. 

- People enjoy spending time … the deck.

- Sunsets and sunrises are beautiful … the open sea.

- You spend a lot … time outside.

- You can do this online or … a travel agency.

- You'll have to prepare … the trip.

- You have to book tickets … advance.

- You have to be … the airport two hours before an international flight.

- You will have to get … the passport control.


3. Використай необхідну ступінь порівняння прикметника

- Travelling by plane is the … (fast) way of travelling.

- By plane is the … (good) way to get to a foreign country fast.

- Travelling by train is convenient and one of the … (cheap) ways.

- The … (many/much)you travel, the ….(many/much) fun you get.

4. Створи словосполучення

-destination     travel      modern     to book     cheap/expensive       means of 

-liner     tickets      point      agency      way      transport 

5. Склади речення із словосполученнями із вправи 4.

6.Переклади на англійську

-Подорож на кораблі-найдорожча подорож.

-Мій улюблений спосіб подорожувати-це подорож машиною.

-Мені подобається проводити час на вулиці.

-Чим більше ми подорожуємо, тим більше розважаємось.

-Подорожі дають нам можливість побачити іноземні країни та красиві місця.

7. Питання

1. What are the ways of spending holidays?

2. What ways of travelling do you know?

3.How can you characterize each of them?

4. What is the cheapest way of travelling / the most expensive one?

5. What is your favourite way of travelling?Why?

8. Choose the correct preposition

1. When will we arrive _____ our destination?


2. What time can we check _____ at the hotel?


3. We'll check _____ from the hotel and then go to the airport.

To at out

4. They'll leave on Friday and come _____ a week later.

Out back through

5. I need to find _____ what time the train leaves.

Over out up

6. I want to get _____ for a while. Maybe travel to Hawaii.

Around away through

7. Let's get _____ the boat before it sails away!

With at on

8.A taxi will pick us _____ at the hotel.

Down up in

9. We need to wake _____ early to catch the train.

Away up back


Let’s talk

1. If you could go on holiday anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Why? What would you do there?

2. If you could go on holiday with a famous person (living or dead) who

would you go with? Why? What would you talk about?

3. Have you ever been on a safari? Would you like to go on one? Why?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of safari holidays?

4. Do you prefer holidays where you travel round and stay in different

places or do you prefer staying in one place? Why?

5. How important is it for young people to visit other countries?

6. How important is it to find out about the culture and customs of the

country you’re going to on holiday?





14 березня 2024
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