United Kingdom - вправи

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Завдання на закріплення лексики та граматики, а також країнознавчого матеріалу про Об'єднане Королівство.
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Task 1. Read the text and complete the following sentences:

  1. … is the official name of the state which is situated on the British Isles.
  2. The capital of Great Britain is …
  3. The capital of Scotland is …
  4. The capital of Northern Ireland is …
  5. The capital of Wales is …
  6. Ireland and Great Britain are separated by …
  7. The UK is separated from the continent by …
  8. The UK is washed by… in the west.
  9. The UK is washed by … in the east.


Task 2. Complete the following sentences making the right choice.

  1. The Union Jack is …
    1. the flag of the UK
    2. the flag of the USA
  1. English is spoken …
    1. all over Britain
    2. only in England
  1. The UK is the official name of the country situated …
    1. on the island which is called Great Britain
    2. on the British Isles
  1. Edinburgh is the capital of …
    1. Wales
    2. Scotland
  1. The independent Irish Republic is situated …
    1. in Northern Ireland
    2. on the smaller of the two biggest islands of the British Isles
  1. Great Britain and Ireland are separated by …
    1. the North Sea
    2. the Irish Sea
  1. The nearest point to Europe is …
    1. the Strait of Dover
    2. Dover
  1. The UK is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in …
    1. the north
    2. the west

Task 3. Fill in articles where necessary.

(1) ________ United Kingdom is situated on (2) ________ British Isles which are separated from (3) ________ continent by (4) _________English Channel and (5) _________Strait of Dover. (6) __________two main islands of (7) _________ British Isles are (8)_________Great Britain and (9) ________Ireland. (10) _______ England is situated in (11)________ south of (12) _______ Great Britain and (13) _______ Scotland in its (14) ________ north. (15)_______ two big islands are separated by (16) _______ Irish Sea.

K E Y:  (Task. 3)

1. the;   2. the;   3. the;   4. the ;   5. the;   6. the;   7. the;   8.-;  9.-;  10.-;

11. the;   12.- ;   13.-;    14.-;   15. the;   16. the


Task 4. Complete this text about Great Britain and learn it by heart.

Use the words:



     Great Britain is a (1) …. country, a kingdom in (2) …. Europe. It lies on several islands and has a (3) …. of about 57 mln people. Great Britain’s capital is (4)…. and the national currency is a (5) …. . (6) …. is the language that people speak in the country.

     The climate in Great Britain is very (7) …. . There are a lot of (8) …. falling out all the year round. The wind brings rain from the (9) …. Ocean. Snow only (10) …. occasionally and doesn’t stay for long except in the (11) …. of Scotland. The usual (12) …. in England and Wales are + 4°C in January and + 16°C in July and August.

     A lot of tourists come to Great Britain every year to do some (13) …. in its big and small towns.









Task 5. Match the words in the two columns to say what these places are 

             famous for. Make notes to remember.

Example: London is famous for its places of interest.


The places of interest:

the Lake District, Hadrian’s Wall, Stonehenge,  Land’s End,

Cambridge and Oxford, Heathrow, Greenwich, Liverpool, Stratford-upon-Avon.



  1. the biggest airport in England
  2. a group of huge stones of pre-historic times
  3. the fact it is the most westerly [‘west(ə)lɪ] point in the country
  4. the fact that it was built by Romans
  5. its 12th century universities
  6. its lakes and beautiful scenery
  7. the fact that it is the home town of Beatles
  8. the fact that it is Shakespeare’s place of birth
  9. Greenwich Observatory, the zero meridian of longitude passes through it.



Task 6. Match the country and its symbol.

Countries of the UK:  England,   Wales,   Ireland,   Scotland

Symbols: Daffodil,   Rose,   Shamrock,   Thistle




Task 7. Answer the questions.

  1. What is the official name of Great Britain now?
  2. What parts does the UK consist of and what are their capitals?
  3. What is the national symbol (emblem) of England (Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)?
  4. What is the British flag called? Why?
  5. What are the names of two main islands of the British Isles?
  6. What separates Great Britain from the continent?
  7. What do we call the narrowest part of the English Channel?
  8. Why is the UK called an island state?
  9. What do we call people who were born in Britain? In Scotland? In Wales? In Ireland?
  10. Is English the only language people speak in the UK?
  11. What is the Union Jack? What does the Union Jack look like and what does it symbolize?
  12. What language is spoken in Scotland? In Wales? In Ireland?
  13. How big is London compared with other cities?
  14. How does the scenery change across the country?
  15. What is the British climate like?
  16. What is the English weather like?
  17. What is Stratford-upon-Avon famous for?
  18. What is Oxford famous for? Cambridge?
  19. What is Liverpool famous for?
  20. What is Lake District famous for?










Great Britain.Text for beginners with map






The UK and its parts on the map







31 березня 2020
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