Урок англійської мови для 6 класу за темою "Знову до школи. Літні спогади" скадений до підручника А. Несвіт і відповідає навчальній програмі. Містить лексичні та граматичні завдання. Матеріал допоможе вчителю провести цікавий урок з даної теми.
Тема. Знову до школи. Літні спогади
– навчальна: активізувати ЛО теми; навчати розповідати про свої уподобання за допомогою конструкції І like/I don’t like; повторити граматичний матеріал: артиклі, Past Simple
– розвивальна: практикувати учнів у монологічному мовленні; продовжувати формувати навички аудіювання;
– виховна: виховувати інтерес до шкільного життя й навчання
Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, картки для роботи в парах, для індивідуальної роботи, малюнок літа
1. Привітання.
T: Hello! How are you today?
Ps: We are fine, thank you!
2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
Т: Today we'll continue our talk about summer holidays and practice discussing your summer adventures. Besides, you’ll remember how to use articles.
3. Перевірка домашнього завдання.
Ex. 7 p. 7.
Учні розігрують діалоги.
4. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу. Warming up.
Гра «A Story»
Учитель або один з учнів розпочинає розповідь про події минулого літа. Решта ставить йому запитання до кожного речення. Перемагає той учень, який поставить запитання, на яке відповідач не зможе відповісти. Наприклад:
P1: Last summer I went to the seaside.
P2: Was the weather warm?
P3: Yes, it was even hot. I swam to the sea every day.
1. Повторення й активізація лексичного матеріалу.
Name the acts you usually do at the school.
2. Повторення й відпрацювання граматичного матеріалу.
1) Бесіда з учнями
T: What articles can you name? Which of them is definite/indefinite? What is the difference between the article a and an? What rules about using articles do you know?
2) Гра «Повітряні кульки»
T: Work in groups. Draw lines and match. The fastest group wins.
3. Розвиток умінь мовлення.
1) Рольова гра.
Учні в парах, користуючись поданими мовними зразками, складають та інсценують міні-діалоги.
Use the prompts to complete the dialogue. What time do you need to use to tell about past events? (Past Simple)
Bluelake Summer Camp
Morning activities: swimming, Art classes, sport competitions
Afternoon activities: canoeing, horse riding
Evening activities: playing games around campfire, having a barbecue.
- Hello, Vickie! How did you like two weeks in a simmer camp?
- I liked it very much. We had many interesting to do there. In the morning some of us usually ____________ or ______________, some children also ____________. Then in the afternoon we _________________ or ___________________.
- You didn’t have time for boredom.
- No, I didn’t. But everybody was looking forward to the evening because in the evening we _______________ and ____________.
- I’d like to go there with you next time!
- OK! Why not?
2) Гра «Group Survey»
T: Now you are going to make a group survey: you’ll find out what your classmates did in summer.
Учитель поділяє клас на групи по 4-5 дітей і роздає картки з таблицею, де написані основні місця відпочинку.
How many people in your group… |
Went to the seaside? |
Had a rest in a summer camp? |
Travelled abroad? |
Took a sightseeing tour? |
Went on a sea voyage? |
Learned to do something new? |
1. Homework
Ex. 8 p. 7.
2. Summary
Tell about your summer holidays. Where did you travel? Who you went with? What did you do there? What did you like/didn’t like about your trip? Your home task is to write about it.
Bluelake Summer Camp
Morning activities: swimming, Art classes, sport competitions
Afternoon activities: canoeing, horse riding
Evening activities: playing games around campfire, having a barbecue.
- Hello, Vickie! How did you like two weeks in a simmer camp?
- I liked it very much. We had many interesting to do there. In the morning some of us usually ____________ or ______________, some children also ____________. Then in the afternoon we _________________ or ___________________.
- You didn’t have time for boredom.
- No, I didn’t. But everybody was looking forward to the evening because in the evening we _______________ and ____________.
- I’d like to go there with you next time!
- OK! Why not?
Bluelake Summer Camp
Morning activities: swimming, Art classes, sport competitions
Afternoon activities: canoeing, horse riding
Evening activities: playing games around campfire, having a barbecue.
- Hello, Vickie! How did you like two weeks in a simmer camp?
- I liked it very much. We had many interesting to do there. In the morning some of us usually ____________ or ______________, some children also ____________. Then in the afternoon we _________________ or ___________________.
- You didn’t have time for boredom.
- No, I didn’t. But everybody was looking forward to the evening because in the evening we _______________ and ____________.
- I’d like to go there with you next time!
- OK! Why not?
How many people in your group… |
Went to the seaside? |
Had a rest in a summer camp? |
Travelled abroad? |
Took a sightseeing tour? |
Went on a sea voyage? |
Learned to do something new? |
How many people in your group… |
Went to the seaside? |
Had a rest in a summer camp? |
Travelled abroad? |
Took a sightseeing tour? |
Went on a sea voyage? |
Learned to do something new? |
How many people in your group… |
Went to the seaside? |
Had a rest in a summer camp? |
Travelled abroad? |
Took a sightseeing tour? |
Went on a sea voyage? |
Learned to do something new? |
How many people in your group… |
Went to the seaside? |
Had a rest in a summer camp? |
Travelled abroad? |
Took a sightseeing tour? |
Went on a sea voyage? |
Learned to do something new? |
How many people in your group… |
Went to the seaside? |
Had a rest in a summer camp? |
Travelled abroad? |
Took a sightseeing tour? |
Went on a sea voyage? |
Learned to do something new? |