Козир Анна Сергіївна, вчитель англійської мови, спеціаліст ІІ категорії. Англійська мова. 7 клас Тема: «My favourite recipe» Тип уроку: комбінований. Урок систематизації і узагальнення знань з теми. Вид уроку: Урок англійської мови з використанням елементів кінезіології та критичного мислення Наскрізна лінія: Підприємливість та фінансова грамотність Ключові компетентності: спілкування іноземною мовою, соціальна та громадянська компетентності, інформаційно-цифрова компетентність, ініціативність і підприємливість, обізнаність та самовираження у сфері культури. Цілі уроку.
Методичні прийоми: бесіда, імітація зразка, хорове повторення за вчителем, побудова речень за схемою, складання діалогів. Обладнання: підручник, зошит, дошка, смарт дошка, малюнки, друковані матеріали, комп’ютер, смартфон, відеоролик, аудіо записи
Початок уроку
Greetings (Привітання. Введення в англомовну атмосферу. Мовленнєва та фонетична розминки) |
Teacher |
Good morning,children! |
pupils |
Good morning, teacher! |
Teacher |
I am glad to see you! How are you? |
pupils |
We are fine, thank you! |
Teacher |
Are you ready for the lesson? |
pupils |
Yes! We are! |
Teacher |
Before our lesson starts, I want you to do some warming-up! Ok, are you ready? The task is easy: repeat the actions and the words after me! (Кінезіологічна вправа на розвиток уваги та позитивний настрій, 5) |
Teacher pupils |
It’s time to think (тримаються за лоб та потилицю) It’s time to speak (висовують язик) It’s time to listen (труть вуха) It’s time to show (водять очима) Ready, steady, go! (хлопають у долоні) (повторють 3 рази, з кожним разом швидше) |
Teacher |
Are you ready? |
pupils |
Yes, we are! |
ІІ Основна частина уроку. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку. Warming Up. Announcing of the topic |
Дзвонить мобільний |
Teacher |
I am sorry, one moment, please. It’s my colleague calling! Що? Як це закрито? Точно? (йду щдо дверей, ) Точно! Не знаю! |
Teacher |
I have unusual news for you. Our door is locked. |
(голос у запису говорить, що зібрав і закрив у класі учнів, щоб довести, що навчання може бути цікавим за допомогою гаджетів. Дав нам 45 хвилин на виконання завдань) |
I got you all together in the classroom and locked the door……. |
Teacher |
Maybe, it is a quest. |
pupils |
Maybe |
Teacher |
Ok, pupils, Would you like to do the quest? |
pupils |
Of course! |
Teacher |
Ok, do you know the rules of the quest? |
pupils |
Yes, we do. We often visit the quest room in our city. |
Teacher |
Ok, repeat the task again, please. (звертаюся до запису) |
voice |
If you sit on the chairs, you will not find the first task. |
Teacher |
Look under your chairs! Have you found anything there? |
pupil |
Yes, I’ve found something! |
Teacher |
Ok, what is it? |
pupil |
It is a USB- Card |
Teacher |
Yes, let`s see, what is on the USB- Card? |
` |
(вставляю флешку) |
pupil |
There are Instagrammphotos. |
Teacher |
What can you see in these photos? |
pupil |
There are recipes of healthy food. |
Teacher |
It`s very interesting. What will we talk about today? |
pupil |
About healthy food |
pupil |
About healthy |
pupil |
About food |
Teacher |
Yes, you are right. About food
Teacher |
But before, we must do one exercise “Eye is a traveler” (Кінезіологічна вправа, 5) Hang in various angles and walls of the class various drawings of fruits and vegetables. Starting position - standing. Without turning head to find with your eyes one or another subject called a teacher (відгадують загадки та шукають ці предмети очима навколо себе) |
Teacher |
Listen to me and finish: Тут сказав нам дядько Круз: Сiк відмінний, сiк - це… juice Яєць десяток купила Пег Яйця по-англійскі… eggs. Що як риба ти мовчиш? Риба по-англійскі… fish. Любить мед мій братик Даня, Мед звичайно буде… honey. Чаєм з цукром пригощу я друга, цукoр по-англійскі… sugar. Дуже любить хліб Фред, Хліб по-англійскі… bread. Як бачить м'ясо, кіт мурчить, М'ясо по-англійскі… meat. Кіло сиру з'їв кiт Маркiз, Сир, сирочок буде … cheese. Very good, children! (6) |
(Перевірка домашнього завдання, 2) |
Teacher |
Your home task was to read the text on p.77 ,Ex. 3 |
My name’s Lucy. I’m from Kharkov, Ukraine. I usually cook at home once or twice a week. Cooking’s my hobby. I cook for my family of four people. I always prepare a lot. They all like my food! Especially pizza, spaghetti, and other Italian food. I spend about an hour on each meal. My mother doesn’t help me! She’s very busy. Today I can share the recipe of an omelet |
Teacher |
Complete the sentences, please (учні доповнюють речення) |
pupil |
Lucy usually cooks ... a week. a three times b once or twice c once 2 She spends ... on each meal. а an hour b half an hour c an hour and a half 3 Her mother ... helps her. a usually b always c never 4 Lucy shares the recipé of ... a Italian spaghetti b a pizza c an omelet |
Teacher |
Yes, you are right. Can we make up a similar recipe? |
pupils |
Yes. We can. |
Активізація лексичного матеріалу. Short discussion. |
Teacher |
(Viber) |
голос |
We ‘ve got an SMS in Viber. It is the second task of the quest. Children, read it, please. |
(The pupils read the SMS) |
голос |
Look at the picture and answer my question? What is there in your classroom? |
Teacher |
What is there in our classroom? |
pupisl |
We have a flower. |
Teacher |
Ok, …... look , what is there behind the flower? |
(знаходить корзину з продуктами) |
pupil |
I‘ve found, it is the basket with products |
Teacher |
Nice, choose and take any product. We have 1 minute. What is there in the basket? |
pupils |
(Називають ) |
pupil |
There is a cabbage |
pupil |
There is a carrot |
pupil |
There is a beet |
pupil |
There is an onion |
pupil |
There are some peas |
pupil |
There are some potatoes |
pupil |
There is some milk |
pupil |
There are some eggs. |
pupil |
There is some butter |
pupil |
There is some cottage cheese |
pupil |
There is some sour cream |
Teacher |
Who has chosen the vegetables? Sit down at this table. Your cooking surface is red. (зі своїми продуктами) |
Teacher |
Who has chosen the dairy products? Sit down at this table. Your cooking surface is yellow. And let‘s play the game „Delicious English“ |
Teacher pupil |
What can we cook from these products? |
We can cook borshch from vegetables. |
Teacher |
But your team has some peas. |
pupil |
We can cook salad from vegetables. |
Teacher |
Ok. Your team cooks salad today |
Teacher |
What can we cook from these products? |
pupil |
We can cook a pie from dairy products. |
pupil |
But soon we'll celebrate Shrovetide. And I think we can make pancakes from these products. Ok? |
Teacher |
But, we have few products! And we have no recipes. |
голос |
(аудіозапис) Go to the shop! And do the next task |
Teacher |
What products do you need? |
pupil |
We need some flour , sugar, and salt |
Teacher |
and what about you? |
pupil |
We need some oil, cucumbers, and spinach . |
Teacher |
Ok. Write down the list of products! Take the task sheet number1 and write down the list of products. You have 1 minute. |
(пишуть список продуктів) |
Teacher |
Ok, pupils, our Supermarket has a promotion. If you buy some products, you get some stickers. And then you can get a recipe book. |
Teacher |
You got some money for your good job at the last lesson. Do you have them today? |
pupil |
Yes, we do. |
Діалогічне мовлення |
Teacher |
Take the second task sheet, role-play the situation in pairs and then exchange the roles!You have 3 minutes |
Good morning Hello! Can I help you? Yes, please. I need 200 gr. of flour Anything else? How much is sugar? 5 Eurikens Well, 250 gr of sugar, please Is that all? No, I need some salt. Here you are. Thank you. How much is that? 15 Euriken. Here you are, thank you very much. Good bye. Good bye.
Teacher |
Ok. Do you have all the products? |
pupil |
Yes, we do. |
Teacher |
Ok. Name all the products you have. |
pupil |
We have some potatoes, a beet, a carrot, an onion, a cucumber, some oil, some peas and a cabbage. |
Teacher |
What products do you have? |
pupil |
Our team has some flour, some milk, eggs, some cottage cheese, some butter, some salt and some sugar |
Teacher |
There are the letters on the stickers. Make up the words. You have one minute. |
Teacher |
What is the word? |
pupil |
Cake |
Teacher |
What about yours? |
pupil |
Sugar |
Teacher |
The teams must exchange the stick books for the recipe books. |
Teacher |
I like cakes! And you? What do you like? |
pupil |
I like candies |
pupil |
And you? |
pupil |
I like ice-cream |
Teacher |
And you? |
pupil |
I like jelly |
pupil |
And I like jelly candies |
Teacher |
Jelly candies? Ok. Stand up please! Let’s have a rest and dance with gummy bears. Do as I do! |
Physical exercises. (Фізкульхвилинка з елементами кінезіології, 5, 7) |
Активізація лексичного матеріалу |
Teacher |
Оk |
Teacher |
Ok, Good job! You are great. Now you have all products. But this is not enough. Look at the window. What it is? |
pupil |
It is a cloud! |
Teacher |
Yes, look at the screen, please. It is a sweet Wordcloud. Find only adjectives and name them |
pupil |
sour |
pupil |
bitter |
pupil |
sweet |
pupil |
salty |
pupil |
spicy |
Teacher |
Yes, it is great! What is sweet? |
pupil |
Choсolate is sweet . |
Teacher |
Ok. |
Teacher |
Look at the screen, group up the words to match the pictures |
Teacher |
and tell, What is sweet, What is salty, What is sour, and what is spicy. |
(сортують картинки до слів на Learning Apps, 3) https://learningapps.org/display?v=pi63iqvv519 |
Teacher |
Ok! Good job. What have you reviced? |
pupil |
We‘ve reviced products |
pupil |
We‘ve reviced tastes |
Teacher |
Ok! |
Teacher |
Look at the table. Have you a recipe book? |
pupil |
Yes, we have |
Teacher |
Open the recipe book at page …. |
Teacher |
What have you found there? |
pupil |
There are Codes. |
Teacher |
Ok. What is the next task? Let ‘s remembers the verbs The verb mix, (дальше дети вспоминают) |
pupils |
peel, slice, mash, mix, boil, chop, pour, cut, fry. |
Teacher |
OK, take the Codes, look at the screen and choose the correct answer. (робота з Плікерс, 4) https://www.plickers.com/library |
pupils |
When the water (boils) add the rice. Vegetables should be stored in cool (dry) place. You should always (wash) fruit before eating it. Heat the oil in a large pan and (fry) the onion for 5 minutes. (chop) the meat into small cubes. Add the egg and (mix) with sugar. (Pour) the mixture into a dish. |
Teacher |
Ok. We can see your progress on the screen! Great! |
Listening. Активізація навичок учнів в аудіюванні |
(дзінок по скайпу) |
Teacher |
Оh, I understood. It is our former student. |
Teacher |
Listen attentively! What does she ask to do? |
запис |
(запис) |
Teacher |
Pupils, listen again and answer the questions. What does Katya want to cook? What products does she have ? |
pupil |
Katya wants to cook a cake and salad. |
Teacher |
What kind of products does she have for the cake? |
pupil |
She has some milk, eggs, sugar and oil. |
pupil |
and cottage cheese. |
Teacher |
All right! You have too these products, too |
Teacher |
What products does she have for the salad? |
pupil |
She has potatoes, …….. |
Teacher |
Ok. Can we help Katya? |
pupil |
Yes. She asks to write down the recipe |
Writing (Письмо) |
Teacher |
Ok. This team writes down the salad recipe and the other team writes down the cake recipe. You have sheets of paper on the tables. Write down the recipes. You have 5 minutes. |
(Учні пишуть, грає спокійна музика)
Teacher |
Ok, Can you present your recipes ? |
(презентують свої рецепти ) |
запис голосу |
Good! You, guys, are great. We’ve done all the tasks ( звук відкриття дверей) |
pupil |
(діти радіють) Hurray! |
Teacher |
Our lesson is over. Tell me, please, what you did at the lesson today. |
pupil |
We baked the cake. |
pupil |
We cooked the salad. |
pupil |
We went shopping to the supermarket. And we helped Katya |
pupil |
We wrote the recipes and presented them, as well. |
Заключна частина уроку Summary (Рефлексія. Кінезіологічна вправа Mirror drawing, 5) |
Teacher |
Well, I baked the pie, too. Have a look! It is on the board I like our lesson very much. And you? On the desk in front of each student, a sheet with dotted lines, I ask you to choose, if you liked our lesson, you draw strawberries, and if not lemon, take a pencil in each hand. Then draw symmetrical drawings with both hands and stick them to the board |
Teacher |
Open your diaries and write down your homework: make up and write down the recipe of your favorite dish. |
Teacher |
Your answers were great at the lesson! You were very active. |
Teacher |
Our lesson is over! |
Teacher |
Good bye, pupils! |
pupils |
Good bye, teacher |
Навчально-методичні та інформаційні ресурси:
1. |
Навчальні програми з іноземних мов для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. 1-7 класи. – Київ: Видавничий дім «Освіта», 2012. – 96 с. |
2. |
Англійська мова: підручник для 7-го класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів з вивченням англійської мови. / М.Є. Ростоцька, О. Д. Карпюк. – Тернопіль: Астон, 2015. – 256 с. |
3. |
Додаток Web 2.0 LearningApps [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: https://learningapps.org/display?v=pi63iqvv519 |
4. |
Додаток в Google Play – Plickers[Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: https://www.plickers.com/library |
5. |
Кінезіологічні вправи [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: https://naurok.com.ua/post/navchalna-kineziologiya-prosta-gimnastika-dlya-mozku |
6. |
Вірші-загадки [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: https://kopilkaurokov.ru/angliiskiyYazik/uroki/obobshchaiushchiiurokpotiemieieda |
7. |
Фізкультхвилинка [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=astISOttCQ0 |